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I Peter 5:7
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I Venting 4:2

Repeating BarbBrooklyn's words I just read: "You don't raise up a child to be your servant; you raise them up to go out into the world and pave their way."
Helpful Answer (5)
verystressedout Mar 2022

Where can I get your book, Venting? I want more chapters.
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This is the hardest job that I never wanted. I've been caring for my now 95 yo mother for 16 years - the last 4.5 in my home. My only sibling passed away, so I'm it 24/7.

I have a bed alarm and a baby monitor that I carry with me everywhere I go at home so when she gets up, I can get to her and try to prevent a fall. This in itself is a chain. Stressful.

At night when I hear her voice call me when I'm sleeping soundly, it's like an electric jolt. I literally experience adrenaline rushes as I get out of the bed. Stressful and unhealthy.

My stomach stays in knots waiting for the next issue to arise, and it's always something with a 95 yo frail person.

So there are days when I literally think I can't continue. Some days I just gut it out. With the help of the Lord - my faith - and determination to keep the promise that I made to her years ago when I had no idea what would it would entail, I carry on.

There's lots of advice to take care of ourselves, and I do the best I can. But when you are caring - and in some ways living - for two people (myself and my mother), someone is going to get the short end of the stick.

There just isn't any way to care for an elderly or disabled LO without experiencing any stress and it takes its toll. Peace and (((hugs))) and blessings.
Helpful Answer (2)
verystressedout Mar 2022
THANK YOU so much for your words!

"Peace and (((hugs))) and blessings."

To you too, of course!

"My stomach stays in knots waiting for the next issue to arise, and it's always something with a 95 yo frail person."


"There just isn't any way to care for an elderly or disabled LO without experiencing any stress and it takes its toll."

So true. But we must find a way.
Our mothers don't want us to be destroyed. (Some mothers do).

"someone is going to get the short end of the stick."

Please - and I'm saying it to me too, to everyone - please don't take the short end. There must be a way. We weren't placed on Earth to be sacrificed: I think then we've misunderstood life.

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