My mom has been diagnosed with Dementia and Alzheimer's as of November 2015 and all the testing results per her neurologist say the damage to her brain showing she has been having non symptom strokes for some 50 years, lots of damage.
About 2.75 years ago she had a root canal and has repeatedly complained of pain with that tooth. The dentist who performed the procedure has x-rayed numerous times = no problem. A 6 hour stay at an ER Christmas morning shortly afterwards worth the same complaint showed no problems. She sees the dentist quarterly due to bad dental hygiene (normal for Dementia patients), new dentist at current facility doesn't find any issues with root canal area.
Almost 2 weeks ago she spent days between ER and hospital observation for the same complaint and same result = no problems. I visited her yesterday and her reactions to "the pain" is so extreme the staff are telling me about it plus my witness of her reactions, I am at a loss. Everything leads me to the Dementia is distorting and escalating her reaction. Any thoughts out there? Anyone else experience this? My mom's history is that her situation needs addressing and anyone else's similar situation she lowers its importance. I am the sole person overseeing her care, my brother shows empathy but that's about it, I want to do right by her but with Dr's saying nothing is wrong has me at a loss. I appreciate any thoughts...
"I am no doctor, but this will be your speciality today because she is under your care. You sent her home once and now she is not waking up. You will help her, or you will be searching for YOUR license SIR."
My mother was catching hell and I couldn't do anything without professional help. So I had him observe my mother, he apologized and admitted her. Now she's going to physical therapy.
The cause cannot alwa y s be found, or demonstrated on x-ray or other tests.
Find out what makes it better. Ice, heat, anti-inflammatory meds, massage, acupuncture, chiropractor, e-oils, rest, distractions (like t.v.)or anything?
"My mom's history is that her situation needs addressing and anyone else's similar situation she lowers its importance. "
I felt compelled to answer this question. I am 54 and have dealt with a very similar root canal issues. I had a Root Canal and kept having pain in that tooth, even though the dentist say’s the root/tooth is dead and I shouldn’t be having pain. I also saw 2 different Entodontists for second opinions. The Dentist and Entodontists and myself, have all come to the conclusion that this is Neurological/Nerve issue. I have other health issues and Neurological
issues. The tooth does indeed hurt, sometimes more than others and the pain has not gone away. I don’t believe this has anything to do with Dementia and we all have different pain thresholds.
Sometimes my tooth really hurts. I would think the Doctors would give her a painkiller and maybe a sedative to help her relax. My pain is coming from a nerve related issue and I don’t expect it will ever go away, I just deal with it the best I can. On digital X Rays, exams etc, I’m told the Root canal looks perfectly done. But, it still hurts. It is possible your mother is experiencing the same thing or something similar. Just because the Dr’s do not see it, does not mean your poor mother is not in pain.
I hope the OP got help for her mother.