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In fact, most docs are not really as aware of the effects of many of the supplements as they should be. Rather, they assume they are more or less harmless which is a big mistake. As has already been stated above, by definition, Supplements are NOT approved by the FDA. Otherwise, they would require a prescription. There are certain vitamin strengths however (e.g. Vitamin D 50,000 iu) that require a physician's prescription. While there are some "creditable" companies such as Nature Made, they are USP assessed for only the purity of the product. USP does NOT attest to the safety or efficacy of the products.
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DocJC, I do understand that. The one Dr we had for years was a close personal friend. He worked with either Sabin or Salk on the polio vaccine and was quite knowledgeable of vitamins and supplements. I had misstated the FDA approval but thought nothing of it as it was one drug that was Dr recommended. I was just stating the fact that it was a reliable company. The point I had wanted to make was that he had taken it for years and without it the cramping etc returned and was cleared up when he started taking it again. Considering his other problems and the number of doctors we see on a regular basis I know there is no problem with him on it. I was also wanting to know about it for memory problems since those started occurring when the hospital gave him drugs he should not have had and it really messed up his brain (dramatically) and still 3 months later is having problems he didn't have before. We do not take drugs carelessly.
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I appreciate the clarification and your concerns. The answer about magnesium and cognitive functioning is that magnesium is not helpful. However, the other meds that you husband was placed on likely contributed to his memory problems. Without knowing precisely what he was given, I am unable to be more helpful. That being said, with advanced age, our brains lose resilience. Consequently, ill effects can persist for frustratingly long periods. I wish you both well.
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Thank you so much. Yes, I do understand that it was the Ambien and Activan at the same time followed by Seroquel and then the Anesthetic during surgery. Was afterward told that he should have been sent home till time for surgery instead of sedating him in the hospital. Since others asked the original question of Magnesium I joined in just to find out if there was any validity to MCI as he is still having some problems with it.
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Can memory loss in the elderly be reversed at all or is progressive memory loss usually go hand in hand with the elderly and there really isn't anything that can be done for it?
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May I suggest that you read more about who these people are. The article that you linked is nothing but an elaborate advertisement with NO medical backing. None of the publishers is a physician. It is Bogus.
Memory loss can occur for many different reasons. One of the most common causes is undiagnosed/untreated depression. Also, any illness that reduces blood flow to the brain can also show cognitive effects. Vascular dementia, Lewy Body dementia, and Alzheimer's dementia all have different pathological causes and progress differently. Hence there is no predictable course without knowing more about the person.
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JC - Good answers to both Lyndee and me. I had to contend with Lewey Body Parkinson's with Dementia with my mother and now going through this with my Husband. Both are different and at different ages and conditions.
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DoctorJC my Momma is soon to turn 86 and she was recently diagnosed with having Mild Cognitive Impairment. Her memory in my humble opinion is anything but "mild". I live with my Momma almost 24/7. I have to repeat everything to my Momma usually 15-20 times a day if not more. It's very frustrating to her and nerve wracking to me as well. I am desperately seeking and searching anything on the internet for help for her because neither her Neurologist nor her family doctor will recommend anything for her. It's almost as if they are saying "oh well.....she's old....if she's lucky she'll die soon....." That kind of attitude I definitely don't like or appreciate.

Medicine has come a long way, and so have some doctors, but alternative medicine and learning how to eat properly and what to eat, has been helpful as well. Along with certain vitamins and minerals.
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As a physician and a caregiver, I understand and appreciate your situation and frustration. The sad story is that most of the alternative treatment recommendations and dietary changes may have been helpful if adopted before the age of 30 or 40. 86 years of age is a bit late. Furthermore, the doctors you reference are also frustrated. We are trained to save lives, and when we can't, our feelings of helplessness is unfathomable. I think that also may account for the seeming aloofness of certain doctors when confronted by frustratingly ill patients for whom we have no cure.
It's generally accepted that people in their mid 80's have about a 30% chance of developing symptoms of dementia. By the mid 90's, the likelihood increases to 50%.
I wish it were different for your mom and my wife. I'm too much of a scientist to accept unsubstantiated bogus claims that challenge the currently available scientific evidence. Hopefully, increased research that is being funded in the latest congressional omnibus bill will bring more results in understanding and treating the ravages of dementia.
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DocJC, Thanks again for the post to Lyndee. Possibly something will come along and it will help all of us as caregivers. We just keep seeking answers.
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You are correct Errett, we as caregivers are on a seemingly endless search for solutions and answers to our loved ones problems and we have this deep seated need to want to find something, anything, that could help our loved ones and ourselves better. Medicine is changing every day and new ideas, treatments are being tried all the time, which some we may hear about and are successes while others we don't hear about them (meaning the general public).

I'll give you an example. I am a Type 2 Diabetic. I was diagnosed with this back in 1996. I inherited it from my father and my grand father, so it runs in the family. I too thought I was going to be a slave to medications for the rest of my life in addition to watching my diet. It wasn't until a friend of mine told me about a group on Facebook called 'Reversing Diabetes' and once I joined that group and adopted to their findings and ways of eating, I am now taking less medicines and I'll soon be taking no medications for my diabetes. I was skeptical at first with their way of eating, but once I tried it for a month, it was amazing to me how really good I felt all over and how much energy I actually had.

No doctor I had ever seen told me about this before. I wonder why? Could it be that maybe they have never heard of this before? or they heard of it and didn't believe that this new way of eating actually works? The reasoning why is unclear.

So anyway, there are solutions and treatments....the trick is to find them.

Thank you DoctorJC and Errett for your comments and advice and hugs. They were greatly appreciated.
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I saw this man on t.v. and he is a doctor. I Googled this article. I find what he has to say to be quite encouraging for me and possibly to other caregivers.

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Dr. Hyman is a book salesman. Yes, he is an MD, but Functional Medicine is not a recognized board specialty. Having attended several of his Integrative Medicine Symposiums in NYC, I agree with assessments of his work as being anti-science and even pseudoscientific.
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