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Ironically, my mom was from Canada. She and her family came to the U.S. when she was 5. Like other posters have said, being in the U.S., I'm unfamiliar with laws in Canada, but, do you have an Area on Aging? Maybe they could offer some suggestions. Do you have an Alzheimer's Association there? We have it here. Their website is It might even be international in scope, I'm not sure, but I'm sure you could access it, thanks to the web. Maybe they could steer you in the right direction. Can you choose another doc up there for another opinion? Can you hire an eldercare lawyer? Here, some legal groups will offer free or discounted services for seniors. I managed to find some humor regarding taking care of my mom. I even wrote a book about it called, "My Mother Has Alzheimer's and My Dog has Tapeworms: A Caregiver's Tale." Best of luck.
Helpful Answer (1)

I am so sorry you are going through this, and your mom sounds abusive. It's only going to get worse. Just wait until you have to change her diapers and manage her bowel movements.

If you absolutely have to get out of this situation, can't you hospitalize her? Or at least get her a psych evaluation and when it comes to discharge REFUSE to take her back? That would force the "system" to put her in a home. It is not mandatory for you to care for her. It really isn't.

My mom had 15 years of Alzheimer's disease and her care meant she 100% depended on me for her health and life. I was her life support. But at no time was she ever mean or abusive to me. My mom and I were very close--I never moved away from her; I never separated from her until she died. Mom was my entire life and universe. From the moment I woke up to the point of going to sleep, I had to care for her. So you really have to be close to cope with this level of care. When mom died I was left feeling destroyed because the center of my life died. It took quite a long time to get used to this level of change. After 1 and 1/2 years I'm still recovering from the loss of mom, but I'm employed now and trying to get my Master's degree. With insulin-dependent diabetes, she managed to live to age 90. Doctors told me I really took good care of her, especially to last that long with her multiple medical conditions and her brain was completely eaten up with Alzheimer's disease. Ironically Alzheimer's did not kill her. It was the complications of insulin-dependent diabetes and 10 years of Stage 3 kidney disease due to being a diabetic even with very well-controlled sugars.

So I cannot imagine caring for someone in your situation. You have to really want to be a caregiver to do it. If your mom is abusive--you seriously need to get out of it. You are NOT obligated to pay HER bills as long as your name is not on it.
Helpful Answer (4)
bundleofjoy Apr 2021
what an amazing daughter you are!
I'm sorry for what you are going through. I don't have any answers just support. I miss my life before I started taking care of my parents and I'm depressed most times but this is my life now. By choice. I have learned about compassion fatigue and that has helped put what I feel in perspective. You do need time for yourself so I hope you find help and resources. You matter too!!!
Helpful Answer (4)

I would say that you should first tell the doctor if to mind his own business second I’m in the United States so I don’t know the laws there but I went threw and still am I was a full time care giver for 3 parents but this last one is my dad and he was abusing his hole life if I had it to do over again I would have walked away yes people will judge you but don’t listen to them most of them have never actually taken care of any one full time especially some women that’s is abusive with the dementia it will get much worse if I were you I’d walk away but you have to do what’s right for you
Helpful Answer (4)

Good job bubble packing the meds....can you imagine the mixing of the meds if you did not do that? I know it is embarrassing when they yell at someone that is only there to help but that means she is not in her right mind.
Helpful Answer (0)

Can you create an account to pay her bills online? most of my mother in laws bills are on auto pay I only have to pay the credit cards. This is so helpful as she forgets that she has to pay bills anymore. I did not need a docs diagnosis as she can seem perfectly normal on the short visit to the doc. Do not know how they pull that off when they forget everything else and can be nice one minute to me and the next minute be mean. My heart goes out to you but you really need to take a step back and get more help. It takes a village..
Helpful Answer (0)

Let the Dr know that the next time your mom falls, she will have to re coop in the Hospital because you will not be able to help her then once she's in the Hospital maybe she'll have 2nd thoughts about everything.

Take a Giant Step Back, away from it all.

Only drop in every few days to fill up the cats bowl.

Don't answer any calls from any of them.

Let everyone text or leave a message then you chose to listen or read the message.

Learn to Let Go
It's your mom's life, take yourself out of the equation.

You need a break away from it all, Take It before you are a total wreck.

You need Me Time
From now on, only do what makes you happy.

Helpful Answer (9)

Jump ship save yourself ...before you lose yourself. Try as hard as it is to get some help in the house and put a lock box with a key in case she will not open the door.
start with 2 hours a day for light housework and meal prep. hire a pet sitter to feed the cats once a day. Sounds like she has the means to do so can watch over the financial from your home and you are a good daughter for all you do and have done try to remember that.
Helpful Answer (2)

Leave, you have no responsibility to her if she has a history of not being a decent human being to you before dementia. If she has rental properties she has enough money to sell one or two to provide for bills for the other property and/or a caregiver. Her/Your Dr. Is helping her take advantage of you because it's easy. Make it hard. Leave that doctor immediately as he is deliberately not treating your conditions of autoimmune disease and depression by asking YOU you be on the hook for her care.
Helpful Answer (3)

I have felt the very same. My heart goes out to you. From personal experience, you cannot keep this up or your mom will outlive you. You have to just stop. Having lived in Ontario at one time, I realize healthcare and services are different and there are waiting lists, etc...I would reach out to social services in your area. They can provide home visits to the elderly and monitor them. I volunteered with Ontario Social Services as a monitor for a few years. Also, I had to get into counseling to save my sanity and learn to let go of so many things. Again, this site provides great insight and support to caregivers.
Helpful Answer (3)

Another situation that confirms my belief that there has to be a special place in heaven for family caregivers. Right?
Helpful Answer (8)

Your post is a cry for help if I've ever seen one. Does Canada offer free or low cost mental health services....for you! You are exhibiting signs of depression and you need someone to talk to who can help you sort this out. Please avail yourself and learn how to set boundaries.
Helpful Answer (3)

I’m sorry you feel that way and you are not alone sometimes I feel I want to kill my mother and feel stressed with her all the time is there any help you can get with Carers etc as I had to do that as I was at the end of my tether and had to step back a bit from the situation as she was depressing the life out of me and being the only family member I had nobody to turn to as I have a full time stressful job hope you can get someone to help even if you speak to your own doctor he could help as that’s what I did good luck x
Helpful Answer (1)

"...I had to take a line of credit to pay HER bills for her & for her couple of rental properties..." No, you didn't have to take out a line of credit for her. You enabled your mother to take financial advantage of you. As long as you choose to do all the things that are making your life miserable, nothing can change. If you don't put yourself and your own needs first, who will? Certainly not your mother!

Get yourself a new doctor and seek mental health counseling.

"...there are so many, serious underlying things that are bubbling under the surface..." Your mother's needs are only going to increase. Resign in writing as her POA and let Ontario take over. You may love your mother but, clearly, she cannot love you back - dementia, narcissist - and you are allowing yourself to be abused.
Helpful Answer (14)

We hear a lot in the US about the Canadian healthcare system which appears to be fast and "free" for routine treatment of children and adults who are living independently. I'm beginning to get an slightly different picture for medical system for those who are elderly or need placement so thanks for sharing the information. I can't begin to help you on getting your Mom placed because of the differences in the two countries but in term of your own health your must back off of helping Mom at every instance as quickly.

It sounds like you are living with your Mom so it is time to put some distance between the two of you. Is it possible to you to get your own place.... doesn't have to be big.... a studio will do. Once you have your living space you will be paying your bills so you can immediately stop paying Mom's bills. Your can't remake people (sounds like she's been this way all her life) and you can't save those that don't know that they need to be save. I am sorry about the cats - unless you can somehow sneak them out of the house you may have to commend them to the good Lord --- or anonymously call a good cat rescue.
You have to think of yourself first. If something happens to you Mom is dead in the water without even an advocate...... as are the cats. At this point..... you come first. Oh and get yourself a good and compassionate doctor, who will recommend counseling if you need it.
Hugs and good wishes to you.

Again, Canada and the US are different but sooner or later someone will poke their nose in her living situation to check on the lights, or the water, or the gas and the appropriate authorities will get involved and take appropriate action.
Helpful Answer (4)
GoldorBrass Apr 2021
I wish that was true. Both countries have services one has to jump through hoops to obtain. I am 33 and it has been mind boggling how difficult they make it, I can't imagine someone with mental challenges or slower cognition completing these mounds of paperwork for their own care. My Mom hasn't had an in person evaluation in over a year. No nurse. I had to raise hell to get her an in home caregiver reminding them that her home healthcare waiver is to keep her out of a nursing home and denying that care for 9 months, regardless of pandemic shortages, amounts to elder abuse.
It's terribly sad that developed countries rely so heavily on children/spouses for these complex situations. Especially as birthrates say this situation is already at a crisis level problem.
You don't have to do any of it. If you were able to take out lines of credit to pay your mother's bills and are doing well enough to pay for them out of your own money, then move out on your own.
Stop doing for her. Leave her to her own devices. You've already tried speaking to her doctor and to the Canadian social services. These people are paid to ensure that elderly people are being cared for and living safely. They aren't doing their job and you don't have tp do it for them.
I'm going to guess that your mother's abusive behavior towards you did not just start when symptoms of dementia began. It's probably been going on your entire life. The dementia only changes the style of the abuse. The abuser's skills get dulled by dementia. They aren't so good at hiding their abuse from others anymore. They lose the ability to use subtle types of abuse like covert gaslighting and sabotage on their victim. They are still abusers though.
Get away from her. If you are in a position to be able to get your own place then do it and do it quickly.
It breaks my heart to hear about situations like yours. My mother ruined my life. It took decades of abuse since I was a little kid to achieve her goal. I'm still learning how to overcome it but it's not so simple as taking a pill or talking about it a few times.
I wouldn't wish my situation on my worst enemy and yours sounds very much like mine. If you can get away from her, do it. Don't torment yourself with a moment of guilt about it either because you have nothing to feel guilty about. Please get away from her.
Helpful Answer (8)
bundleofjoy Apr 2021
dear burnt and bevel2,

sending you both lots of hugs!!

it's really hard with abusive mothers.
and it won't stop.

1 problem, is they're often nice, mean, nice, mean, nice...
so you think (during the nice period), maybe indeed they'll stay nice.

they won't.
the mean part will always return.

today i decided to share a bit with X, some things happening in my life. bad idea. X decided to make me feel worse.

i must remember:
X wants to sabotage me, wants to destroy my life, wants me to be as miserable as possible.

in my case, i can't get away from X.
the only way for me to be in contact with Y, is to be in contact with X, too.

i must make some change.
there must be some strategy i haven't thought of.

wishing us all well!!
be careful of narcs: indeed, they want to destroy us.

live your life! be happy, have fun, live!
we have 1 life.
we're young only once.
people who love you, would want you to live your life!
why else were you born?

yes help others, but help yourself, too.
hug!! :)

bundle of joy :)
See 1 more reply
Bevel2, so sorry for what you're going through.

I agree with much of what was previously been posted. I also don't know about Canadian laws. Your doctor had no business telling you to care for your mother. Your mother has no business expecting you to take care of her bills.

Except for the poor defenseless cats, you need to get out of this situation. Contact whatever agency handles social services in your area. Report that your mother is unsafe and that you are incapable of caring for her any longer. You need to take care of yourself at this point. I don't know how hard it is to change doctors in Canada, but get a new one.

I'm so sorry for the problems with your mother. Take time off and find something to smile about. Please Please PLEASE take care of yourself. I pray that you can find peace and joy.
Helpful Answer (5)

Stop doing anything for her as she is not your responsibility. Don’t pay her bills if the POA is useless...You’re burnt out from her & I can tell you she has dementia without even seeing her or getting brain MRI. She gets rent from those properties...but unable to pay her bills...she’s not able to handle this ...& you maybe try to get another dr to sign her as incompetent. Don’t stay with dr who don’t help. She abuses you now...the abuse gets much worse with time...& will become physical. Please be good to yourself & make a plan to get her & you on a different path. You have no help from anyone...I’m in same boat...except for the private pay aide ...I have no help from my one sibling brother. ..who is useless.

You have many people here on the forum in same boat

Hugs 🤗
Helpful Answer (4)

Her debts are NOT your responsibility. For the cats: let neighbors know what the situation is, call the animal protective society. You say they can't do anything BUT I've found that if you raise enough h*ll, cause continual noise, sometimes stuff gets done, even if only to shut you up. And as for criticism, I'd start pushing right back. If she is irresponsible, narcissistic, well tell anyone who criticizes you just that. It is the truth after all. And I'd tell her doctor the whole deal and if he/she doesn't get it, then tell them to get lost. It is amazing how things can change when you just say "No" - as often as needed. Because as another poster put it - if she can take care of herself, then she will. But if she cannot, it will become apparent to all, including the doc. But don't use your money. She needs to figure out her finances - sounds like she is driving the bus and if she is incapable, this is no solution. You CAN RESIGN POA you know. You may want to run this past a lawyer as to details of how to proceed, but if you want some space and separation for your peace of mind, then it may be good that she has not been declared incompetent. You may not want POA, DPOA or guardianship. You cannot be forced to accept this.
Helpful Answer (4)

You are between the literal rock and hard place. You want your mom to be cared for and she obviously needs care, She also abuses you and you get the brunt of all the hardship and bad consequences.

May I make a suggestion: stop. If she is lucid, she can care for herself. If she isn't lucid, it will soon become apparent to others. Make sure she has food and her medications - and then step back, Sometimes we cover the bases so well that others can not see how much help is needed. Let the authorities see the truth.

May I make another suggestion: focus on yourself. You are obviously suffering. It is like drowning and trying to save somebody else that is drowning - you both go down. Get yourself into a better place - get rid of mom's debts (they are hers, not yours), work if need be to get more income for yourself, take some time with a counsellor to unravel the sadness and get back to a happier place... Only when you are no longer drowning can you even think of saving another drowning person, your mom.
Helpful Answer (4)

What a mess!

Stop paying your mom's bills. Never again.

Stop fighting the fight. Back away and let the chips fall where they may.

Do things for yourself. You WILL smile again. As soon as you start living your life!
Helpful Answer (9)

Why did you have to pay for all your mothers debt?
Helpful Answer (5)

Lawyer up. Get yourself a good elder law attorney who will help you manage this mess. My lawyer has given me so much peace of mind she’s been worth every penny. I would stop paying mom’s bills, but ask the lawyer about that. I am so sorry you are going through this.
Helpful Answer (5)

I understand COMPLETELY how you feel! I went through a similar situation with my mother and am now caregiver to my father, neither of which raised me! Gave me to maternal grandparents at 11 months old. Anyway, i had gotten a Durable POA before my mother got bad because i saw it coming. It didn’t help much initially because i was not strong enough to force some issues I should have. And i do not know, things may be different in Canada. The judge in our small town helped me. I had to sign a mental evaluation warrant for my mother for her to be forced into a hospital for about 6 weeks to be completely evaluated. That was very very hard but it started the ball rolling in the right direction because it gave me some control once she was diagnosed. I then had to file for guardian and conservatorship which gave me the right to handle her finances and do what was in her best interest. All of that was extremely hard to do and her cussing me and hating me the whole time but i had no choice. I’m an only child. My mother’s house had become rat infested, she had lost a lot of weight, was not caring for her pet and not taking medication correctly either. It was horrible!!! But i had to convince myself that if she burned herself up in that house the guilt would kill me for doing nothing.
I truly hope this helps you in some way.
I am dealing with all those sad feelings now because my Dad will not agree to do anything except stay here at my home with me! I can’t work, i have no life because he needs constant care! He’s 96 yrs old. So i share in your lack of happiness. I do NOTHING for myself! God bless you with all you have to handle. My heart goes out to you!!! Truly!!!
Marsha DeVaughn
Helpful Answer (7)
BurntCaregiver Apr 2021

I hope all the people like us can get just something small to give us joy for once.
I am sorry you are going through this, but please know that you are not alone. I also have my mother who is in a nursing home that we can no longer afford, I worry about her constantly and I have many health issues myself that are stressing me out and now I feel like all my dreams are over. I just started my life and she got sick 6 months after. It's hard and I just want you to know that I pray that God will give you the strength to move forward and please remember to put yourself first because if something happened to you, you wouldn't be able to help anymore.
Helpful Answer (6)
geddyupgo Apr 2021
Is your Mom in a nursing home for long term care or is she in an Assisted Living? In the US, there are relatively few Medicaid accepted beds (they always seem to forget to tell the families that). If she is in a long term care facility.... you can apply for Medicaid. The regulations vary from state to state so I would call the Office on Aging in the state in which you mother resides and ask them for some guidance.
Hug and best wishes to you.
I have no idea how the laws work in Canada. All I will say is this; STOP paying her bills. When she falls next, call 911 or the equivalent emergency services # in Canada & have the woman transported to the hospital. Once there, explain that she is not safe to live alone and you cannot possibly care for her so she would be an UNSAFE DISCHARGE.

In the meantime, get hold of an elder care attorney & find out how to go about releasing yourself from this nightmare you're living in right now, you poor soul. I'm so sorry for your situation, I truly am. I have a narcissistic mother myself who's 94 and living in a Memory Care Assisted Living place b/c I REFUSE to take her into live with me and nowadays she won't speak to me, which is fine. She's very well cared for where she's at, and she'll be miserable no matter WHERE she lives, so what's the difference? The key with narcs is to get them set up where they can be cared for by OTHERS and where you can manage their lives FOR them from another place. Otherwise, there's TWO lives that are miserable and it will be OUR lives that wind up worse than theirs and we'll be dead before them b/c they live to be 100.

There is a narc mother thread here on Aging Care that you need to check out; here's a link:

It's a really great place to read/vent/chat and just know that you're NOT alone dealing with such a mother; many of us are in a similar boat.

Wishing you the best of luck disentangling yourself from this situation.
Helpful Answer (8)

Only one suggestion, very brief:

Get your own doctor.
Helpful Answer (7)

I feel ya. I promise you WILL smile again. It took me a while to learn to say "whatever" to my mom's dementia anger and insults and problems.

Occasionally I cry for a moment to relieve some pressure in my head, but not several times a week like I used to. Your mom didn't deserve her dementia but NEITHER DO YOU. You did not cause her illness and you have no power to fix it.

I had to step back and allow my mom to show her mental illness in public so the police could take notice. Then a doctor took notice and she was finally diagnosed and he told her she couldn't live without 24/7 care. Now she is in assisted living...mostly angry and crying and blaming me, but that's no big change. She was miserable at home too. Grouching makes her feel better anyway. It's like when you hear a baby wailing at the store...don't feel too overly bad for him, he's making himself feel much better.

It was less difficult to get mom into assisted living from the hospital than it would have been to get her there from her home.

Early on, my sister and I consulted with a local lawyer. It was worth his fees. $250 each visit or phone consult. He has kept records of our attempts to get real help for mom. He helped me set up durable POA. A lawyer could tell you what to do with your mom's bills, and will probably advise you to let that be HER debt. Until a doctor declares her incapacitated, she's still an adult human who is responsible for her own actions.
By the way, my mom still has "capacity" even though she acts like a cuckoo bird. Our freedom to choose our paths is protected right down to the ground, even if we are laying on it.

You will get better at letting things go.
You will smile again.
You will feel like laughing again.
You will enjoy life again.
Helpful Answer (15)

You have received so much good advice here. Could you possibly adapt your letter to the doctor and get that information to him/her regarding her mental state. Then could you adapt the portion regarding her animals to an agency dealing with pets. Your points are so strong. I agree to step back and let her fail if she continues to show you abuse. I hope you do not bail her out financially. It seems as though you are her punching bag. Only you can make that stop by stepping away as difficult as that may seem.
Helpful Answer (9)

Ask your mother to reimburse you for the bills paid on her behalf re rental properties and/or engage an accountant or lawyer to draw up a schedule of monies you are owed (where it should be easy to differentiate obligations) - this should be done anyway to reconcile investment returns/deductions.
Start recording all of your 'out of pocket' expenses for her upkeep to ensure you are not financially exploited - a monthly statement may help.
Find another doctor who is less intimidated by unjustifiable threats - you already have one authority so he could not be sued regardless.
You still believe you are 'the child' in this arrangement. Although there can be a sense of duality at times, you need to be the one in charge and make it clear how things shall be (at least if you are to carry on in this caring role).
Helpful Answer (8)
BurntCaregiver Apr 2021

Her mother will not reimburse any money that was paid out of her own pocket for bills or anything else. That won't happen unless it's court ordered and maybe not even then.
She needs to stop paying altogether. No more bills for mom, or her care, or anything else because she will never see that money again.
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