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Honest opinion here- I’ve worked in home care for the elderly for years and worked in a 5 star brand new facility for 4 years. From the visiting view point - tours- the facility looks wonderful and inviting. In reality, I never worked for and with so many people that could care less about anything but their paychecks.
it nauseates me how deceiving the front office is to achieve the goal of an income.
I once plunged a dementia gentleman’s toilet on a Saturday- with no maintenance on staff - and management was not happy! LOL. He was not going to remember to NOT use the toilet! I worked in the kitchen and went above and beyond changing light bulbs, carrying groceries, switching pictures for residents, conversations, hand on shoulder reassurances— I feel it matters not what department one works in. We are at a facility to help, Nuture, love, guide, give friendship and love to the residences. They deserve the very best of care.
I actually picked a gentleman up at a local hotel at 6am one morning when he wandered away. Talk about uneasiness with management. IMO- money is their only concern and boy do they know how to turn on the charm when needed.
i have done private caregiving and the inept care for some greatly saddens me.
ive told my husband to never put me in a home. I’d rather be deceased.
some residents can be mean- as if it is cliques of high school all over again.
so- enough of my poor viewpoint. In reality- who knows what my future holds.
**I would demand to speak to the owner. Document everything. Date, time and to whom you’ve spoken with to
**does caregiving have a manager to seek out. Ask for an in person meeting- possibly zoom right now
**if you can befriend a caregiver - cleaning staff member - kitchen staff person- they can be a direct, honest person to give you first hand details of your dad. You’ll know when you meet that person when you have that gut feeling that they genuinely care. I would relay the meals eaten, how social they were, mood.... give a staff member you trust a small token. A card is more than enough elaborating on how much you appreciate them!
**contact the local health department
**contact the local senior center and see if they have a mentor / friend program to visit your dad
**contact the local high school counseling office and see if they can recommend a student to help
**contact local colleges, university’s to see about student social workers, nursing/ medical students.
**contact a local caregiving agency- they may have direct knowledge of the care facility your dad is in and can make Recommendations too.
many blessings!
if I think of more resources- I’ll let you know.
Helpful Answer (2)
PSc12345 Nov 2020
Blaming dementia is an easy out for the care facility. How many residents are there and what is the ratio to caregivers? How much time is a caregiver actually with your dad? Do NOT settle!!! Your dad deserves respect, dignity, and you deserve the same. Being elderly in our society should be given the utmost care- each person has so much wisdom, humor, history to share with all of us. Blessings.
No, do not settle. The choice is simple: Be nice so others may like you or fight for your dad's care. I used a nationally known home care agency for my mom for 5 years before she died. The care workers were mostly great, but the owner/office staff were horrible. Long story short, I actually used swear words with the owner/office staff to get results when I caught them in lies or clear failures in duty. Sad to say but true. But when it came to care for my mom, I was like a Mama Bear with her cub. You fight for good care for your dad. Me? For the most part I did get that good care; sadly clients without an advocate like me suffered from their shortcomings and manipulations.

Note: Make sure you turn your wrath on the right people. If the actual caregivers are working hard and doing the right thing, find a way to recognize and reward them. They are doing a thankless job. I know you cannot visit. That has to be horrible. If there is any way to get him out, I would seriously consider that.

Good luck! You can do this.
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rovana Nov 2020
When dementia is involved, I would suggest some checking to see if the complaints have merit. before lambasting anyone.
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While there are issues with any facility, in order to properly address concerns it would be immensely helpful to know what the concerns are. Missing items? It happens, unfortunately. Many dementia residents wander into other rooms and remove items, some residents move their own items and either can't locate them or toss them, then blame others. Some might report perceived issues which aren't true, others may have legitimate complaints.

Understanding the 5-finger discounts can make missing items understandable. Mom's Boogie Board (LCD tablet to make communication a bit easier due to her hearing loss) disappeared for a while, then reappeared. Clearly someone walked off with it, but eventually they located it and returned it. The hearing aid she moved in with eventually went through the laundry. Could they have been better about checking her linens when washing them? Sure. The first replacement (bought a pair, both set up for the left as she only used one) went AWOL within a few months. Problem was she kept taking it out and in the past I know she would wrap it in a tissue or napkin. Most likely it was tossed at mealtime. With the remaining one, they kept taking it away from her when she'd take it out. As far as I know it's still there, but probably not used much. I have arrived for visits and saw her wearing clothing I'd never seen before - more than likely this was someone else's items that got mixed into hers (this despite being told her laundry was washed separately. Some of the undies found in her drawer (before we switched to briefs) certainly weren't hers (she only wore cotton, these were the "stretchy type", something she never wore!) She never complained about anything and I never saw anything to complain about (excluding the missing/lost items, which goes with the territory.) She was never set up with a phone, as she really couldn't use it or hear well with it, but I was there often enough, various times of the day and knowing my mother, she would b*tch about anything she didn't like!!!

I have no idea how many stars my mother's facility has, and generally don't base my thoughts on those. We have no idea who posted the rave or bad reviews or why. They had torn down the really old buildings and rebuilt it all, so we didn't have a full view of it until they opened. MC was the last unit to take residents, and mom was the first. Due to lockdown, there's no way to know what's going on at the moment, but in the 3+ years she was there and I could visit, I had no complaints. There are many care-givers there who adore my mother and always tell me things she says and does and comment on how "cute" it is. Mom's facility is 3 level, IL, AL and MC. It is private pay, non-profit. While it is not cheap, I can also say that those who do the actual care are among the lowest paid employees. I would never assume any of them are "in it for the money."

Anyway, Annabox, if you could cite some examples of your (dad's) concerns, it would be easier for us to make suggestions that make sense.
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I am so sorry this nightmare has become your daily life. My only experience was when my dad was in rehab (pre covid time) for 30 days. He was a very difficult patient due to his dementia accelerated after general anesthesia and hospital sedations. Often he was combative, trying to climb out of bed and go home. The hospital had provided a sitter for him but rehab could not. During the first week I asked about a sitter and was told private sitters were welcome but family had to pay. I checked in everyday for a few hours in the daytime and a family friend became his evening sitter. I made friends with as many staff as I could often bringing donuts or treats. Always expressing my gratitude for their care. Several times I helped change his bed. I tried to stay daily to help feed dad his lunch. His evening sitter arrived to feed him dinner. The staff were responsible for feeding several patients so feeding was rushed. Dad has issues with swallowing. The staff that are good and do care have a hard time and they do the best they can. Some were so kind and loving. His only hearing aids were lost. My dad had little money and this ended up costing a fortune but at least it provided some assurance he would not be neglected or abused most of the time. He begged me later not to ever send him back. He lived out his remaining days with my mom at his apartment with many caregivers. He passed peacefully with hospice care last June. Sister and I agree every penny was well spent to keep him home and well cared for.
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You are not a squeaky wheel, he is paying for a service and they should be accountable for his care and your concerns. My only advice in situation where someone has dementia in any facility (5 star included) is to have a camera in the room. It is the only way to advocate properly because you know what is happening every day. I have my mom is a very "upscale" facility and even with a camera they have done some terrible things. With Covid, the only way to advocate is to have eyes in the room and on the facility.
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Hello, Squeaky Wheel.
I believe if theyre getting paid for a service.
They need to explain your concerns.
Maybe, A wake up call of .. well, If you can't answer my question I need to look into
other housing for my LOVED one.. might work, might not ?
A little play there game B.S... and if your not standing right there when something happens
to see for yourself. it very well be Dementia ?
Best of luck , We are all in this together .. PATRICK
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Imho, you are not a squeaky wheel and deserve answers from the people whom you have contacted at your father's facility. Prayers sent.
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If you fee, suspect, think, dream there is a problem. Then report it. If the facility responds to you as you being a bother, I guarantee you there is a problem. What company in our lifetimes take every piece of property and income from our loved ones and then think they can treat our loved ones and family like a bother?

my mom was in a rehab in 2019. They had staffing issues, cleanliness and medical treatment (or lack there of) I addressed through the facility, but it never was addressed through all shifts.

you need to see if there is an ombudsman in your area, report to state, report to Medicare, etc.

you have a right to be a squeaky wheel.

inwas one at this facility. Medicare actually did an inspection in the beginning of 2020. Guess what? They basically failed the inspection. Many of the cleanliness issues I had seen. Like patients can’t have a wash rag after 9:00 if there is a spill. Lack of washing hands, etc.

one month or so later the pandemic hit. Over 40% of the patients were dead and something like 60%plus were infected.

our loved ones deserve and need squeaky wheels.
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Dementia and Covid. It is like walking on a tight rope - for everyone.
Family who can't visit and check on how things are going from first hand observations;
Staff that are exhausted, low-paid, considered about their own health and safety and that of their family when they go home;
Residents/patients in facilities that are confused, alone / lonely.

Not a good time for anyone.
1. You need to reach other people than whoever you are emailing.
- find out who is on the Board of Directors, call or write them.
- call county senior services or Ombudsmen service / non-profit
2. You want to be careful due to Covid.
3. How is it that you believe your dad since he has dementia? If he is being abused, definitely pursue legal investigation. If he says he's losing 'things' - realize it is just things.
4. If you have any concerns about the quality of care, check into it although also be aware that if they ask him to leave, Covid is a concern everywhere.
5. If I were you, I would stop knocking my head against a wall. Find another way 'in' to getting your concerns answered.
6. Don't forget to take care of yourself - this is vitally important. Gena

- call an elder attorney lawyer
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