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Your mothers brain is now broken so why wouldn't she be making up "supposed" memories? She can't help it, and the best thing you can do is to just go along with whatever she is saying as you now have to live in her world as she can no longer live in yours.
It will make your life so much easier to just go along with whatever she says and it will most certainly keep the peace which of course is priceless.
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It’s normal around here. My mother’s broken brain has even made some of my life events her own. Most are harmless, some are hilarious. The only dangerous “memory” occurred the September she chewed me out daily because our pool heater broke. Parts were scarce - we’d deal with it in the spring. She claimed to be a lifelong swimmer and raged that she couldn’t swim her daily lengths. The reality is she hates and fears water, and cannot swim at all. We closed the pool early for her safety.
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againx100 Nov 2022
Without a doubt.

My mom was always making up the most amazing, fabulous stories. I would look at her and just go 'whaaaaat'?

She was watching an ancient re-run of Bonanza and said, matter of factly--"Oh, did you know Dick (her brother who has been deceased for 5 years) had Michael Landon over to the house for a BBQ and a swim?" (Ok, yes, my uncle DID know Michael Landon, he was in the entertainment industry)...but since both men have been gone for some time--obviously this was a HUGE story. Mom was adamant that it had happened 'last week'. And said that they were just the dearest of friends. Well, this may or may not have been true in the 60's but was not likely a current event. I couldn't talk her out of it, so I just rolled with it.

All her stories had her coming out the 'belle of the ball' kind of thing. I know she doesn't mean it and where in her brain these stories are percolating...

I don't think it's unusual and I don't think there's anything to do to change it. Just roll with it. Mom was far more fun to talk to when she was 'in a mood' than normally.

I wonder what I will be like when I am more 'crazy' than I am now. And if my kids will be talking about ME on a board like this?
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somehow this posted 2 times. Can't leave this blank lighten up the day...
Hope everyone set their scale back 10 pounds this weekend.
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I do not think she is intentionally "making up memories"
What may be happening is she sees something and it gets filed in her brain.
With the screwed up filing system of dementia that visual "memory" may seem like a "real memory".
My thought on this is do not let it stress you or do not argue with her. An argument with someone with dementia is an argument that you will never "win". It will do noting but upset her and you.
So...go with the flow.
or if you want to see where this goes..ask her more questions. Sometimes there may be a nugget of fact mixed with the "memory salad".
Helpful Answer (9)
kolea123 Nov 2022
I know she isn't making it up on purpose..she really believes everything she says.. There is so much more stuff`that I am not ready to get into but I am glad to know this part of a normal process.

Thank you!
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