
This article might be useful to some wanting to plan for End of Life earlier than customary.

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I'm looking forward to reading this article. Thanks for sharing!


I quickly skimmed it and am glad to read that Millennials are facing a subject that may have become anathema to a large proportion of the population.    Thinking of that while reading the article, I don't know that the way we react to grief and losing a loved one can change that easily, but I do think that Memorials and Celebrations of Life are becoming more realistic, and comforting, than the traditional funeral with its dirge music.

Burial customs throughout history and across cultures have varied, and still do.   I think the peoples who lived closer to nature developed more natural and simplistic (or rather less elaborate) ways of acknowledging death, and handling disposition of bodies.

 In contrast, we have sometimes elaborate funerals, mournful organ music and depressing hymns, a caravan to the funeral, and more mournful speeches.  And it costs several thousand dollars.   Who really benefits from that?   Could a quiet family and friend celebration  be just as comforting?

My niece told me of a surfer in CA whose final ceremony was held in the ocean; other surfers paddled out and her ashes were scattered in the ocean.    That's the way I want to go - with my ashes scattered in my garden, probably close to my David Austin English hybrid roses.

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