I live alone and recently retired. I realize that if I was hurt or became ill at home it could take days before someone missed me! I attend a gym, shop, go to meetings, etc but not on a regular schedule.
I visited an Assisted Living facility once that had a sensor on the fridge in each unit. If the door wasn’t opened by 11 am someone was sent to the room to check on the resident.
So I was wondering if there was a phone app or service that did something similar.
I now do that with my neighbors.
also, I keep my car clicker with my alarm close to me. My neighbors know if the car alarm sounds non stop. Call 911 for me because I cannot call.
There are wearable alert devices that ping the control center if it detects the wearer is horizontal at an odd time of day or for an inordinate amount of time. I don't know the brand but I know they are a thing. My very seniors aunties in FL both have the alert necklace and they've used it when one of them fell. Worked great!
Some examples:
Mil has grocery delivery, if she does not call in her order on Monday, they call her.
Elderly Aunt, had her Postie knock on her door and hand her her mail each day, he was the one who found her when she broke her hip.
Have your paper boy knock on your door.
Call a friend every day, by a certain time. It can be a different friend each day. But have a plan in place if you are unable to connect.
As a culture we are losing our human connections. There was a time that if the milk bottles were not brought in, someone would knock on the door. Of course most of us no longer have milk delivery, but we have also lost daily human contact.
Perhaps it is a service that needs to be developed and provided. Outside of home care, but a friendly call each day.
grocery deliveries are done online. We don’t call them in. No chain store will notice & call if you don’t place an order one week. Maybe a small mom & pop would notice but maybe they wouldn’t.