
I have been caring for my 72 year old father for three years now. He recently started having hallucinations so I brought it to his primary care doctor's attention. He advised us to go to the emergency room where they could rule out any infections (UTI) and run some test to find out what is going on with him. His primary care doctor noticed his cognitive decline since his last appointment a few month prior. I think we both assumed he had a UTI the symptoms, and everything added up to that. So we went to the emergency room in Hartford Connecticut on Saturday morning April 15 at the hospital. They completely ignored my concerns about the dementia related hallucinations and we’re mainly concerned about his urine retention is that being said they put a catheter in and gave him an antipsychotic med called olanzapine. They gave him the med because he was explaining his hallucinations to them, and they assumed he was having them. I advocated for my father, but they completely ignored me after he was given this drug his condition got so much worse. He had Parkinson’s like symptoms. He managed to pass a psych evaluation in the hospital and was discharged on Monday the 17th. I was sent home with my father, his catheter and no direction on where to go. He went from independently living besides, the occasional nightly hallucinations to needing 24 hour supervision care, everything he is on Medicare with no long-term care he’s been staying at my house with my family past week, I need help I feel so bad for my dad, bringing him to the emergency room was the worst thing I could’ve done I know it’s not my fault but I can’t help it you’re responsible that’s why I have taken on the role of caring for him 24/7. The horror story about our emergency room visit is a lot longer. I wanted to shorten it up because I really need some with everything. I have no idea where to go from here 💔💔

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Are you POA?

Given that THIS is where an ER visit took you I can hardly suggest the ER dump. I cannot imagine how helpless you must feel.

I don't quite know WHERE To go with this now, but the one thing you do need is the support of his MD.
How are you handling the indwelling catheter without being given any directions?

I would call the MD and make an appointment. Attend with your Dad. Tell the doctor that Dad now needs a neuro-psyc eval and tell the doc all you told us. Explain to him you are seeing symptoms of Parkinson's and Dad is not diagnosed with this illness.

If that doesn't work ask for a referral to a gerontologist for your Dad. Both your Dad's MD and his hospital sound negligent to me, and as a retired RN I almost NEVER say such things.

I am so very sorry. This is a nightmare. You may be dealing with Parkison's with no medications and no diagnosis. It could also be Lewy's. The wrong psych meds given will have huge repercussions for either. I honestly don't know WHAT is happening with medicine right now; we are hearing stories of people being told they must wait for 6 months for a neuro exam.
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Does the IL community where he lives have Assisted Living as well? He might have to move to A L to get the help he needs.
Unless he is actually diagnosed tith some form of Dementia. In that case Memory Care would be the better option.
A proper/accurate diagnosis is important. There are some medications that people with some forms of dementia should not take.
Just curious if your dad is a Veteran? If so contact your local Veterans assistance commission and have them help determine if he qualifies for any help through the VA. It might be a little help or a lot you never know until you check.
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I’d take dad back to the primary doctor right when the office opens next and insist on being “worked in” to be seen. You need far more advice on how to proceed and the doctor needs to do better
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