
I can’t decide. At certain times I can’t believe I have been in my home for as long as I have. Other times I feel time feels like it is dragging on so slowly.

I have not gone out anywhere. As most of you know, I am in my 60’s and have asthma so I am not taking any chances going out. Hubby is doing the shopping for food.

Everything seems so weird so I am putting this under mental health category.

I think having my husband home all the time is making the time seem off for me too.

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I have lost track of time. Have you?

Yeah. I lost track of the days.

Yesterday, I forgot to tell my daughter that her in-person session with the teacher is now online. Totally forgot that it was Wednesday. Kept thinking that it was Tuesday. Today, for some reason I thought it was Friday.

As for time going faster or slower, that reminds me of a joke. Times goes fast or slow depends on which side of the bathroom door you're on. Haha.

Everyday is practically a weekend day now. The only day that matters specifically is our garbage day. I still manage to remember that. The slate has been wiped clean for awhile regarding doctor appointments. There are no exercise classes to go to. We do manage to remember the certain days that seniors get discounts at certain stores. Other than that there is no focus to a day. I wake up whenever and try to find the motivation to choose if I will ride a bike or watch and do an exercise video. I really need structure in my life and this situation wipes all that out.

Cute joke and so true!

Yeah, I feel lost.

It feels like a jail sentence but I don’t want to complain because the people in the hospital with this coronavirus or facilities are the ones that are truly in jail.

Makes me sad. Makes all of us sad. I suppose we are all doing our best to stay afloat.

Feels strange. I would say its going slow, like when will this ever end? Then the days slip by quickly.
I live alone and have for a long time, except for those 15 months Mom was here.
I hate to admit this, but I've never felt this lonely.
But watching the things going on the 'outside' so to speak makes that seem very selfish. I just want us all to get through this and never forget lessons learned. stay safe everyone.


I have been hoping the same thing. I really have. This crises is awful. I hope that we take away something positive. I sincerely hope that we are experiencing genuine awareness of situations that require important changes. You are correct in saying how quickly we forget.

It’s interesting to see people remembering certain things. Jane Fonda who was so into exercise is doing exercise videos again, and she is 82 years old!

Richard Simmons is doing YouTube exercises for us. Geeeeez, people from long ago along with current exercise instructors are helping us stay fit while being quarantined.

I get it, not just to stay in shape. Or get back in shape. Some people are struggling with stress or boredom and overeating.

Plus, exercise releases endorphins which makes us feel better. So, get moving guys!

My days are going fast because I have been washing, patching, and painting walls. I just finish the upstairs hallway and the staircase. Now, I am working on my living room. However, I am getting my days confuse because my sig other is a dock worker for a shipping company and they keep changing his hours. One week he is going into work at 2a.m then they changed it to 1a.m; now, he is back to going in at 4a.m except Sundays, which is his Monday, then he goes in at 10 p.m but now it is 1a.m.. Plus, we are shopping on Thursdays instead of Fridays because there are less people in the stores. But now we are changing our shopping trips to every two weeks because the number of cases are growing at alarming rate not for my city but for our Metro big city! It might just be a matter of time before in spreads across our state:(

I know what you mean.

I had a pretty predictable weekly routine preCovid-19 - laundry this day, grocery shopping that day etc - and hubby was at work on certain days, along with Rainman going out with his companions on a specific schedule...

None of us have really left the house - beyond hubby taking Rainman for a neighborhood drive in his golf cart - for over a week now.

The days are all melting into one another and I’m feeling very Goundhogs Day-ish. A couple of times I’ve had to ask my hubby what day of the week it is. Which scares the snot out of me as loosing track of days and time was one of my mothers first signs that she was moving from regular old lady forgetting into dementia.

My rational self - which I’m seeing less and less of as the pandemic worsens - tells me it’s just the terrible situation the world is in coupled with Cabin Fever. That once I can get back to my regular routines my mental calendar will rebound.

But - all in all, I’m not complaining. I know I am much more fortunate than a whole lot of folks. Plus, there is much to be said for knowing we are all safe, healthy and together - here in my time warped bubble.

I know it sounds asinine to say - in the “well, duh” kind of way - but how I wish this nightmare was over!

Edit: On a lighter note... I’ve been asking my hubby to change a burnt out light bulb that’s too tricky for me to attempt due to it’s awkward spot - for several days now. I asked again today and he said “yeah, but if I do that now what will I have to look forward to?”

Rain - funny what your husband said. ;D


Hahaha, your hubby has a cute sense of humor! 😁


You’re staying busy! You have a routine. Good for you.

Remember when TGIF meant something? Rain, you said a mouthful when you said that all the days are blending into one another. They certainly are.

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