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Brenda, is dad able to sign a new contract?

You could always go get a new contract drawn up for the current care needs, inflation and added hours. That would increase your monthly pay.

Be sure and thank your sister for pointing out that your contract needed to be updated to reflect the current situation.

Oh yes, make sure that you have a roommate agreement with dad and that he is paying his way on top of paying for the care he receives.

Based on what you have said about your sister, I personally don't think that she would actually care for dad. She would happily take the money and let him go without care. I could be wrong, but I don't think so.
Helpful Answer (13)
janeinspain Jun 2020

"Be sure and thank your sister for pointing out that your contract needed to be updated to reflect the current situation."

It's great that he had a formal contract drawn up by a lawyer. But it does need to reflect reality and you need to be paid fairly (more!) and be paid rent. I think you should maintain communication with your sister and by all means share with her the data you gather about costs of facilities and private caregivers. Transparency is important, even with people who are unreasonable. But if she continues to squawk, just ignore her. This is an agreement between you and your dad.
Well, if you quit, would you come take of my mom for 2K per month?
Helpful Answer (18)

Tell your sister to mind her business, she has no idea what good care costs. You are actually under paid. Go online or have your sister look up what fees are for a facility care giver or the one's that make home visits. You are a wonderful person for doing what you do.
Helpful Answer (15)

Why don't you tell your sister that you will gladly let her take over so she can receive the $1,000.00 a month? I bet THAT will shut her up!
Helpful Answer (18)

I’m sorry tell her she is crazy. You are a live in on call caregiver. Price other facilities options and stand firm. Otherwise raise your rates to what they charge in the real world. Don’t not let her wear you down or go down in price. You are quite valuable and your Dad is lucky.
Helpful Answer (9)

Let me chime in with the others -- you are not being paid enough! And what about the issue of the food and utilities he uses? Rent? Taxes? He should be paying his fair share for all of these things. And then add the caregiving on top of that.

Would SHE bill willing to have him live in HER home for not even $3/day, which is what she thinks you should get?

What a piece of work!
Helpful Answer (17)

Have you called care agencies to ask what they would charge for 24/7 care. Do it and prepare to be floored by the answer. I will give you a hint it is way,way more than what you are receiving. And I am sure sis thinks that you should pay rent and a share of household expenses. Ask the agency about that as well. Not a chance! Oh, he is living with you? He should pay you rent and a share of household expenses.

What a sweet sister you are. Not collecting or being paid a decent wage all so siblings receive a larger inheritance.

Check into the cost of memory care, too while you are at it. Sis would never take on this responsibility.

Is this really just full time, 40 hours, of care each week? I would think it is actually 166 hours.
Helpful Answer (21)

Ignore your sister. She is clueless and worried about her inheritance.

You deserve to be paid for your care and you are completely protected since an attorney drew up the contract.

It is easier to find fault than offer a helping hand.
Helpful Answer (32)
jacobsonbob Jun 2020
...and your sister would be likely to get much less of an inheritance if your father had to go into a nursing home at this point!
Tell your sister if she'd like to have dad live with her and get paid a pittance, she is welcome to do so.

I'm with Polar. You should be paid far more.
Helpful Answer (24)


Your dad is paying you TOO LITTLE. $1,000/month, that's $12,000/52 weeks, which translates to $231/week, which translates to $33/day.

How many hours a day do you spend helping dad including being ON-CALL meaning to passively watch him to make sure he's ok? Security guards do nothing but walking or standing around and they get paid. You do the same when you're sitting and keeping an eye on dad. Since you're getting $33/day, you should work NO MORE than 3 hours.

Your sister wants to pay you slavery wage. That's shameful. Tell her to go check out the rates from a few agencies. They charge at least $25/hours with a minimum of 4 hours/day.

Your profile says your dad is living in your home. He should also pay you rent, and part of utility expenses. Tell your idiotic sister to either shut up or she can take over his care by bringing him to her place for her to take care of him.
Helpful Answer (33)

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