
I have a healthy credit union account and a decent financial portfolio, but because I’m not “working” nor is my combined pension and SSD check, adequate to get a rent, I’m left out.

I already posted my “situation,” here and so grateful for the supportive replies of: “move out now!”
The new “rule of thumb”, for renting is:
”3 x the amount of the rent.”
I found units with heat & hot water included in the $800.00-$900.00 range, and was told I would be put on a “waiting list.”
They had an open house yesterday, and never mentioned it! By the time I saw it, the day was over.
She did not mention it when I spoke to her in the phone. 🤷🏼‍♀️
This is just another road block in my path of leaving abuse!
I can’t get any attorney to take my divorce (10 > “don’t want to get involved”) can’t get a rent, and I’m unable to lift more than 5 lbs to pack, because I have 9 levels fused from cervical spine to lower lumbar.
Tears are flowing all over again.
The applications don’t have areas for retired folks financial proof.
it’s pure employment geared application process & past landlords.
What would you do?

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Check out these links for senior housing. Get on every waiting list you can.

What sorts of lawyers are you calling?
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KristineB Apr 2021
Called 10 divorce attorney and the women were the most unknowledgeable on narcissists.
”I don’t want to get involved,” was the top response.
They want “high income, amicable,” only.
Don't u just love that rule "3x ur income". This happened to my Gson. Check in your area and see if there are HUD subsidized apts. They charge 30% of your income. The one in my Town pays for heat and there is a cap on electric. You would have to pay cable but there are ways now to get around that. Antennas, streaming, getting basic basic. Safelink gives free phones and minutes. There's foodstamps. Also, I consider you abused so check out abuse hotlines. Maybe you can get help there with temporary housing. Call your Office on Aging. Social Services may be able to find you something temporary.

Whatever you do, do not tell anyone where you are.
Helpful Answer (1)
BurntCaregiver Apr 2021
The household income is too high because she's married. The state counts the husband's monthly income along with hers. It's combined income.
Getting divorced means only her income will be considered. If her income alone meets the financial requirements then she will qualify for rent subsidy.
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I read your profile and the reason why you're having a hard time getting a low-income, government subsidized housing is because you're over-income. Because you are married the state counts whatever your husband is collecting as combined household income as well as what you're receiving. You claim here that you have a healthy credit union account and a decent financial portfolio. So pay for your housing. There are many options available for a handicapped person. You're on disability so look around for handicapped housing where the rent is based on a sliding-scale. The amount of rent paid by the resident is determined by the household's monthly income. There's a catch with it though. Your legal husband's income will be counted as combined household income. Also if he's been convicted of a felony at any time (and from what you've said it sounds pretty likely), he will not be approved to live in such housing. You won't be either if you're legally married to him.
The American taxpayer can't be expected to provide everything for you as well as for your husband. It's not really our responsibility to take care of the two of you here so the family in Jamaica can be supported.
Judging from what's written in your profile about your husband, he sounds like a pretty bad guy. Get divorced. That will make getting housing a lot easier for you. The state will only be going by your own income not combined with your husband's if the two of you are divorced.
Helpful Answer (3)
AliBoBali Apr 2021
That is a consideration, if OP is over the financial limits for subsidized housing or other U.S. or local housing programs. Many landlords will take 3-6 months up front in lieu of proof of income, or my previous landlord took a bank statement as proof of ability to pay.
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You may need to call every lawyer in the book, but you are also going to have to let them know that there IS income, some of it being your HUSBAND'S income, to pay for his/her work in getting the divorce. The divorce will give you some money in settlement. At present you may be stuck with renting a room in someone else's home while you work on finding your own place. Even as a roommate.
A lot is going to depend upon you being the renter they WANT. Take some of your financials with the name and account blocked out to show you are good for the rent. Offer up pictures of your current home; as a landlord I can tell you that it would matter to me to see a well ordered pleasant home; landlords recognize that once you are in it is very difficult to get you out if you are the type renter who does damage.
This will be difficult, and I can't tell you how much I admire you are doing it. Try to connect with anything you can find in your area, including housing for abused women--not only will you get a bed there, but you will get connection to support in your are to help, perhaps even a lawyer.
I am so sorry for all the difficulty, and that you are having to negotiate it with a bad back.
Get out there to church and community groups, and groups that have "community" that can guide you to resources. I would say include AA meetings in that even if hubby doesn't touch a drop of alcohol. There people are dealing with all the issues you are adding in drink. Be honest about why you are there, deparation and need. Some may help you.
Helpful Answer (2)
KristineB Apr 2021
“Waiting list” only, but I put myself on them. 👍
Ive really exhausted every Avenue.
Researching all day long, in my car, in parks to avoid being in the trauma.
I would find senior HUD housing. They will be experts in getting you into an apartment of your own.
Helpful Answer (1)
KristineB Apr 2021
You have to be 65.
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Contact Social Services in your county to get a caseworker to help you find a rental. Caseworker will also help you with other issue. Call legal Aid to help you find an attorney.
Helpful Answer (1)
KristineB Apr 2021
I called all of that.
Legal aid wouldn’t even refer me to an attorney.
Thats why they’re there.
He said “we’re busy.”
This is what I get. 🤨
I sit by a waterfall every day for an hour to retain my sanity. 👁
I don’t qualify yet, as I have inquired to many already. I guess you have to be 65.
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BurntCaregiver Apr 2021
You don't have to be 65 for handicapped housing. Also some senior communities are 55 and over.
Kristine B,

You do know that if you're legally married and not ghetto-married (just living together and have kids), then your husband is legally entitled to take money out of a joint bank account if his name is on it. He can also go for half of the value of the home and in a divorce as well. He doesn't have to make threats about coming for the bank account when he gets back from Jamaica. He can withdraw money from it whenever he likes.
Your best bet would be get a safety deposit box at the bank in your name only. Then start withdrawing cash from joint accounts and stash it. Otherwise your husband will likely clean out the bank accounts, run up the credit cards, then stay in Jamaica permanently. Don't let that happen. Speak to a divorce attorney and tell them that your husband threatens to do this. The lawyer can apply to file an injunction with the court that can temporarily restrict your husband's access to bank accounts and credit cards that are in both names until the divorce goes to court.
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Yes to what Burnt said. If you have any joint accts, he can take it all or even you could but in your circumstances I wouldn't do that. But you entitled to half. So withdrawal the half at least and put it in a separate acct. Someone said on the forum this has to be done before you file for divorce. Once you file, assets can't be touched.
Helpful Answer (2)
cxmoody Apr 2021
If it’s a community property state, and the OP opens up an account before filing for a separation, that new account is half her husband’s.
Regarding the original question about proof of income for a rental. If you have savings and investments, you are in the same position as many other retirees.

Be prepared to show your income and include a reference to dividends/interest/withdrawals from savings. A statement proving that your balance is more than a year's worth of 3 times the rent might help.

You might do better if you focus on smaller, less bureaucratic, landlords. Or offer to pay the 12 month lease in advance.

If your assets aren't that much, I'd suggest considering a roommate situation while you try to work your way up the waiting lists for assistance.

For personalized advice, I heard about the Savvy Ladies helpline on a recent podcast. The founder was inspired by her grandmother's experience in an abusive relationship.
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