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My brother & I just cleaned out his father's house, had a garage sale, Took a week, had the interior painted and tossed it on the market, sold in 3 days. You just have to dig in, toss and donate. They took what they wanted to AL and the rest was disposed of, one way or another. This is the third clean out I've had to do, all three homes were a mess. Now I just approach these things as a job. If you are overwhelmed hire a crew, take what you want and let them dispose of the rest.
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I cleared out my parent's house very much as others have described but my Dad's office and also his workshop were different. In the workshop, I broke down and wept at the sight of all his tools and the distinctive smell of the place where he had made and fixed and invented so many things. Eventually I invited the grandchildren to take what they wanted. My son took a lot of his Grandad's tools and still uses them. A neighbour teenager also took most that was left.

Dad's office was another story. I discovered things about my Dad I never knew. Good things, like his unwavering letter writing campaign on social justice issues he cared about, his journal when he drove from Mombasa to Kampala in 1955, notes and letters that told me so much. That room took longer than the rest of the rooms combined but what a treasure trove!

The canoe Dad made and the sailboat he built from a kit went on the front lawn with a FREE sign and were gone in an hour to a very excited family who live on a small inland lake.
Helpful Answer (6)
Invisible Jun 2019
That is so satisfying.
The clearing out can be as simple as a hauler in your town. You will want someone in antique or collectibles business, even someone who sells on some forum such as Etsy, to come through after you choose things family wants as remembrance. Do you have relatives to help handle things, say THIS clearing out thing. You can have several realtors come to assess the home. Are you the only living relative. Was there a will or trust and are you executor. If not you would have to file on his death and be assigned. A visit to an elder law attorney would help you enormously. Try to remember that this doesn't have to be done ASAP. Step one is to get yourself made the one in charge of his "estate". Step two is to pay any creditors he owes and to find out what his assets are. His mail coming over the next month will tell you a lot. The house is the least of it. Choose the things you want to keep and let the haulers, who make a bit of cash off what they sell after, take the rest away. Wishing you good luck. Keep us posted while you go on. There is a book recommended here sometimes that is good, about 12.00 on amazon, called Please Don't Die, but if you Kurt Grube. It has good practical information. GOOD LUCK.
Helpful Answer (1)

Good morning,

I have two suggestions for someone faced with doing this alone:

1) Call local churches to see if they have a ministry that collects and distributes second-hand or donated items. My church has one, and they are always reminding people to donate. If your local church has this type of ministry, I would tell them about your problem and ask them if you could have some volunteers to help you clear out your father’s home in return for donating unwanted items to the ministry. I know, at our church, that they would jump at the chance.

2) Call a few local high schools. Many students are always looking for community service hours to fulfill the requirements of an honors degree

You have had some excellent suggestions to your original post. I hope they help. Let us know how you are doing.
Helpful Answer (6)
Invisible Jun 2019
A woman in my father's building works in ministry helping homeless people move into living spaces and she was happy to take lots of kitchen stuff.
There is a company called “GotJunk” that will bring a truck and 2 guys to your place to haul away junk. We used it in Massachusetts to have an old broken refrigerator carted off. And again in Ohio to have an old freezer carted away. They had to haul the big freezer out of the basement. They charge by the item and give you a quote. 300 dollars to cart away some huge items was a godsend. It had been taking up space for 20 years cause we couldn’t move it
Helpful Answer (4)

To add to my previous posting, I had the Realtor start showing the house before I had all of the furniture out. Since the house was being sold "as is", I didn't even do any painting or replacing of rugs [did have the rug cleaned to get that "old smell" out of the house.

The listing noted the house was being sold "as is" and that the price reflected that the house needed updating. My parents were the type [and so am I], don't replace anything unless it cannot be fixed.

A flipper purchased the house and even offered for me to leave whatever furniture that was left over. The flipper went in and ripped out all of the old carpeting and put in place hardwood flooring. He totally gut the kitchen and reconfigured it. Same with the master bathroom. So I am glad I didn't do any updating, painting, or replacing of carpets.

The contract price was excellent. The flipper was happy, my Dad [who was now living in senior living] was happy. It was a win-win :)

This can vary from area to area. Lot of flippers hungry for houses that need updating here in the Washington DC burbs.
Helpful Answer (5)
anonymous828521 Jun 2019
That sounds like a 👍 great way to do it! Agree: renovations (just for quick sale) aren't the answer, for my place anyway. "As-is"= music to my ears, lol.
My way was not quick. It was my husband's stuff and also my stuff that I did not need any more.

Amazingly, in 3 years, I donated $9000.00 worth of stuff. I priced the things according to Goodwill's price list. Lots of clothing but other things, too. At tax time, this helped me reduce my taxes. I itemized and recorded all donations. This was all "little" stuff. It went to VVA -American veterans. They came with a truck a few times and took the stuff away. I did not have to put it in my car and take it there.

A whole woodworking shop of equipment-- I negotiated with a person who was starting out with his own business of doing repairs and building. He did it in trade for doing work on our house. I had to sell it and move to a much smaller place.

Using ads in the newspaper, I sold our garden tractor, hauling trailer, air compressor, pressure washer, chain saw, etc.

Family came to help and took many tools, etc.  but hey did not want the bigger machines. I had hoped these would stay in the family. Darn. Very sad for me to part with.

His car-I sold. I did not need it. A local friend who owned a garage helped find a person to buy it.

When I moved, I had to put stuff in a storage unit. I just moved the leftovers to my own garage. Stuff I wanted to have. Even some of this will be donated or trashed.

My husband did not die. Recently, he "just" went to a nursing home. His stroke was 13 years ago and he lived with me for most of that time. Getting rid of all this was very hard. I did it little by little. Finally, I am getting to the end of this process.

Helpful Answer (9)

You might try hoarder cleaning service: example:
Helpful Answer (3)
Zdarov Jun 2019
Never heard of that, but it figures!
You are dealing with a lot. There are estate sale companies that will come in, go through your stuff and sell it for a commission. They then arrange for removal of left over things, you get a check and it’s a done deal. Ask for referrals if you go this route as you want a reputable company. This was the most cost effective option I found to deal with the stuff, emptying the house and help to pay for final expenses. Good luck as you move through this chapter of life.
Helpful Answer (3)

I am reading this thread while sitting in my Dad’s place. Dad is 90, a hoarder and stuff needs to be moved out. To complicate things, the house is in a remote location, the property it in a trust with my brother and I as Remaindermen, so selling is not an option.

Because of the remote location it all falls on my brother and me. Dad will ‘let’ me dispose of old food in the cupboards, but not the stashes he has around the house. The house is just under 1000 sq/f and he has stocked up for the apocalypse. I did toss 4 bags of WW flour that were 10+ years and rancid.

Dad gets incredibly anxious when we try to even get rid of old newspapers. My brother can with work convince him to let some things go. But if I suggest anything Dad gets angry.

As well as the house there are 3 sheds and about 1/4 acre to go through. A couple years ago he had our wonderful handyman Barry, organize a shed, but he would not allow 4 old broken appliances to go. Anyone need a 60 year old fridge a 70 year old wringer washer and a couple old stoves? Did I mention old cars? Travel trailers? 1000’s of books, mostly economic theory, biographies of world leaders, gardening and old text books.

Now, I admit to hoarding tendencies too. Earlier this spring I hired a declutterer and Carolin has been a godsend. I pay her $60/hour and she is worth every penny. She is also helping me with organizing. We do the keep, and put away, an important step, donate, she takes it at the end of the day, and toss, which we take to the dump the next day.

I recently met a woman who augments her income by having garage sales. I will be dropping off the donate items to her.

If there is any money available to you, hire helpers. It is always easier to go through a stranger’s stuff than your own, or stuff that may trigger memories. Volunteers are great if you can find them.

Going through my own home with Carolin has let me see it from another point of view. If she asks about an item that triggers me, I tell her I will turn my back and she can make it disappear.

I am a quilter and sewer, so I have fabric, patterns, notions, thread out the wazoo. I met a woman who runs an Home Ec program at a school in an impoverished neighbourhood. I will be boxing up a bunch of stuff her her program next week.
Helpful Answer (4)
Isthisrealyreal Jun 2019
Tothill, old wringer washers make the coolest flower pots.

Think yard art with some of these items.

Old fridges make wonderful worm farms for composting. Eady to control the temp and moisture.

I am drooling over the items you named.

I guess it boils down to perspective with all the stuff.
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I am so sorry for your loss. If there is Junk King in your city, I would suggest calling them. They will come and pack everything up and take it away. They can give you an estimate and pack up everything and take it away the same day. We used them for my parents' townhome and they were wonderful.
Helpful Answer (2)

I am in a similar boat.
My mom passed and I inherited the house.The basement alone should be on an episode of Hoarders.

It is solely my responsibility to remedy the situation and the task is overwhelming.

I am aware of companies that will assist me,but I can hear my mom saying,"Don't you let anybody go through my things,or my items aren't for roaming eyes to gander.
Helpful Answer (6)

First of all, Im so sorry for your loss. I was in a similar situation when my mother passed away. She was luckily a clean freak and everything in her home was so well organized. The hardest part for me was actually going through her things. It was hard emotionally. The first step i took was going through her closet and took all over her pants out and put them in trash bags to donate. That was my first step because i knew that i couldnt fit into her pants and so to me that was easiest. At the time of my moms passing I had just moved from my place to her place so her 2 car garage was full of my stuff. So i literally went room by room. And the things that were in a certain room that were just too much for me to handle at the time i skipped. But everyday i tried to do something. At the beginning I didnt want to get rid of anything. I wanted to keep everything. Just because it reminded me of her. I had to move shortly after her passing so I was forced to go through things quickly and alone. What i did was donate a ton of stuff. But the things that I couldnt exactly let go of I just boxed up and would go through it later. After the move I must say I went through a box a day to try and get rid of things that I knew i did not need. As time went by and realizing that I have a house full of stuff that I dont need, Going through items later was much more easier. I did find myself at the beginning going through certain items and it would be so emotional for me that it took me all day just to go through one thing. Thats when i started skipping the items that i couldnt deal with right away. Start with the stuff that you know you wont need to spend much time on. Things that are not special to you. If you have a ton of items that you think is worth money and you need the money i would advise really thinking about the time it will take to sell it and store it, would it be worth it?...Donate and get a tax deduction. Also I dont know what area you are from but i know the trash pick up will come and pick up a couple of huge loads of stuff for free. Just remember to not over do yourself. If you have time, take it day by day. It's already an emotional time for you and stressful time having to deal with losing a loved one and then having all the things that go along with it afterwards. Remember to breathe and go at your pace. Hope everything works out for you and again Im so sorry for your loss.
Helpful Answer (8)

Sorry if this has already been suggested, but there are auction houses that do estate sales. Take what you want, schedule the estate sale/auction, and they will come and organize the whole house, you will probably make enough to pay for them to haul away whatever is left. Many places have people who are experienced with dealing with loss, and they understand.
i wish I had done that first. Another option- I gave the key to my dads neighbors and I asked them if they knew anyone in need (because I live 3 hours away). They came over every night, packed boxes to donate to the Girl Scouts, etc... and they managed to get rid of a 5 bedroom house worth of stuff with 2 kitchens! You’d be amazed at how many people would love to take dining room sets, appliances, couches etc. any college student will come! If you have a trusted neighbor, it would be a good option, just make sure you’re ok with letting everything go. (Take what you want, and let family take what they’d like first) good luck!
Helpful Answer (3)

Realtors are a good resource for people to help you clear out and clean the house. They are usually small business owners so they don’t charge you an arm and a leg. I just did my mom’s house. Even with all of the help I lost 17 pounds organizing and putting the house up for sale:)
Helpful Answer (4)

I think your clean out process depends on 1)how much time you have, & 2) how much attachment you, (or family), have to the contents. Myself, I prioritized useful papers (documents) & any sentimental pieces I would keep. Then I asked friends to help me throw away stuff, &take any furniture, or tools, ect they wanted. Finally, the estate guy was a waste of time so I called goodwill who took large items, & bagged clothing or linens. I only had 3 weeks to get it all out of my mother's apartment, or owe another $900. It was snowing like hell 2 days after Christmas, & Goodwill came through for me. I got in trouble for filling up all the dumpsters though, lol. Good luck.
Helpful Answer (3)

I cleared my mother’s house after she’d moved into a carehome. I don’t know how, but I methodically and with little emotion went through every room on my own, keeping anything personal and throwing anything I didn’t want in my house in a big skip. It worked for me.
We then got a house clearance who was amazing and took all the furniture to an auction.
It was a much easier task than I thought. Probably made easier that my mum is still alive.
I wish you luck and strength. You will be fine.
Helpful Answer (4)

I had the same when my mother passed away.  It is overwhelming but there is help.  I called an auction house and they came and picked up a lot of the furniture for an auction.  The auction house will take a percentage of the furniture sold and then send you a check for the other.  I then got in touch with 1800GOTJUNK.  They came in and removed anything I asked them to, and there was a lot of stuff to be thrown away.  There fee is pretty reasonable, and they are excellent at the job.  I gave a lot of things to different charities.  Many charities come and pick up the items you want to donate. 
Sorry about the passing of your father.  I know how overwhelming it is!! Hope this has helped a little.
Helpful Answer (3)
Invisible Jun 2019
Having a devil of a time getting charities to come get donated furniture. They either want you to bring it in or pay them to pick it up. Last fall, they told me they had all the furniture they needed for the rest of the year!
I didn't have time to read all the posts, I have only one idea. The lady at my bank said that sometimes older people hide money in old prescription bottles. Most of them are the right height. So, so through prescription bottles before you toss them.

If you are unsure how much something is worth, find out. For example, my late Aunt had about 6 fur stoles and jackets. They were worth nothing. The store in Las Vegas that sold fur coats wouldn't even let me bring them in to look at them.
Helpful Answer (6)
Shell38314 Jun 2019
I have heard of that before!
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Had two good friends come and help me clean out my mom’s house. When I started getting emotional about items they would get me back on track, “ are you keeping the item or donating it”. Hope you have a few good friends that can help you.
Helpful Answer (6)

I cleaned out my parents' home of 50 years with some help from my mother's housecleaner. My father had died a year and a half before we moved mom to assisted living. It took me a month of daily work, except for taking Thanksgiving off. I donated clothing to a nearby church that had a used clothing store, donated religious books to mom's pastor and church family, saved some china for a cousin, a few keepsakes for my sister and me, shredded papers, put what my mother wanted to take into a U-Haul and trashed everything else. You may find that there is little to nothing worth keeping, so I encourage you to toss with abandon. I could have rented a large dumpster and filled it, but it turned out I could get rid of it all bit by bit. Unfortunately, there was no recycling service in their small town. Afterwards, we cleaned the house and left everything in it for an auction service. The sum total from that came to $1,500. If your parent had a relationship with a religious organization, they might be willing to come help you. Otherwise, you may have to hire help. Just be careful to keep all important documents secured and out of sight.
Helpful Answer (4)

I'm sorry for your loss. I lost my mother 2 years ago and I just started going threw things for my father because it is so overwhelming and emotional. My sister was up and helped a little going threw my mother's jewelry and deciding what we wanted. We also had some fun. It was good. I wasn't sure I wanted to but glad we did. Take it a little at a time.
Helpful Answer (2)

Dont forget habitat for humanity
Helpful Answer (5)

We, too, had my mother's home to clear out in another state after my caregiving stint had ended as she passed away. My DH was an excellent organizer - We gave some to New Hampshire cousins and their friends, some to my mother's friends and neighbors, some an antique shoppe bought and one man who had a shore thrift store took A LOT OF FURNITURE. Talk with the town's elder case worker and you can donate some clothing and medical equipment to them.
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I suggest an estate liquidator. You can find them on the Internet. Interview 3 of them and follow your gut feeling. I had a very nice, honest guy handle my husband’s car stuff when his Alzheimer’s Disease got worse.
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If you file taxes and use Schedule A and can use charity donation then I would contact whoever gives out such receipt with itemization. If not and you want money, consider a yard sale. If not then I would snap pics and post on craigslist or any local for free, many on FB and trust me they will come. I gave away more broke, don't work items on Craigslist then items I was selling.
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freqflyer Jun 2019
With the new tax reform, there were changes made regarding donations. It's a bit complex.
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I'm not looking forward to that particular chore myself. My mom and stepfather were huge pack rats. Not to the point where you couldn't walk through the house, like on that show Hoarders, but still pretty bad. When we moved mom from the 15 room farmhouse she lived in with my stepfather to my house, we got rid of a lot of junk, but had to do it when she wasn't home. She's been in assisted living for about 3 years now and my basement and pole barn are filled to overflowing with all of her possessions - none of which have been touched in at least 8 years. I want to get rid of them but somehow I'm sure she will know and will never get over it. There is furniture - mostly worthless, clothing, knicknacks, tools, craft supplies. Not much is in good shape because she never took care of stuff, just kept buying it. I feel like I'm drowning in her trash.
Helpful Answer (1)
martha908 Jun 2019
If you've ever watched Antiques Road Show or some other similar shows you might realize some of the items that appear to be junk really aren't. I've picked up a number of things over the years at yard sales, thrift shops, etc. that I paid next to nothing for that were worth quite a bit of money. I also earned a personal property appraisal certificate, which opened my eyes to what a lot of other items that are worth more than they appear at first glance. Tools in particular specialty tools or those made by certain companies - Keen Kutter, Bluegrass, etc. are worth some real money. Some old cast iron items are valuable as well. But if you don't have the time, aren't in good health, at the end of your rope, etc. then you can always just call in an auctioneer. You can also contact someone who places an ad saying they clean out garages, attics, basements, etc. & pay them to haul everything off. Or you can rent a dumpster & pitch what you don't want into it. On the other hand, I'm cleaning out 4 houses that are filled to the brim with stuff. Yes, I've thrown away more empty drink containers, complete with lids & straws than I care to attempt to count; but, I also found the letters my dad wrote his mother-in-law during WW II, which are truly priceless. Depending upon what shape things are in, everything can be donated to a charitable organization & you can get proof of donation from each organization so you can use the donations as a tax credit - if income taxes are such you use a long form.
Depending upon what he possessed there are companies and/or individuals who for "x" amount or for a percentage of what the items bring who will go through his personal possessions, price, organize & run an estate sale. I've actually watched programs about this. I can't remember if they were shown on PBS or HGTV or some other channel.

You can also hire an auctioneer to come in & either haul everything off to his auction house or you can choose to have the auction of all his possession & his house right on site.

Unfortunately, you don't say how much stuff there is to deal with, the condition of his house, etc. so that has to be taken into consideration as well.

You say you were his sole caregiver but not if you are his only heir although that seems to be the case. If you are his only heir, that makes things easier.

You don't say if you have a full time job or what other responsibilities you have that may limit your time in dealing with this challenge.

You don't say if you live in the same town/city/area as his house & possessions.

There's a lot of things to be taken into consideration. Without all the above information, it's really hard to give you the best possible advice.

At least you haven't rushed in & just started pitching things. The task is like eating an entire elephant. It can only be accomplished one tiny bite at a time. But then time may not be something you have.
Helpful Answer (2)

Hire an estate liquidator.
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You can also get the app “Letgo” on your phone where you take a pic, the item is posted in your area, & can be sold. Also Facebook Marketplace for your area. I would have done “Letgo” if I didn’t live 200 miles away.
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