
I posted a few questions concerning my relationship to my brother and how that is affecting my family dynamics. Thank you everyone who replied with positive words. I do feel better. One last question related to the issue:

My brother is decent person or rather he has done many decent things. He does good things for people, including me, and has paid a lot of money for the care of my father who definitely deserves it. My brother is actually more than decent. But recently his deception and pushyness to get me to sign a contract he knows that I had already told him was not something I can do at the time makes him look like an a-hole! Plus there's this little bit of superiority that he and his family exhibit towards me that bothers me. His wife was literally given millions of dollars in a trust fund. My brother earned only a fraction of his family's weath.

I am having a hard time reconciling the fact that he's overall a great person but then treats me this way. My theory, off the cuff, is that he's a great person when he's got the control, and the money, but when that's at risk he reverts to underhanded, a-hole behavior. Has any one else experienced this phenomenon?

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I would like to know exactly what are these services your brothers wife has been paying for dad and how much a month.
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Lisa, over the past two days you’ve left at least four threads here about their money to a fault. The wife. The trust fund. How she just had it handed to her and what not.

Frankly, this makes you sound merely jealous and blurs whatever point you are trying to make here. You keep going on about the bigger decisions, well which ones except these aides? You’ve made it clear you’re not taking on paying for them, which means he will, which is what dad wants.

Bro could have just said that he can’t afford and put all the caregiving on you. Seriously, is that what you want, for you to be The Person and get the respect you seek that way?

What Big Decisions is he cutting you out of right now?
Helpful Answer (1)
lisatrevor Mar 2022
Some of your replies have been caustic. But I will answer this one. First the point about the wife is that their financial condition is such that they originally offered to pay the services in question and dad agreed. He even moved thousands of miles to do so! Dad knew he was going to have a very comfortable retirement.

Second, I'm not jealous of them at all. I am happy for my brother or rather was. Now I know that maybe he's not in as much control of the funds as I thought. I have lived a good life, too and frankly while I know people have been jealous of me (I hate that fact) I think others consider me as a good role model for the things I have done and continue to do.

Now the big decisions My brother has recently told me by chance that it may be best for dad to be in a place that has certain services and amentities. He went to visit the place months ago and didn't ask me to go with him nor did he let me know that they had been considering it for some time now. When I expressed possible concern about the location (it's urban with probably more crime) my brother brushed it off and it's totally clear they will be making the decision without any input from me.
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Consider that your brother is being pushed by his WIFE to stop paying for your dad's care; she could be irritated that it is actually SHE who is ponying up the cash every month to foot what must be a huge bill! If she's giving him a headache about it, then he, in turn, may be trying to get YOU to pay it so it lets HIM off the hook. That is what makes the most sense, imo. The more money some people have, the tighter they can tend to be with it. In that old adage, 'The rich get richer & the poor get poorer'.........the rich get richer precisely BECAUSE they hang onto their money and don't like to fritter it away. They spend money wisely, in other words.

Your brother can be a very decent human being and just feel like he's being taken advantage of here by paying a ton of money for dad's bills. Which he or his wife really shouldn't be doing in the FIRST PLACE. Whether his wife is a millionaire or not is beside the point, really, b/c even millionaires don't like to keep writing big checks every month for a service. It tends to go against their grain, oftentimes.

You may want to have a REAL heart to heart talk with your brother, esp if the two of you have always had a good relationship. Ask him what's REALLY going on here? And why he's treating you the way he is; that it's hurting your feelings (when you treat me like this, it hurts my feelings, is the way to phrase it, which is less confrontational than accusing him of doing something wrong). Tell him you do not want anything to come between you and hurt your friendship, and the relationship between you, he and your dad. If you use that approach, he may open up and tell you the truth. Once you know the real reason he's acting this way, maybe then you can arrive at a satisfactory compromise of some sort. Maybe dad can even pitch in some of his own $$$ (like SSI for instance) towards his care, which is not an unreasonable idea. If you can afford $300 a month, for instance, and dad can afford $200 a month, then the two of you can contribute $500 a month towards his care & your brother/SIL can finance the rest. That may be the 'compromise' that works.

Good luck!
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Why is anybody but dad paying for Dad's care?

That is the source of all this angst, right?

Just as an example, my parents' resources paid for their care. What my or my brothers' earning were didn't enter into any equation or conversation.

AND yes, your SIL's money is hers, not your brother's and certainly not for Dad's care.
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lisatrevor Mar 2022
My father does not have the resources. There is no other way to pay. When my father told me he was leaving years ago he told me that it was hard to leave me (I lived 1/2 mile away) but he wanted to be near the grandkids (I don't have kids) AND my brother had the resources to pay for the services. My brother agreed to pay these services and has been paying them for years without issue.

My SIL's money pays for the services but she's married to my brother and that's the way they worked it, at least that's the way it's been. She loves my father.
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First of all, his wife's money is HER money. It is not necessarily available for your father's care, so I think you really need to get over your bitterness about the money. It isn't yours, and it isn't your brother's -- it's HERS.

If you don't want to assume the responsibility in a contract, just say so. Tell your brother you can contribute X amount of dollars per month toward Dad's care, and that's it. From your description in the last post about this, it sounds like you've given him these wishy-washy answers about what you can afford "right now," but no actual figure he can work with. The two of you need to come together to decide how much you each can contribute toward Dad's care, then go from there with an actual budget.

Your brother isn't treating you in a particularly negative way from what I can tell. I imagine he's fairly frustrated at not getting straight answers from you. Have an adult-to-adult conversation and try to leave the childhood issues behind. I see that coming through in your posts and recognize it from some of my interactions with my own brother over the years. However, my parents chose to make me -- the younger child -- their POA and successor trustee, and now my brother treats me like an equal because I'm the one handling all the finances and now all the estate business. He seems to be impressed that I know more about investments than he does, and as I've moved multiple times over the years for job relocations, I know a lot more about how to hire Realtors, clear our homes, and myriad other life skills he doesn't have. We're on a very equal footing at last, and it's been much nicer for both of us.
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lisatrevor Mar 2022
I believe my brother might think I gave a wishy-washy answer before but that's a misunderstanding. A simple phone call to me asking if I can or not take on the services would have all he needed to do. Instead he made an appointment and drove 20 minutes to the service provider's office to set up a tentative meeting with me. What has become clear to me is that these actions speak loud and clear: "You are going to sign the contact." My brother does not want to hear anything else. Anything I say will be dismissed. The only thing in his way is the fact that he can not force me to sign the contract. That's going to cause conflict and that conflict I can expect at anytime now.

His wife's money is legally is hers but they are married and all major expenses are paid from her. She loves my father and at least for a period of years there was no issue with paying. Now that I'm physically nearby for some reason they expect that the expense should be shifted to me.
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No person is ALL good or ALL bad.
We all have our triggers, quirks, whatever you want to call them.
You deal with what you have, ignore what you can and try not to let someone piss you off so much that you are the one that ends up looking like an ahole to everyone else.
Stick to what you know is right for you.
it is called establishing and keeping BOUNDARIES.
Helpful Answer (2)
lisatrevor Mar 2022
Thank you. Great answer.
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