Just did this…I waited until mom was close to the $2000 left in assets for our state of Virginia. Our community has a medicaid specialist..she made the process fast and easy! At MC I kept the admin office aware monthly how fast moms finances were dwindling…they notified the LTC SNF and everything fell into place got moved to SNF and medicaid kicked in 2 weeks later! I might add my 91 yr old moms much happier in SNF then she ever was in MC..Better care, more staff and people like her..Lewy Body..she looks so relaxed now…lovely!
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Sadinroanokeva

I went to Social Services and sat with a Medicaid caseworker who helped me fill out the application then gave me a list of things needed to complete the application. If your sister has nothing but Social Security and maybe a pension the application should be easy.

In my state, you have 90 days from application to spenddown assets and get needed info to Medicaid. You do not wait till money is gone. I applied in April. Mom had enough money for May and June. June I proved Mom was spent down and the caseworker had all the info needed. Medicaid started July 1st. I like being on top of things. I would not have put Moms application in the hands of a NH.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to JoAnn29

The LTC Medicaid application has 2 aspects for eligibility: financial AND medical. As,others have posted, the application has a ton of personal financial information that is absolutely required to be submitted. This is the responsibility of the applicant, their POA or family member. Although the SW at a facility can be helpful in filling out an application.

For example, the application will have to have her info on her “awards letter” from SSA and any other retirement. These are the letters that come in Nov/Dec that indicates the exact payment she will get from SSA for the incoming year. Medicaid absolutely has to have this to determine financial eligibility and set the Share of Cost $ amount. Getting these type of details is on the PoA and family to find, not a staffer at a NH.

The NH will have more responsibility for the “medically at need for skilled nursing care” part of the LTC Medicaid Application. As the NH will have her current chart, and should have gotten her old medical & hospitalization chart info to add to her health history. If she enter the NH as a post hospitalization rehabilitation patient, the NH has all her records needed to show “need”. If there is a problem with her being medically at need, so an appeal has to happen, the DON at the NH will be the one to run with getting this done. Although technically the POA will sign off on the appeal.
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Reply to igloo572

Facility social worker (if there is one around, which should be), should have reached out to you about Medicaid by now.
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Reply to cover9339

No, they are not required to apply for Medicaid for a resident, but they can be helpful. I applied for Medicaid for my father, and the finance person was very helpful to me in coordinating all of the paperwork. I was the one who filled out the paperwork though. I had access to his bank statements and other personal information, and whoever applies for Medicaid for someone will need access to that information. If the nursing home doesn’t have access to that, and no other family member or person does either, what they should do is contact the state for assistance. If family is around, they likely will push it on the family to do something. But if family can’t access the bank records, then they will have to contact the state for assistance.
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Reply to mstrbill

In my home state (MN) a designated representative can fill out a Medicaid app for someone, so it doesn't have to the PoA or legal guardian. BUT whoever fills it out has to have essential and private information, like SSN, access to bank statements, knowledge of assets, property, vehicles, recent medical bills, etc.

So, the broad answer is that it may depend on the Medicaid rules for the applicant's home state plus whoever has access to the needed info AND can do the follow-up if Medicaid asks for more proofs or corrections until they have all the info needed.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Geaton777

No, the SNF is not your sister's guardian, conservator or POA.
Moreover, if currently Sis is covered by Medicare for some specified amount of time there is a chance she would go to private pay. While she may not have funds meaning they cannot collect debt from her, she may be owner of a home? Which would mean clawback by Medicaid after her death, or by a lien placed by the SNF facility.

Who is the POA for your sister?
Is your sister competent in her own behalf?
We need information about her, her diagnosis and prognosis.

She cannot stay in a facility that is private care once her funds run out unless they accept Medicaid. If your sister has no POA and has no money then the SNF needs to report her to APS (or you do) as a senior at risk if she is unable to function mentally to help herself.

I caution you NOT to accept temporary of other guardianship. To be let out of guardianship, an ONEROUS task, you have to be dismissed from it by a judge, and they will NOT do so, often even if you are too ill to function. Do not accept any responsibility and tell anyone calling from institution to social services that you are not physically, mentally, emotionally or intellectually prepared to take on responsibility for your sister and they will have to seek guidance THEMSELVES from other family members or from APS and request guidance and guardianship of the state.

You have given us very little information. If there is more we need to know to advise you I hope you will let us know.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer

I believe it's the POAs job to apply for Medicaid, not the SNF.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to lealonnie1

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