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Deb, have you ever had contact with the landlord who is supposedly so generous?

Or are you getting all the facts from SIL?
Helpful Answer (6)
Debmiller Jan 10, 2024
Yes, I had one phone conversation 2 years ago. I was fully transparent with him about what we were able to do. BTW, I asked SIL to join us in a conference call with him at that time so there would be clear communication but she declined.
Later, it was SIL who conveyed to me he was willing to go forward. I regret not calling him at that point. That's when I had house appraised and inspected. I don't remember how long but very soon after that SIL texted to report the landlord believed we would flip the house for a quick profit and he required a trust to give SIL any profit if house is sold. Alarm bells rang immediately. It sounded a lot like "projection" coming from SIL to me. I did not want to give her the opportunity to have rights to any gain from a sale. She could stop paying rent forcing me to sell and she could walk with the profit.
Sil is a renter.
She can rent anywhere.
Helpful Answer (3)

Oh Boy.
If I were you, I would 'get out of Dodge' - in other words, if you are too young to know that phrase, let your sister-in-law manage her own needs and especially financial.
* As I see it, she is unstable, mentally / psychologically, or cognitively - and unable to care for herself - as needed.
- Her financial situation will continue to change by way of her asking for more and more ... and more financial and otherwise support. She will drain you/r husband dry if she can. She will try.

SIL needs a social worker, therapist, etc. I am sure you know this.

* I believe the 'best help / support" you can / could provide is to get her in the system for financial support however that manifests. DO NOT participate in helping her out financially as this will / would then (likely) legally, be considered 'her income' and show 'her' ability to pay her way. She cannot.

* IF you decide to buy a home or (mobile home?) or some real estate, be sure it is in your/husband's name - you are the property owners. I still sense this isn't the way to go - she could / may likely / possibly trash the place. And perhaps call YOU day after day for 'repairs' - do you want this headache? Answer: NO.

YOU and your husband have enough to manage with your own health needs and future. You have saved or managed your $ to retire. Don't give that away. It is a faucet that will never turn off.

The comment about narcissistic traits in the family is the icing on the cake = do not go there. Get her into the system and be minimally involved. Although providing referrals is a HUGE support to her.

Accept she'll be mad / pi-sed / squawk / have a tandrum / try to wear you / your husband down. Be prepared ahead of time mentally for how you will handle this.
- Stay firm with your decisions.
- Do not argue or repeat yourself. State your position / 'boundaries of support' and if she persists, tell her you will send her a written agreement or 'understanding of support' - she will 'try' to convince you / she will strategize as this is what people do who cannot manage their own life / needs. She'll see a 'weak link' and zero in (if she has the cognitive ability to do so).
- Put your terms in writing (make it very official) if that feels right. She'll know you are serious if you do so - or perhaps she'll get it.
- Deal with your own guilt or sensitivity / desire to 'help' - be gentle with yourself. Caring for another / family is not easy and feelings - conflicting feelings will arise. If you need, get into short term therapy yourself.

You are a lovely, wonderful s-i-l. Keep your retirement nestegg. You'll need it.

Gena / Touch Matters
Helpful Answer (4)

Again, something is not right with this whole house thing. Since u were the one willing to purchase it, the landlord should have been in contact with you and only you. Plus, does sister realize by buying the house, she is responsible for insurance, taxes, water/sewerage, upkeep. And upkeep means if the hot water heater goes, thats now her problem. I had to upgrade mine to meet code and it cost me 6k. Heater goes, her responsibility. Appliances go, her responsibility. Lo

Your sister would be better in an apartment. Then she just pays the rent and utilities. You call maintenance when there is a problem. You could help her by paying security deposit and first and last months rent. There are resources she can take advantage of.
Helpful Answer (2)

You did what needed to be done blocking her. Once she realizes you will not be manipulated into solving her crisis (after recurring crisis) she will find another source. Regardless, it’s not your problem. The only thing you can control is your actions. I would also feel bad walking away knowing she has no options - but it’s not your problem to solve. With or without you she’s a disaster … keep her blocked so she has to come up with another plan that doesn’t include you. Let her guilt trips about what she would do if you were in the hospital roll right off you. She is trying to manipulate into feeling sorry for her and solving her problems. Okay. You feel sorry for her - it worked. I feel sorry for her too.

She is a victim of her own choices. You do not have to be a victim of her choices. Maybe you can call a social worker in her city for her? Or google social services in that city and see if there’s somebody you can tip off to help her.
Helpful Answer (2)

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