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On second thought. Between the 3 sisters, they can lift/transport with a schedule of two being there at the same time.

Now, go home and tell your wife, you quit.
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3 sisters acting mean, teasing and testing you.
You should tell your wife, she could be in on it.
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Say this: "This makes me uncomfortable. I don't like it."

Yes, it's very weird, but you need to get a perspective on the situation.  If they were only "fantasizing" without reason, they'll continue to do so without bothering you any more.... I think... 

Stand up for yourself, your wife, your marriage. :) You can do it.  

Mostly -- you're standing up for yourself.  You didn't ask for this, you didn't invite this, so just shut it down in unconditional words.  You can do it.  It's difficult, for sure, but you'll feel so much better afterwards!  
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Say it, as much as it makes you the uncomfortable one, say "I don't like this, I feel uncomfortable in this situation with you doing X." It's difficult to say that, but say it anyway, and allow them to make their choices at that point, with them knowing how you feel, and you can gain a "next step" as to how severe this sexual harassment is. It could be mindlessness, but it could be selfishness. Who knows from this point. Tell them you don't like it. Go from there. Report back. Good luck!!!
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Maybe you should mention this to your wife,, I agree that at least the taking off of the shirt and LEAVING it off is sort of a problem... and the next time one touches your leg.. move your leg and say say..."opps, I'm sure you didn;t mean to do that, it makes me uncomfortable". Maybe it;s time to speak up nicely.. as if they made a mistake? Then perhaps they won;t do it again.
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she runs our business and can't leave. But would be a good answer. I'm pretty much on my own.
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This is most strange. Without trying to analyze it further, can you simply call your wife to join you when her sisters arrive? That surely couldn't be perceived as rude. Then you excuse yourself to finish some project you are working on.
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