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What type of dementia?

Vascular Dementia is sometimes the result of a stroke, which can have its own host of problems.

The is dementian linked to Parkinsons disease.

Over time a dementia patient can become incontinent. They can forget how to prepare food or how to eat. They can forget how to get dressed or can get dressed, but their clothes are inside out, backwards etc.
Helpful Answer (1)

This is a vast subject with many answers. Since you have asked other questions with no other information, is this for a homework assignment or are you a caretaker for someone with Dementia? Based on your other posts, I'm not sure which it is. Either google Dementia or look under the Care Topics menu on the right at the top of the page. Then click on D at the top of the page for dementia. Lots of articles for you to read.
Helpful Answer (3)

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