This is a relatively new phenomena. She never used to complain about how tight the BP cuff got. Now she’s reduced to tears every time they take her pressure. It doesn’t matter if it’s done automatically or if the nurse does it manually. She always reacts the same way - like it’s the worst pain she’s ever felt. She gave birth to six kids so I know she’s experienced FAR worse. She can get a shot or have an IV line established without batting an eye. But she cries like a baby when they take her BP. Is anyone else seeing this? Any explanation?
Thank you again, everyone.
It mattered not where the cuff was placed with that #%* machine. Whether on her arm, her wrist, or the ankle.
Things got so bad the aid ripped it off of her once and called the RN. Of course this was followed by bp meds being injected into her IV.
Our PCP no longer uses that machine. All is done manually.
Of course hospitals will not change. Technology is just too great to ignore.
The wrist cuff gave us the best readings. Manual was second best.
Good luck to you.
As a child I used to squirm & cry when the BP cuff was presented, then scream when it was on. I just hated the feel of the squeezing pressure. I handled injections though (inc the big penicillin jabs in thigh given often).
I would check her reaction when presenting it. Make sure she SEES it - not just surprise! It's on. Explain it will squeeze but *not for long* Count to ten slowly with her until finished. Then a big well done, that's over!
A kindly nurse did that for me. (I do warn the nurse or Doctor I still hate it & still count to 10 in my head).
Does she have arthritis or rheumatism or any kind of inflammatory disease?
Also - if the skin is loose, check it isn't being folded and pinched when the cuff tightens.
It could be that her pain threshold has fallen, but it could also be that nowadays she is more sensitive to squeezing or bruising or constriction, or it could be that there actually is a hidden problem.
If it’s a mental issue she will probably forget in time that she had a problem.
You can get a BP monitor that will go on her wrist and does not go as tight.
If her BP can be taken occasionally you can bring the info into the doctor that should satisfy them.
If not...just have them put "refused" in the space where the results are to go.
Good luck!