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When my mother, age 95, fell out of her bed and started gasping for breath, I called the paramedics to escort her to the hospital She ended up having a pacemaker inserted and it was there that the doc informed me she had lung cancer. He asked me if I wanted to proceed with cancer therapy but I declined due to her age and health condition. She was released from the hospital after 2 days, and was sent home with hospice care. The attending nurse gave me some pamphlets to read on what to look for if the patient is nearing death. Many folks on this topic claim that morphine hastens death. However, according to the booklet I read, this claim is considered false. I was the one to administer all the drugs for pain and anxiety. The nurses have been very caring and are extremely professional. My mother's nurse only comes 1 time a week to check her vitals and ask questions regarding her health issues. She will order my mother's meds and pull ups , lotions, bed pads, and tubes of cream or lotion for her extremely chapped skin. The CNA comes 2x a week and cleans my mother's bedroom and washes her hair and body. Mother also has an excellent social worker who offers whatever resources necessary to help me care for her. A Chaplin will visit as requested. The parish priest has visited once in the 3 months she's been on hospice. All in all, hospice has been a great experience and they are available 24/7. They are kind and listen attentively to all concerns I have. So it's a thumbs up for our situation. Only problem, I can't just leave the house with my mother unattended to for fear she may fall. So my son will try to fill in for me when I have errands to run. Overall, hospice is a wonderful team of caring and highly skilled individuals. Good luck to you, Tamara.
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