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Increased fibre if possible, stewed prunes.
Citrucel (as opposed to metamucil which causes too much gas) once daily.
Consider stool softeners such as colace.
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My aunt (94- who drinks very little) gets a warmed cup of apple cider with breakfast & lunch. It has never failed us and is gentle. Please give it a try.
It works better than prune juice.
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My Husband daily had Senna, that is a stool softener.
I also gave him things like Prunes (had to stop those when I stopped other "slippery" fruits)
High fiber meals.
He also got Miralax daily.
(that I had to mix in with food since his fluids were thickened and you can not add Miralax to a drink that has "ThickIt or other product like it", the Miralax prevents the product from thickening)
One fruit combo that worked well was a puree of pineapple and papaya. I would puree both and freeze in 1/2 cup portions for him.
The doctor also prescribed Lactulose that was given daily.
And the occasional suppository was used.
This was one of the things that I kept a log of (no pun intended) for Hospice.
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When absolutely everything else has failed, you put on the gloves, use lots of lubrication and use one finger to work those cliff bars out of there.
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Welcome, Crabtree! Is it your dad who is constipated?

Have you spoken to his doctor?
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Mariro Sep 2023
I have talked to a GI. Dr meds were given. Did nothing. I heard somethings that I think I'm going to try.
Colace , plus increased fluid intake. Preferably water.
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Crabtree1: Remedies for constipation are as follows:
- Prunes
- Prune juice
- Senna hot tea
- Colace
- Senokot
- Metamucil
- Dulcolax

First, see your gastroenterologist.
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Warm up a cup of prune juice. Add a capful of Miralax...this always helps me.
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Prunes work.
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