
order on this site.

You will get four tests mailed UPS. Everyone should do this to your household. If you don't need it someone else may. This takes SECONDS to do and is very easy. Be certain to use the DOT GOV site, and not others. You will need to give your name and address only.

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Already ordered mine. You also give your email address and then will get a confirmation email from the USPS.

If I get any of those tests they are going right where they belong, in the trash can.

What a ridiculous waste of taxpayers dollars. Not to mention these home tests are known to give false positives. More so than the regular pcr test.

They can take their tests and shove em where the sun don't shine. Can you imagine if they had a test like this for the flu. How many people would be constantly taking these tests during flu season.

This is insanity. Not to mention their ever changing science baloney.

This information is for those who wish to have the tests on hand, for whatever reason. Certainly no one is forced to either have or use the tests.
And yes, it is already known and stated that false negatives are possible. Your best change for correct use is that if you have a known exposure it will take 5 days on average for the virus to show up (perhaps shorter period for Omicron).
Certainly I respect and honor anyone's right not to test and not to have tests in their home. The information was for those who wish to have it. I do.

I ordered mine,, even if I don;t use it or want to I am sure I know people who will!

Ordered ours. Have used other NYC give away tests to ascertain our status before dining with immunoscomp relatives. And ordered tests from Costco.

I feel bad for those who don't understand the science behind this.

I am prevented from moving forward because of so much mis-information.
I read in a local community forum that:
1) Only the person the test is issued to can use it.
2) You have to mail it back for the results.

Do not yet know if that is true or accurate.

My DH is sharing that un-vaccinated groups of people will go to eat inside a restaurant (when it is not recommended or allowed), for the purpose of making a statement about their rights, or politics, or whatever. (Canary Cry Radio online).

DH also thinks the government is trying to track him....(Conspiracy theories abound). We have never been this divided about anything. Of course I am upset.

Thank you for the link. I just placed my order.

Bonus if three out of four tests come back positive you get a free Big Mac or large french fries from McDonald's. I am surprised they are not using the covid anal swab tests like they use in China. Those are far more accurate. Maybe next year. Fingers crossed. Can you imagine the line for that test?

SendHelp: From the government site itself:

The tests available for order:
Are rapid antigen at-home tests, not PCR
Can be taken anywhere
Give results within 30 minutes (no lab drop-off required)
Work whether or not you have COVID-⁠19 symptoms
Work whether or not you are up to date on your COVID-⁠19 vaccines
Are also referred to self-tests or over-the-counter (OTC) tests

Tests are not 'issued to' anyone in particular; 4 tests per ADDRESS are sent out.
Results are available *see above* w/i 30 minutes (no lab drop-off required)

Stop listening to DHs conspiracy theories, is my suggestion. Log onto the website Alva gave the link to get more answers to frequently asked questions. If restaurants are open in your area, as they are in mine, and do not require 'proof of vaccine' to enter, then ANYONE can and does eat there, regardless of their vax status.

Don't be upset, just try to relax and live your life.

In reading through the website, it seems there are four tests to a kit. Only one test kit per household. If there are four family members in the house to which the tests are mailed, each person can use one. Test results are given within 30 minutes, no lab needed.

I placed my order also. Thank you for the website, AlvaDeer.

I did it! So easy!
Done ✅


sp1960, so you're an antivaxxer "old fart" at 62 who ridicules the notion of keeping your los, at least, safe through at least testing.

Here in California, you have to test negative by law to see your LO in an AL/MC/NH. Where you get these tests is on your own. Having four of them potentially means a month's worth of weekly visits, because there's no other way.

You can be antivax all you want. However some others of us are sitting here having to deal with seeing our los by law as well as not infecting them as possible. The tests allow that to happen at least on a temporary basis while manufacturers hopefully (and this is on you biden) make this thing as accessible and as cheap as a home pregnancy test.

I don't see anything wrong with the free tests. You do. what is your problem, you dont want us to see our los?

Following the advice of my 2 kids who are DRS. I ordered my tests. They have had them in their homes for a few weeks and acc to Dr Joe, they are adequate enough at detecting the virus that schools will accept the results to allow/not allow a kid to go to school. And for him to be in the hospital, working.

I think it's phenomenal that science was able to create vaccines in record time and now the in home testing---of course all this was held up on the shoulders of previous research, so don't fall for the 'well, there was no testing'.

Anti vaxxers have every right to choose not to vaccinate. I have every right to vaccinate.

For what it's worth: My DH has been tested 5 times. First a blood test, second a spit test, third & fourth, a nasal (ouchie) swab and the last was one of these in-home nasal swabs. Amazing that in a year he's been able to go from a blood draw with a 72 hr result to an 'immediate' one.

(Anybody on here old enough to remember pregnancy tests where you HAD to go to the Dr's office and WAIT for a day or so for the results???? Now you pick up pregnancy tests at the DOLLAR STORE. Science, people, science.)

I ordered my test last week. I also ordered them for my aunt who is currently in an ALF. I’m not sure if the ALF will receive them for residents or not? I just ordered them to be sent to her home.

Your post reminded me of the “rabbit test”.

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