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That is a nightmare. I’m so sorry this is happening to you. It’s hard when you want to help them more than they want to help themselves. You’re the only one that can make that decision but if it were me- I would call. It sounds like he’s hit rock bottom and showing signs of digging.
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I am so sorry- others choices can wreck us- it is the sad fact of life.
His problems are what he made. Do not take ownership. He is illogical.
We want better with our whole heart but they throw that to the trash.

Get yourself all the help you need for you. look to free your feelings -you have nothing to feel you need to be responsible for- it is the evil of the addiction. He traded drugs and the consequences for them.
It is hard hard to see someone self destruct. I hope you can find beautiful places as a respite, and loving friends to grieve with you
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I would call protective services on him right away.
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I would also call the police about the gang members hanging out there. They are there for money or drugs. Get those people out one way or another.
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How did he end up in a brand new home a year ago? A functioning addict??? Or family bought it for him? He got money from somewhere for that. Apparently he is of relatively sound mind because he was clear enough to avoid getting in an ambulance.

Call APS and let them see the interior of home and talk to him. It's very possible he will pass their interview as well. Living in a dirty home is not enough to remove him from the home. Home owners association can come down on him if the hoard is outdoors. Police can be notified of illegal activity. Other than that, he may continue to live as he always has, by his own terms...sad as it is.
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AloneInChaos: You cannot save your father from his crutch. HE is the one who must want to let go of the habit.
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I say call APS to have him checked on. Other than that there is nothing you can do when he doesn't want help or to help himself. It is too sad watching LO's devolve and do nothing to help themselves.

Instead of taking groceries can you set up an account and have the groceries delivered to him so you can step back.

Continue to attend Nar-Anon and take care of yourself - you are doing the best you can in a terrible situation.

I pray you find your center again and lead a healthy life and lend whatever support you can within reason to your father.
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You take care of YOU. He is already taking care of himself. Some people have to die for others to realize how serious this disease is. Don't kill yourself watching him kill himself.

My prayers are with you. DO NOT FEEL GUILTY!
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While this is a hard pill to swallow, he is an adult and is always going to do things his way. You should call APS you will have to let them know he is a risk to himself and a few other things. They may or may not do anything, I can't say one way or another especially with Covid-19. Another option is to see if the local police will do a wellness check on him, you could say you have not heard from him in a while and if you have tried to call him, he doesn't answer and you are worried. When my dad was behaving poorly I too called an ambulance and the local police came and basically directed him to the ambulance so he would go. The stress my dad was causing me was so intense that I was on the verge of a total mental breakdown. I was told by not only the doctor that took care of him but the mental health therapist I ended up seeing as I felt ridden with guilt was pretty much the same. "Your health is important, you should not allow your dad to inflict this kind of stress on you" Some people do not know what they are doing to others, while other people completely know and continue to do so as they think it is fun to watch other people suffer. NEVER allow your dad to make you feel GUILTY. Please take care of yourself and just know that you have done everything you can do for your dad and now you have to let it go and move on with your life or you will no longer have any type of life. Best wishes
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are you living in the house? i would hope not. do what you need to do and whatever happens, will happen. you can't help someone that don't want help. get the counseling that will help you. refuse to get him anything other than food/water. apparently he will find a way to get other stuff. it is a sad situation, but take care of yourself first. i sure wish you luck.
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You are considering APS - why? Why haven't you called them and walked away, there is nothing you can do if he has been a long term addict and chosen this way of life. Do what you can - which is phone APS and accept you can do nothing to change him, and its your health you need to be looking after.
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Definitely call APS!! Coming from someone that was on drugs for 15 years. When you get to that she you really dont care. His reliance is on that drug. Hes prob scared he wont have anymore. Call them explain the situation. Maybe even get a mental health order pick up on him. You will have to go to mental health first. Then to the sheriff office. Good luck.
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