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Okay, so do you have the letter sent to you by the executor?

Your gma sounds like a thoroughly evil person. I would not be POA for such a person
Helpful Answer (3)
Sofrustrated87 Feb 2020
I do have a copy of the letter.
Several observations here, but first:

SoFrustrated, the attorney who seemed to be having problems with math used a tactic of attorneys:   take a position, don't elaborate but tempt the person who will respond to open the door and VOLUNTEER information. 

One version is to make a statement that's not quite true, more or less challenging the other person (you) to offer more information to explain and justify your position.

Whether the attorney is math qualified is irrelevant; attorneys have staff and bookkeepers who could do the addition.  This guy planned it so that you would volunteer information.

I don't fault you for not seeing this trap; most people wouldn't.  Just don't volunteer any more information.

You've gotten a lot of advice, and I think it's a good time to move forward with your plans to protect yourself, and find an experienced attorney in a firm with multiple practice areas so that each of the relevant concerns and aspects of the situation can be addressed.

And go camping again!   This weekend, preferably.   It may have been difficult to "clear your head" before, so you'll have to work on it.   I hope there are some good camping areas near you, and that you can find the peace you need to move forward, with whatever you and your new attorney feel are appropriate.

BTW, please check your PMs.
Helpful Answer (4)
igloo572 Feb 2020
And he did the last request to her via email!!!
he’s not sending her a certified letter on law firm letterhead with his bar #, but by email.
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Dear Frustrated, I am writing to try to cheer you up and calm you down, with a story you can relate to. A few years before he died, my appalling father sent my older sister a lump of money. She was surprised and thanked him for the gift, then split it between herself, our younger sister and me. We also wrote and thanked him. The only reason we could think of for his first-ever generosity was another attempt to set us at loggerheads with each other, one of his nicer tricks. A couple of years later he asked for it back again. Younger sister has spent hers on irrigation pipe, not possible. Then I got a lawyer’s letter accusing my older sister and me of theft and breach of our professional trust obligations. Lots of head scratching, and it seemed possible that the money was hiding insurance fraud (it seemed likely he had nicked a ring from his then wife and claimed it as an insurance loss). I wrote back to him asking if it was related to the ring saga, sent a copy to the lawyer, and never heard from them again. Father then complained to my and my sister’s professional bodies of breach of trust. Both eventually said it was a domestic not a professional matter (subtext: a can of worms we don't want to know about). Just lovely!

Paying for a lawyer’s ‘frightener’ letter is a cheap, common and often effective strategy, and lawyers don’t investigate whether the allegations are true. I have dealt with my appalling father’s allegations against my mother, grandfather, me or my sisters for most of my life (since to my own primary school principal) so I have runs on the board in dealing with it, and you are not the only one with crooked family members. Stay away from Grandma and close to your coming baby. Lots of love, Margaret
Helpful Answer (6)
Sofrustrated87 Feb 2020
Thank you for sharing your story Margaret <3 I hope this lawyer letter goes away the same as yours did.
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Hope this will help a bit. You are not the only person in this situation. My mother is 99 you and recently she and my adopted brother went to the lawyer and the bank and changed everything to his name from mine. My husband and I paid for the headstone they chose and funeral arrangements. That was done about 15 years ago. Now I am being accused by both of them oder stealing money, jewellery and items from her apartment. My adopted brother actually had her bank card and has emptied her bank accounts every month ( I know this as I had been getting the bank statements prior time this mess) my adopted brother has not spoken to me in years. Mom has dementia so I find my self wondering how she was able to change POA and Will plus bank accounts??? I have been told that she never wanted me and has never loved me and actually hates me. I am trying to put a paper trail together.
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Frustrated, just out of curiosity, check the state bar list of grievances for your state and see if this attorney has had any grievances filed against him.
Helpful Answer (3)
AlvaDeer Feb 2020
GREAT idea.
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ITRR, I am writing about our post exchanges on 19 February on this thread. Your ‘wow’ post originally said that you were tired of my (infrequent) bible quotes which you said were ‘warped’ and ‘blasphemous’. You also said that women wore inappropriate clothing (can’t remember the actual unpleasant word) that ‘caused men to sin’. ‘Lead’ possibly, ‘caused’ no way. Your post was changed to ‘wow’ after I demonstrated immediately that I knew full well the text of the sermon on the mount. All done within the ‘edit’ times. An apology would have been more appropriate, but deleting your text was OK. Then you denied it all?

You usually are a sensible and helpful poster, and I don't tell lies. What’s going wrong here? Do you think that the site is hacked by someone else with your user name? I hope you are OK yourself.
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I'm back with a little update. I submitted the bank statements to GM's attorney, they confirmed receipt. GM was claiming (to her IHSS caretaker) that I never sent any documents to her attorney, and that her attorney said she would have to pay a $2500 retainer if she wanted them to purse getting the statements. I called GM's attorney who again confirmed they received the statements and also said they provided GM with copies of all the statements, they did not say she needed to pay a retainer for them. After IHSS caretaker asked GM about this, she admitted that she did actually receive the statements but that "they are just words". GM also told caretaker that she is going to pay the $2500 retainer fee (seems pretty low to me) for her attorney to pursue this further (I guess she paid a flat fee for the demand letter they initially sent). I also told GM's attorney that if GM would like to move forward with her accusations, having received the statements, I will counter sue for false claims of abuse.

I had been in a holding pattern until now. Can her attorney further pursue this given that I have provided statements? I have found an attorney that will represent me but I haven't paid the retainer yet because I didn't want to pay for one if I could squash this without one. I'm trying to save for my maternity leave this summer and this expense is going to be devastating to me.

GM is also still collecting HUD, IHSS, and Medi-Cal benefits through all of this. I have been so tempted to report this to the appropriate agencies but I realize this would seem vindictive on my part. I haven't contacted APS nor have I been contacted by them at this point.

As recommended, I was able to find the case files for the WalMart lawsuit online, which I paid to download. Looks like she got $25k in 2014. I was not able to find the documents for the Estate online, however.
Helpful Answer (3)
AlvaDeer Mar 2020
I would relax. You might also suggest to the lawyer if he contacts you again that Grandma is seeming either to be lying or not completely in her right mind so he may want not to accept a lot of money from her unless she passes some testing, testing you have never been able to get her to take. Tell him that you are putting him (or her) on notice that grandma may be mentally impaired and he should proceed with caution, being certain she understands what is happening to money she pays him.
I would not hire on the lawyer; I am thinking the lawyer already understands grandma better than he/she ever wanted to. She is playing around. Let her. And WITHDRAW yourself from her completely, letting her know you will not be back until you come back for her promise to stop this ridiculous behavior and apologize fully. PERIOD. Exclamation point! Now just get out there and enjoy life. You have done what you can. I suspect this is going nowhere. Continue to collect all the materials you are able in one folder. Good luck and THANK YOU FOR UPDATING us. I have thought about you.
Please go no contact with this woman. Only have contact through her lawyer, and then end all contact. This woman is not your responsibility. Your future baby is your responsibility. She is probably jealous of your future baby on top of being a nefarious lawbreaker who has brought trouble to you when you only tried to help. Please get away from this woman. You sound like a kind person who probably feels responsible for this woman. Again, your responsibility is to your future baby. And that responsibility includes taking care of yourself, not your grandmother. Please do not let her back into your or your child's life. She will bring your child pain, too. I'm sorry - I too have these relatives, and they would as soon take an axe to you as trim their own toenails.
Helpful Answer (2)
Sofrustrated87 Mar 2020
It’s funny you say that, I just had the same thought that maybe she was jealous of my baby? I’ve cut off all contact and I have no plans to ever allow her back into my life. It’s nice to get some validation that that’s the right thing, so thank you.
Yes, all you need to do is prove to the lawyer where the money went or may have gone. I agree, you need to step back until grandma can get some help. Get confirmation that the lawyer feels he is satisfied. Tell APS that the ball is in their court. You can no longer deal with Gmas accusations. That the State will need to take over her care. You are pregnant and your baby is going to be #1 priority.
Helpful Answer (3)
Sofrustrated87 Mar 2020
Thanks JoAnn. How can I go about asking the lawyer if they are satisfied? When I spoke with them last week I tried to glean some sort of feedback but they didn’t give me much... because my GM is their client, so I respect that, but I need some sort of reassurance!
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