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Good morning,

I have two suggestions for someone faced with doing this alone:

1) Call local churches to see if they have a ministry that collects and distributes second-hand or donated items. My church has one, and they are always reminding people to donate. If your local church has this type of ministry, I would tell them about your problem and ask them if you could have some volunteers to help you clear out your father’s home in return for donating unwanted items to the ministry. I know, at our church, that they would jump at the chance.

2) Call a few local high schools. Many students are always looking for community service hours to fulfill the requirements of an honors degree

You have had some excellent suggestions to your original post. I hope they help. Let us know how you are doing.
Helpful Answer (6)
Invisible Jun 2019
A woman in my father's building works in ministry helping homeless people move into living spaces and she was happy to take lots of kitchen stuff.
The clearing out can be as simple as a hauler in your town. You will want someone in antique or collectibles business, even someone who sells on some forum such as Etsy, to come through after you choose things family wants as remembrance. Do you have relatives to help handle things, say THIS clearing out thing. You can have several realtors come to assess the home. Are you the only living relative. Was there a will or trust and are you executor. If not you would have to file on his death and be assigned. A visit to an elder law attorney would help you enormously. Try to remember that this doesn't have to be done ASAP. Step one is to get yourself made the one in charge of his "estate". Step two is to pay any creditors he owes and to find out what his assets are. His mail coming over the next month will tell you a lot. The house is the least of it. Choose the things you want to keep and let the haulers, who make a bit of cash off what they sell after, take the rest away. Wishing you good luck. Keep us posted while you go on. There is a book recommended here sometimes that is good, about 12.00 on amazon, called Please Don't Die, but if you Kurt Grube. It has good practical information. GOOD LUCK.
Helpful Answer (1)

I cleared out my parent's house very much as others have described but my Dad's office and also his workshop were different. In the workshop, I broke down and wept at the sight of all his tools and the distinctive smell of the place where he had made and fixed and invented so many things. Eventually I invited the grandchildren to take what they wanted. My son took a lot of his Grandad's tools and still uses them. A neighbour teenager also took most that was left.

Dad's office was another story. I discovered things about my Dad I never knew. Good things, like his unwavering letter writing campaign on social justice issues he cared about, his journal when he drove from Mombasa to Kampala in 1955, notes and letters that told me so much. That room took longer than the rest of the rooms combined but what a treasure trove!

The canoe Dad made and the sailboat he built from a kit went on the front lawn with a FREE sign and were gone in an hour to a very excited family who live on a small inland lake.
Helpful Answer (6)
Invisible Jun 2019
That is so satisfying.
My brother & I just cleaned out his father's house, had a garage sale, Took a week, had the interior painted and tossed it on the market, sold in 3 days. You just have to dig in, toss and donate. They took what they wanted to AL and the rest was disposed of, one way or another. This is the third clean out I've had to do, all three homes were a mess. Now I just approach these things as a job. If you are overwhelmed hire a crew, take what you want and let them dispose of the rest.
Helpful Answer (2)

I couldn't do my mom's home because I am too ADHD and hopped all over the home, looking at all her stuff and not wanting to throw anything out or give it away. It seemed I was moving one item to another pile with nothing going out the door. I hired a personal organizer who came in and knew exactly what to recycle, give away, how to dispose of old computers and laptops safely, non-profits and what they could use. She gave me tasks and a schedule and held me accountable to get those rooms cleaned out. Best thing I ever did. AND, I got to keep the things most important to me and found things I had forgotten about.
Helpful Answer (7)
Isthisrealyreal Jun 2019
Great idea. Who would have thought.
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If there are items of value have one of the companies that does Estate Sales come in and do this for you. You will pay a % but might be easier than doing it yourself.
If this is "junk" there are junk haulers that will come in and clear it.
If there is furniture but no real value Salvation Army or Goodwill will pick up. In my area there is a Veterans Group that helps Veterans and they need furniture and clothing I am sure if there is one in your area they would love to get these items. There is also a Women's shelter that has a resale shop and all proceeds go to helping Women and Children escaping from Domestic Violence.

Other than those suggestions it is a Roll up your sleeves and see if you can get help from friends and muddle through. Do not try to do a lot at one time it is over whelming. 1 room at a time. I suggest that you do not pack it all and move it to a storage unit because that is an out of sight out of mind situation. But if you have to get the house on the market right away that might be an option.

I suppose the next question is are you selling it "as is" or will you either "spruce it up" or will you "fix it up".
If you sell it "as is" since this was your fathers house the disclosure statement will be different than if you were to "fix it up" or "spruce it up" You might want to talk to a Realtor as well as an Attorney before you sell.
Helpful Answer (4)

Our real estate broker was very helpful, as we were selling the house, which was remote from our house. After the initial donations to Goodwill, and some sales on ebay and a yard sale there was still a lot of stuff. He arranged for the dumpster and people to clean out the place and get it ready to be sold.
Helpful Answer (3)

If you are physically unable to do The work, there are clubs that would help I am sure for a donation or chance to sell some of the saleable items. Even a church group or boy scouts, lions club, etc.
Helpful Answer (2)

Take your time. Take pictures of each room. When we cleared out my father's home, I went through everything and made piles: sentimental items, things to keep, give away, sell, donate, throw out. Take pictures of the piles. I gave certain things to friends and neighbors who would appreciate them, donated all holiday items for the troops, gave handmade items to friends at his ALF, clothing to the veterans (empty all pockets first), towels and blankets to an animal hospital, furniture to charity, walkers and wheelchairs went to a place that cleans, repairs and gives them to others who need them. Jewelry, just because it looks old and crappy doesn't mean it is junk, look for makers mark and keep those. The most important thing is to take your time and look at everything and inside everything. Some people like to hide things in unusual places, inside, under, attached to the back of things. Don't be so quick to through things away. You never know what is there. It may be junk to some, but there are many memories in that stuff. I have those items that bring back all those happy memories.
Helpful Answer (6)

Call a Junk place, Someone who will Pay for these things, Or Have a Yard Sale...Go Slow with this Work, It may seem Overwhelming to you, But the Biggest job is to get through all of those Memories that never Go away.
Take the precious Ones, hun, That you Treasure the Most and God Bless you for Looking after dad.
Helpful Answer (2)

See if there are any senior moving services in your area. When my mother sold her home they moved all the things she no longer needed or wanted to a second hand retailer who sold them for her. They did the same as she went to ALF from independent living apartment. Plan on using them again if she needs to go to SNH or passes away
Helpful Answer (2)

Hire some help. Sort his stuff into three piles: toss, donate, keep. If you feel up to it, you could look into selling some of his stuff but it's up to you. Sort through things one room at a time. Grieve as you go along. Hugs.
Helpful Answer (3)

My PIL have not passed away but we have sold their house of 50 plus years because they are in an AL facility. It was too overwhelming physically and emotionally for us as well. There are companies that will do this all for you. Come in clear out, save what you want and sell the rest. Best thing we ever did. What city do you live in? Contact a continuing care retirement community. They usually have reputable vendors on their listings. That's where we got ours. Movers and company to come in and do all this. BTW..... they came in and boxed up, cleaned out a 2500 square foot house FULL in 2 days. Very impressive work. Followed by a house cleaner. Prepared house for us to sell. Took a huge burden off of us.
Helpful Answer (4)

If you don't have to do anything with your father's house right away...take your time. My mother went into a nursing home a year ago. I only had weekends to sort and deal with her home and belongings. Because it was my childhood home, cleaning out has been cathartic. Every weekend I tackled something else. I had a garage sale as well, priced everything inexpensively, just to get rid of it. Admittedly, I had no real attachment to her things, so it was easy enough to part with them. This experience has changed over time from burden to hobby. After peeling away the layers of stuff-and-things, I've fallen in love with my mother's house! It's been an interesting journey...
Helpful Answer (4)
Zdarov Jun 2019
Cool story, about it becoming a hobby. My mindset has gotten like that too, it’s a life not just stuff. I won’t be able to do it quickly per se.
Love to see this post and the replies! We still have the house Mom left when she moved to a senior apartment in January. It is filled to the gills. She's too out of it to go through stuff, but too cognizant for me to start emptying (if she goes and sees one thing missing all h3ll will break loose). Periodically I go and group the mass of materials to help stage. I worked with a small senior-move specialist company for the move, with ladies who are packers part-time. When the time comes, that’s who I’ll enlist to work with ad hoc on their slow days - as another reply mentioned - at a slightly better rate than normal. I’m hooked up with a gal who sells things on eBay and intend to get unusual decor and dishware to her. On Facebook there are local lists you can sign up for ‘free, just pick up’ for the tons of TP, tin foil, unopened cleansers, etc. I’ll likely get overwhelmed, so will reread the replies above. :) I like charity organizations that serve directly to the low-income public. Goodwill only when I’ve totally run out of steam.
Helpful Answer (4)

Excuse me if I'm redundant to the other posts but don't have time to read them all.
We were left with a house full of "vintage stuff" and absolutely no time to deal with it. We refused to put anymore of our money into the situation as the dysfunctional family left all the work to us and picked the estate dry of any valuables. I listed the back yard stuff on Craig's list. (couple of pictures on the free stuff listing) A Junker came and took everything for free. (I made him sign a hold harmless in case he got hurt he couldn't sue) I listed Vintage furniture free and posted it on Facebook and Craig's list. A guy responded and took the furniture for donations and in return he moved all the stuff he didn't want to the curb. I listed the curb items on free stuff on Craig's list and before the garbage guys got there it was all gone. We were lucky, but we weren't trying to salvage everything the stuff was worth. The realtor helped us with his contacts so use a good one. Also, not to thwart the process of showing the home we consolidated everything to one room so the agent could show the house. To us it was worth giving it all up, even though it was heart wrenching. Good luck, this is a difficult time for you I hope this makes it a little easier.
Helpful Answer (9)

Thank you for posting your question and for all the various answers on here. I am taking my mother ( 94 yrs) to her house tomorrow (she lives with me) to begin this process as she has finally agreed to sell her house. I have been dreading this and so worried about the emotional impact on her, but she insists on going.

So. We are going together for 3 days only, for what I am calling the planning phase. Mom's house is in another town a few hours away. I plan to have her designate those things ( probably much more than I'd like ) which she absolutely does not want to let go of. Then I plan to rent a storage unit here in town and hire movers to pack and move. (And I'll take a trip back -- only myself -- next week to meet up with the movers, and any other last minute things needing to be done.

The rest of the items, I was unsure of how to proceed, but ya'll have provided some excellent suggestions which I will use. Mom made it very clear she does not want an Estate Sale, as she does not want people swarming into the house for "her things". But depending on what is left and the fact I will be by myself, I will do what I have to and just fib, if needed.

The realtor (friend of the family) already suggested what to do to prepare to sell, such as a good cleaning, then interior painting, replacing carpet with an inexpensive one, repair an interior door..... that's probably about it. And once everything is out of the house, he will meet with the various workers and oversee that part of it. That is very helpful.

I know this will be hard on mom, but it has been hard on me as well. I have been dreading this for a very long time, taking her over there and that she may have a stroke or heart attack from the emotional part. So, once all this is done, it will be a huge relief (to me) and I hope for my mother as well.

I even thought about selling that house and buying one here so she can have everything brought over and put in it, so she could keep everything and still have her homestead etc., so if she ever does need to go to nursing home, she'd have the house safe and not the money in the bank as disposable income for the nursing home. But that sounds like a lot of extra work/trouble. Any advice or suggestions about this?
Helpful Answer (2)
Zdarov Jun 2019
myown, I’d make another post for your query! Such a good topic. I too am learning a lot and interacting a lot with this thread. Good luck on the 3-day mission, it will be tricky. I’m having to take a long and circuitous route also... Yes I think, let them find a way to be closer to what they cherish! I made Mom unpack everything and display what she likes after 30+ years being in boxes. For what she doesn’t love, it’s corny but I tell her that stuff deserves to be used somewhere (from Marie Kondo) not just languishing with her.
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I used a local church group. Took out what I wanted and gave them the rest, plus a bit of cash.
Helpful Answer (4)

Angie's list. Twice now (once in Florida and once in Ohio) I've used them for clearing out my own place as I get overwhelmed with doing stuff like that. Both times found someone who was not expensive and fantastic at their job. Price was not bad at all.
Helpful Answer (2)

I just finished at my mom's (she went to assisted living). Its tough but it can be done. Any thing you or a relative wants or needs goes first! Take time to go thru important documents, family records. I hired an auction house who picked everything up for a sale (profit to mom's living expenses), a lot went to shelters & her church family, recycle what you can and call a "junk" hauler for anything left.
Helpful Answer (4)

There was not a ton of stuff, but it seemed like it. I did it in stages. Kept the meaningful things and the really good furniture . Took loads of things to Goodwill many times. The things that were left, mainly some furniture and some sets of dishes, went to an auctioneer that bought up estates. Because no friends helped, (ha! the thought of that!), and I am an only child, it was a lot of work for me but the estate sale buyer was the most help. The Habitat for Humanity in my area also does pick ups of furniture.
Helpful Answer (5)
Zdarov Jun 2019
I don’t figure any friends are going to help me either (another only child here), congrats on what you’ve done.
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You can get help from friends or hire a local estate sale company. Interview a couple and hire the one that “clicks.” I would stay away from franchises because the people actually coordinating the effort must forfeit much of their share to someone you’ll never meet.

it is more than okay if you do none of the work personally. This is just stuff.
Helpful Answer (5)

If you can take some time (without adding stress of figuring out how to pay an existing mortgage, taxes, utilities), do so. You don’t want to add to the overwhelm since going through the stuff will bring back memories as you continue to grieve and it will just physically be a lot.

Last month I finally completed the same process after a year (my parents had been in the house for 40 years). My father passed in September 2017, I started my project in April 2018 and sold the house May 2019.

What helped was going room by room throwing out and donating what I could & saving what I wanted. Also I set a REALISTIC goal date for completion and when I missed it, I set another one:). I was blessed to find an absolutely amazing hauling company on Yelp I ended up using 4x over the year project (the last one the day before the final walkthrough). I mostly did everything by myself over the year with the exception of a couple of weekends a close cousin came & move out week 2 other cousins came.

In the end, everything worked out exactly as it was supposed to and I’m grateful. The key is to pace yourself and don’t beat yourself up if it “takes longer” than it should, you will get it done.
Helpful Answer (8)

CARING TRANSITIONS. This a national franchise and our local team performed miracles.
Helpful Answer (4)
KBEllison Jun 2019
If referring to "Caring Transitions of Central CT", please check their review on Yelp first ...
As the Adult Child of a Hoarder, I've had to face this as well. I have a different perspective. The loss of the previous item happens not now when you don't find it before throwing it away. No, the loss of the item happened when your brother tucked the item away into it's secret hidey spot.

Hoarding is a mental illness and the loss of things occurs when the hoarder decides to hide the item. It's not your duty to unravel an unhealthy mind's thought patterns over many years.

You can just dump things after checking for obvious valuables. If you hire out the job, you can tell employees they can have 50% of cash found if it's over 1k in the box and they can ask about any items they find if they'd like them. We hired a fire recovery company and all they did was hire 10 people from a temp staffing office. When given that incentive, they moved fast (but 3 rooms to the ceiling was $6k). Happy dumpster filling!
Helpful Answer (8)
Zdarov Jun 2019
Wow! And I never thought about ‘hoarding is hiding,’ much as I witness it every day. They’ve hidden it from themselves, that’s the part that keeps surprising me, but now it won’t.
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I am currently cleaning out my brother’s apartment, which is a two BR apartment filled with those white “bankers boxes” stacked 4 deep against a back bedroom wall.

Its absolutely ridiculous.

But nonetheless we rounded up friends to help fill boxes of books I am going to try to donate. I delegated the easy stuff to those buddies of ours that were there to help.

My brother was a hoarder with a bad short term memory. I was just going to pitch them but found some valuables stuck in maybe 1 out of 5 boxes. Which means if I pitch them I may miss something valuable or family related (like old pics of my dad in the Army in WW2.)

Its hard because if you hire someone they won’t know the significance of things found.

If there are any older kids in the neighborhood you can enlist and pay them $10/ haul stuff to the garbage receptor.

I am also arranging the Salvation Army to come in and take furniture, etc. & donate his books which are in perfect shape to the town Library.

I threw away a lot of stuff as well.

I so empathize with you. We (hubby,myself) worked for 6 days straight, rented a Pennske truck & drove furniture from NJ to MD.

We needed a break but plan to return there Wednesday or Thursday this week to finish and clear the apt by 6/30.

It’s a huge PIA. For *years & years* I suggested to my brother than he spend time each week and clear some junk out as I was trying to get him to relocate to Maryland so I could watch over him but that was not to be.

There are certain places you can go to and hire a few day workers to help you get through this and help with lifting. In my area there are groups of people that hang out at that certain placed in the AM looking for temporary work. I would pay them $15 an hour.

If he lived in a house I would rent a dumpster from a company like Waste Management who will both deliver & pick it up when full & pick it up from your driveway. Check if Home Depot can arrange this. It does cost about $300-500 depending on the size of the dumpster.

I understand completely what you are going through. It is both emotional and physically exhausting.

Good luck to you. It’s a lot of work.

I plan on renting one at our house to clean out our basement this year or next.

I come from a family of hoarders, and subsequently I am not a hoarder. I can’t stand knickknacks or too much clutter.
Helpful Answer (10)
mterpin Jun 2019
"I come from a family of hoarders, and subsequently I am not a hoarder. I can’t stand knickknacks or too much clutter."

I can totally relate to that. Get that dumpster, and a couple of strong guys, and toss, toss toss. Personally I cannot handle clutter at all.
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A different approach is to break it down in half. Find an empty room somewhere (friends?), even a shipping container if you have space to put it for a couple of years. Shipping containers cost about $2000 delivered here and are easily saleable at the end. Empty the house, and chuck any real junk as you go. Stack everything else in the store. Then get organised to prepare and sell the house. There’s a lot of work in that, and the sooner you can do it the quicker you get the proceeds. If you need finance to prepare the house, a short time loan is more economic. After that's done, take a deep breath and start work on the store. All the suggested options can be done, bit by bit. I’ve done this four times now, and you have my sympathy.
Helpful Answer (8)
Zdarov Jun 2019
Four times?! Thanks for sharing this. I picture you living with a closely engineered amount of stuff in your own home. :)
My mom's church had a Mission Shop and she had volunteered many hours to them over her last years. I took out what I wanted (not much!), my niece took what she wanted for her first apartment and then the Mission Shop came and took most of the rest. It was so nice because they knew families who needed furniture and household items, and the Shop sold tons of clothing and shoes (I think they took all her clothing, shoes and jewelry to sell). Can you find a church in the area with a Mission Shop or Mission Committee and see if they want items from your Dad's home? There are also auctioneers who will have an estate sale right at the properly. Whatever is a local family owned hauler to have them take the rest away. I wish you all the best. I had to do this for my Mom, too.
Helpful Answer (6)

If you live in the USA, call an estate sale company......they come into the home and organize EVERYTHING, value or not, price it, advertise the sale and then run it for 3 or 4 days. People line up to buy, believe me when I tell you. If you authorize them to give a deep discount on the last day of the sale, people will come by the droves for cheap stuff. If the house is seriously a mess, they can charge you up to 50% of what is earned. If the house isn't such a mess, 40% is more standard. Look at a website called for lists of sales in your area, then check out a few to see what goes on. Prestige is a big company here in Colorado and tend to sell EVERYTHING off as they have a huge following (me included). They will advertise the sale as A Collectors Dream With 55 Years Of Treasures, or some such lingo, and everybody and his brother in law along with the antique dealers will be lined up at 7 am.

Depending on which state you live in, there is a company called Everything But The House who bring a truck to your home, pick up the stuff, then sell it FOR you on an international online auction. I believe they also take in the 40-45% commission range. They operate in Ohio, Denver, L.A.......a bunch of different areas. Check them out at

Best of luck....its a big job ahead, I know. I've moved the folks SIX times since 2011, with the last move being this past Weds. The consignment shop wouldn't take a dated curio cabinet or recliner, so I had to rent a Uhaul and schlep it all to Habitat for Humanity. Cost ME a bunch of money for stuff I SPENT a bunch of money For! Getting rid of stuff isn't as easy as it should be, huh?
Helpful Answer (9)
Zdarov Jun 2019
lealonnie, I shudder at that number of moves!! You are amazing. Thanks so much for quoting these services’ typical take, good to know. ssiigghh over the cost of hauling things of value!
I enlisted every relative I could think of, and some good friends. We had a roll off dumpster, and used it. This was after I had an auction company come in and take what they thought they could sell. Yes I got pennies on the dollar, but it was gone. We left the helpful relatives take what they wanted ( I had already taken what I wanted and like FF replaced what I took with stuff I wanted to get rid of) Our only hitch was the piano.. I called every church and NH in the area.. no one wants pianos anymore! Luckily the buyer agreed to let it stay, her daughters fell in love with banging on those keys! It is hard, but I am not sentimental and was ruthless! Mom and dad came here with a lot less stuff, and mom still sometimes misses something, but knew it had to be done. Just keep plugging away!
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