Caring for Parents

  • Elderly Temper Tantrums: What's Behind the Outburst?

    We tend to think of temper tantrums as only pertaining to small children or teens, but even the elderly act out at times. Learn what's behind these angry outbursts and how to best handle them without losing your own temper.

  • What To Do When Elderly Parents Refuse Assisted Living

    What's a caregiver to do when their elderly parent refuses assisted living or nursing home care but isn’t safe at home? In some cases, guardianship may be an option.

  • Dementia Behavior Can Seem Like Manipulation

    When a parent with dementia begins acting childlike or deceitful, it is sometimes assumed they are being manipulative because their behavior is just so outrageous. The fact is that most seniors with dementia aren't capable of truly manipulative behavior.

  • Helpful Home Modifications: Finishing Our Basement for Dad

    A caregiver shares the adjustments and renovations she made to prepare her home for her elderly father-in-law to move in.

  • How to Talk to Aging Parents About Moving Into Assisted Living

    When talking to aging parents about assisted living, acknowledge why they might want to remain at home and reassure them that the decision is theirs to make.

  • Senior Living Tours: What to Do When an Elder Refuses to Get out of the Car

    Often caregivers manage to convince their aging loved ones to tour a long-term care facility, only to find that upon arrival they won't budge from the car. Use these tips to empathize with your parent and encourage them to give senior housing a chance.

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  • A Guide to Caring for Narcissistic Parents

    Narcissists have a limited ability to love other people and value their emotions. Accepting this reality will help you come to terms with your uniquely difficult caregiving role and set boundaries with your narcissistic mother or father.

  • Should You Quit Your Job To Care for Your Elderly Parent?

    Most adult children do what they can to help out when Mom and Dad’s needs increase, but is giving up work to care for elderly parents wise?

  • How to Talk to the Doctor About Your Elderly Parent or Spouse

    Seniors may mislead their doctors due to fear, denial or a phenomenon called “showtiming.” Fortunately, there are some tips that caregivers can use to ensure doctors are well-informed while their loved ones’ dignity remains intact.

  • Answers to Tax Questions Caregivers Ask Most

    Answers to tax questions caregivers ask most: Can I claim my parent as a dependent? Can I claim medical expenses? Do I pay taxes on money my parents give to offset expenses?

  • Father’s Day As a Caregiver: Remembering Dad Before Dementia

    Father's Day is a great time to remember who your dad used to be before age-related changes set in. Sometimes you forget how vibrant and caring he was, but the truth is he’s still that person on the inside—and he always will be.

  • 5 Questions to Determine the Impact of Caregiving

    Many of us dive into caregiving with full hearts and little forethought. Doing some honest soul searching can help you sort out your priorities, set goals for your loved one’s care and establish your own boundaries.

  • New Caregivers: Tips on Caring for Elderly Parents

    Whether caregiving has slowly crept into your daily life or you’re suddenly facing difficult decisions following a serious health scare, use these pointers as a guide for caring for an elderly parent.

  • Dangers of Hoarding Behavior Become More Severe With Age

    Elderly hoarding is something that most family caregivers do not anticipate having to deal with. This behavior often increases with age and creates a hazardous living environment for older adults. Take these 5 steps to help a senior who hoards.

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  • Funny Caregiver Stories

    Countless family caregivers rely on optimism and a sense of humor to power through the most challenging aspects of caring for an aging loved one. Lighten up your day by reading funny and uplifting stories from real caregivers like you.

  • Family Meetings: Making Care Decisions for Aging Parents

    Immediate family often serves as the foundation of a senior’s care team, but relationship dynamics can hinder vital planning and decision-making processes. Discover simple do’s and don’ts that will make care meetings less complicated and more productive.

  • Top 3 Excuses From Siblings Who Don't Help With Caregiving

    When one sibling does all the caregiving for aging parents, it often breeds tension and resentment. Take an objective look at your siblings’ reasons for staying at arm’s length and learn how you can get everyone on the same page.

  • How to Convince Your Parent to Move to Assisted Living

    You know that Mom and Dad could benefit from the social interaction, safety measures, and hands-on help that assisted living provides, but how do you get stubborn aging parents to move to an assisted living community?

  • How to Cope With a Senior’s Complaining and Negativity

    Dealing with negative elderly parents is tough. Some are chronic complainers, but there can be valid reasons for these difficult moods. Explore causes of complaining and negativity and identify when these behaviors are a red flag.

  • How to Get Guardianship of an Elderly Parent

    If an aging loved one has not named a durable power of attorney and is losing their ability to think clearly and handle aspects of their daily life due to a medical condition like dementia, it might be time to seek legal guardianship.

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