Last night my husband had a nurse call me from the rehab he's in. He said, "please get me out of here before I commit suicide, they're all crazy here". He was admitted to rehab for several reasons. He fell in bathtub. His BM movements are loose and often. He has Parkinson disease, Neuropathy, cannot walk and a dementia. After 3 days in hospital, I was denied. I told them he was spitting up blood and no one listened. At rehab, I told them he was spitting up blood. They gave him a chest x ray and found he had pneumonia. Now I am appealing this denial of 3 days in hospital. He is now getting treatment for pneumonia. He is very unhappy there and misses home. He can be there for 20 days. I applied for Medicaid and hope I can have help here at home when he's discharged.... however, I want to take him home as soon as pneumonia clears up. I miss him here. I keep running back and forth with food he eats. He eats nothing there. He is a sweet man and never complains about anything I do. Married over 60 years. Am I doing wrong to take him home? I feel lost without him. It's terrible. We've never been apart. Both my sons think I should consider long term for him. Sometimes he's so lucid but last night after I spoke to him about the treatment he needs, he said "OK, "I'll go back to the hotel room". Sometimes he thinks he's in Vegas or Florida. But he snaps out of it when I reassure him that he's being well cared for in rehab. Really want him home. I know I can take care of him the best way I can. What do all of you think ?
I am so very sorry for the sudden loss of your husband. I’m sure your sons are with you now and helping you the best they can. Be gentle with yourself. You made the right decisions and his passing is not because of something you did or didn’t do. Hugs.