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He will send His Angels,
Charge over you,
To guard you in all your ways!

There are ways to be helped with over-sensitive feelings, but since I am better now-a bit toughened up guarding my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, I actually forgot how that came about!

I do try to remember- Greater is HE WHO is in me, than he who is in the world!

Will be thinking on your post, get back to you much later. In the meantime, when reading the bible, always notice especially any verse that includes. HE WHO!

Such as: HE WHO, began a good work in me, will be faithful to complete it.
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I am not a clairsentient by any means. Hopefully I did not confuse anyone with my post. I am an empath truly in the sense of being highly sensitive. As tacy just said, I am a true believer in God. I don't believe in material things such as candles to help me. I pray and ask God to keep me strong.

The reason I posed this question is that I've felt that my sensitivity has been what has kept me stuck in certain situations. The reason I wanted feedback was to see how other empaths out there get by in their lifes being so sensitive and feeling things so deeply. I'm not really interested in voo doo and people who think they can heal. Thats something entirely different. I should of made myself clearer. Sorry.
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One more thing, I've always called it "clairsentient" rather than being an empath. As empathy is a trait many can have and is usually beneficial. What I have is not a gift....

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Yes, I am one. I discovered this as a child. It is a curse not a gift. I got to a point around college age where I couldn't even ride in an elevator without getting physically ill. Once I was in an elevator and there were many people in it. I was suddenly struck sick to my stomach from a man standing directly behind me. I turned to him and said...stop cheating on your wife you bastard. He looked at me with shock. A woman next to him ... probably his wife...burst into tears saying "how did you know that".

It is physically painful for me to be around people who are liars, cheaters, angry, or sick. I learned how to put a wall up and block it all out...but when you do that you block it ALL out...even the good...and it makes it hard to decide who really cares for you.

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