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My mother is not as bad as yours, but she is a narcissist. I wasn't ME, I was an extension of HER. She was happy to have a girl to dress up and show off. I was a living doll, pretty much. When I got old enough to speak up for myself, that's when the problems began. She began to see I wasn't going to be her clone, and she didn't like it. Has no intellectual curiosity, no hobbies, no activities besides shopping and getting her hair done. Hasn't worked in 53 years, doesn't want to learn anything. She has no confidence in herself (and passed this on to me, and I'm still working through it). 

But any time I confronted her? "I never said that! I never did that!" It makes me insane. Denies, denies.

One thing that has helped is considering how she grew up. Her parents fought constantly. Lots of yelling and anger. I think her means of coping with her home life was to keep the peace. Smile, be nice, be quiet, be pretty, don't make waves! Be a good girl! She survived by ignoring the bad things and pretending they weren't there. I think she lied to herself so much, and has done it for so long, that she's fooled herself that bad things never happened. I can't convince her to face things, so no point in bringing them up anymore. 

That said, I have an issue with "she did the best she could". So many times people confront their parent's wrongdoings, and the parent throws their hands up and says "Well, I did the best I could!". NOPE. Doing the best you could would have meant seeing how you were hurting your kids and at least tried to resolve those issues with yourself. Knowing to not take your anger or issues out on your kids. To not make the mistakes your parents did. Or that your kids deserve an apology.

I also don't subscribe to the "you have to forgive". Some things just are not forgivable. Of course it’s not beneficial to let anger and hate fester either. Maybe one get to a point when they forgive, and that's great. Just saying it's not always required to heal. Accept that bad things happened, that you won’t get the apology you want and need, and leave it behind.
Helpful Answer (11)
lkdrymom Sep 2021
I agree....'the best you could'...was just not good enough.
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I would follow Brooklyn Barb's advice and just go low contact without explanation. The reason is because trying to explain/resolve/get closure etc., etc with these types will get you nowhere. In fact they LIKE the attention, that is the sickness of a narcissist.

I feel for you because I too have a mother with NPD, and I get the damage they do. But to the outside world, she was just fine. She made sure her children knew to keep her secrets.

It takes a long time and a lot of mental work to understand the damage and get past it. Some things we may never get past, and that's why things like grey rock or no contact are needed-- for your protection. Good for you for being pro-active and doing research to better understand this complex and sick disorder.

You probably read in your research that gaslighting is a common tactic used by those with NPD. They deflect blame, and try to make it look like you are the one with the problem, the one who has a "victim mentality". Stay far away from those types.

That didn't happen.
And if it did, it wasn't that bad.
And if it was, that's not a big deal.
And if it is, that's not my fault.

Good luck loverofbooks, and I hope you will stick around. There are MANY of us here on this forum that get you 100%.
Helpful Answer (14)
lealonnie1 Sep 2021
Good answer EP! Nothing like advice from a person living in the trenches with a mother who has NPD vs. advice from people with mothers who are sweet little old ladies who don't get the half of it. Thanks for posting the Narcissist's Prayer; it's a good one!
As other have said, you may write the letter for you but don't send it. Won't do any good. First call your brother and clear the air. You live 5 hours away. When your mother starts to amp up...end the call immediately. Tell her you will call her back when she is in a better mood...and just hang up. You don't have to answer the phone when she calls. Slowly back away. If you do take a call, limit it to 10 minutes then have some crisis that requires you to get off the phone. You also may want to record some of the abuse your mother heaps on you to prove it to others. My coworker brought in a recording her mother left her on her answering machine. Filled with obscenities. You wouldn't think a little old lady would know those types of words.
Helpful Answer (5)

I'm curious about a few things...

How often do you go see her? You mention her going into a rage because you and your H were doing a curbside pickup? Was this because you refused to do in-store shopping? Because you refused to take her to the store?

If you live 5 hours away from her and your brother 1.5 hours away, does he go to see her more than you do? You wrote that he jumps through hoops for her. What kinds of things does he do for her? Does your mother live alone? Just curious...and he has a good relationship with her? Do both of you have POA/HCPOA?

A lot of your mother's actions sound so much like my mother's. I was never a good enough daughter for her, I came to find out. A lot of things come out in dementia when the filter is lost.

The only thing that is a shame is the deterioration in your relationship with your brother. Do you think that can be repaired eventually?
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If you "tell" your mother, it will start another argument.

Actions speak louder than words -- don't HER actions tell you who she is?

Just go grey rock or low contact and don't give her any of your emotional energy.
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By all means write the letter to your mother. Just don't send it.
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Beatty Sep 2021
You should see my email draft folder! Ha ha
Reading that many books will undoubtedly allow you to find the diagnosis that you're seeking to explain your mom. It might not be accurate (probably isn't), but what's the point of all that obsessing -- to give who she is a label of some sort?

I agree with the poster who said to stop with the victim mentality. It's a label for yourself just like "narcissist" is one for your mom. Again, what's the value in that?

I also agree that you're worth more than all this, and frankly you've wasted far too much of your time obsessing on it.

Just dumb things down to this: As your mother's children, you and your brother are responsible for ensuring that she is safe and cared for and has a roof over her head. Anything else you give to her is just gravy and entirely of your choosing. I suggest you get into some therapy to learn how to actually make this happen, and put the pop psychology books away.

Get some help from an actual professional, and stop arguing with an almost 90-year-old. It's like a dance between the two of you, and you need to learn how to change YOUR behavior, because you won't change hers.
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I'm sorry you are being put through such a thing, I really am. Being a victim of a mother like this does not mean you're playing 'the victim'; that's just heaping MORE blame on you instead of empathizing with you over a rotten situation.

Now that you've read so many books on the subject, you know you can't change your mother into who you'd like her to be, same as I can't change my mother into who I'd like her to be. Sad but true. So you have to do what YOU have to do to make YOUR life easier to bear. If that means you write her a letter and mail it, do it. If it means you write a letter and burn it, just so you're able to get those feeling OUT of your head and onto paper *which often helps*, then make THAT happen. Whatever helps YOU through the situation, do it.

Know that whether you tell her vocally or in writing why you feel mistreated by her, SHE will take offense to your words. SHE will be the 'poor soul' who's been mistreated by YOU, because in reality, these women are the ones who are the queens of playing The Victim card, not US. So it's an exercise in futility to try and make her understand your position. They've never made a mistake before, remember? It's always someone else's fault for what's gone wrong in their life. That's how they operate. So if you tell her she's done X Y & Z to you, she'll turn it around and make it YOUR fault. That's the bottom line. No accountability and no responsibility, that's our mothers.

So it's time now to set down some very strong and firm boundaries about what you are willing to do for mother moving forward from here. You'll call her on X day every week or every month; you'll visit on X day every month, or whatever. You'll help pay her bills, or you'll order her snacks from Amazon to be delivered to her ALF, like I do for my mother who lives in Memory Care AL. Decide what you'll do and not do, and that's it. Preserve YOUR sanity the best you can by making rules that you don't break under any circumstances. She'll try to GET you to break the rules, then say AHA! I got her! But you won't let that happen b/c you know better. And that's how you protect YOU. Mother will be taken care of by the staff at the ALF and if you're the POA or the point of contact for her, THEY will call YOU if some emergency happens. And trust me, they will call you.

Just in case you haven't read enough yet on the subject, here's a good article that pinpoints 25 signs of a covert passive/aggressive narc:

I found it very helpful for me, personally. I refer to it often and I like Debbie Mirza's other publications and podcasts, etc. She has some good coping strategies to use, too, which is helpful for those of us stuck in these types of relationships, God help us.

Wishing you the best of luck trying to establish boundaries with your mother and not allowing her behavior to eat YOU up inside. Allow yourself to know you're 'enough' w/o needing her validation of that fact! Sending you a big hug!
Helpful Answer (14)
bundleofjoy Sep 2021
dear lea,

extremely helpful answer. hug!!!
i hope you’re well and your husband.

i think there is no solution really: only low contact or no contact.

God help us, yes.

they always return to abusing. even during calm monuments, the abuse will always come back.

part of the reason this never stops is that they enjoy abusing us. it’s fun for them, makes them feel good.

…some people feel good encouraging others.
…some people feel good kicking others down.

mothers are sometimes very cruel to their daughters.

loverofbooks, i don’t think you have a victim mentality at all. you are a victim, plain and simple. i also understand you reading about the subject a lot. i did too. reading, just like this website, one feels understood/empathy.

not obsessive. you’re simply in pain, looking for ways out.

these abusers don’t change.
as long as there’s contact, they’ll keep abusing. with low contact = less opportunity to abuse us.

loverofbooks, in general, i think it’s better not to say one is doing low contact. everything you say/do, she’ll use it against you.

by saying less, there’s less to use against you later.

they abused us as a child…then we became adults/left home…then they became elderly/need help…we kindly help/they re-start all the abuse.

courage to us all.

bundle of joy
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I’m going to give you very real and honest things to think about

Get out of your victim mentality

Learn to forgive your mom. Understand she can only do as much as she knows. When you know better, you do better

She raised you as best as she could, with the resources she had

Instead of focusing on how mom is this or mom is that, focus on you and your healing. Make this about you and what you need to feel better.

You don’t need to justify or explain yourself to anyone. Ally with yourself, love yourself and begin to heal….

I suggest reading into books about the unmothered child. This May provide healing for you in regards to not receiving the guidance or love you’ve ever needed from your mother. Self-love, self-love, self-love!!!

You are worthy of healing. You are worthy of healing. You are worthy of healing!!!!!!

When we stop blaming others (getting out of victim) and lean into ourselves with a grateful heart, true magic and healing can come.

excited for you to take this new journey! You worthy my friend
Helpful Answer (9)
Beatty Sep 2021
I love your approach & honesty.

I wish someone had pointed that out to me aged 17.. aye.. a few bottles of gin & a trip 'round the world taught me instead 😉

My daughter's friend was going through a very hard patch recently & I heard some 'it's coz of Mum' creep in. When we talked about her Mum, she had been abandoned, fostered & brought up to be the farm hand. I felt the penny drop for her & saw the blame then shift onto Granny... we then discussed her life as one of 10+ on a farm & the hardship tales she told. In the end we joked about blaming Eve!

Moving on from *this is what happened/happens* to *this is what I can do now* is such an important step.
I wouldn’t write. You know already that it won’t change anything, and that it won’t convince her that she has done anything wrong. In addition, if there is anything that isn’t phrased well, it will be taken out and thrown back at you for months if not years.

If you’ve read 22 books about this in the last few weeks, you have been dwelling on your problems and her behaviors in a way that has NOT made it all easier to cope with. It might help if you do cut contact or go grey rock for a while, without burning too many bridges. Things may feel differently in a few months’ time.
Helpful Answer (4)
MargaretMcKen Sep 2021
I can see that no-one thought this was helpful, probably about the books. I know for myself that reading one medical text book is likely to convince me that I might have almost every ailment in the book, and I do think that 22 books about narcissism would make you dwell on it (even though one might be very illuminating). Backing off for a while might help with an easier relationship later.
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