
Mom was doing somewhat well and settling into senior living community. Her apartment along with others connected flooded last week, water was pouring out of the shower drain into her kitchenette area and living room. She very quickly threw towels down and tried to pick up belongings that were on the floor. (She is recovering from a total knee replacement and treated for major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety) The director said there was blockage in the drain from years and years of build up and that is what caused the flood. In any case, mom had a very severe panic attack when this happened and is now afraid to go back to the old apartment. She has not slept well since this happened which doesn’t help with her mental illness. I asked if she could just stay in the temporary apartment but apparently it is just a showcase apartment and no one has ever lived in there. I am waiting to see what can be done but thinking she might have to go back to old apartment once plumbing issue is fixed.


Oh, I am so sorry that your mom has experienced this. I am sure that it upset her terribly.

Thank goodness she was able to throw towels onto the floor quickly to avoid falling, especially since she is recovering from surgery.

I have fallen in my kitchen when my dishwasher overflowed. I didn’t see the puddle and I went sailing across the floor. I was aching for a week afterwards. Fortunately, no broken bones.

Your mom is most likely going to have to go back to her old apartment. Hopefully, the problem will be resolved soon.

Where is your mom staying in the meantime?

All you can do is reassure her that she’s going to be safe after repairs are done.

No matter where she lives, these situations will occur from time to time. Vehicles and homes will always need maintenance.

Wishing you and your mom all the best.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to NeedHelpWithMom
Tajann May 15, 2024
This is mom’s 4th move in 1.5 years so this is just one more traumatic event for her.
Sure, this sort of thing happens anywhere and everywhere. Always a shock.

You don't give us a lot of clues as to your mom's underlying condition.
You do mention "mental illness" but I don't see any suggestion of dementia?
Does your mother have dementia?

I think that the explanation here makes a lot of sense. These things do happen. Some main apparently blocked off after years and everything backed up. This is a dangerous situation as anyone with any open wounds on lower extremities could get sepsis if these were sewage waters. In short this is a mess, figuratively and literally.

I think your mother's anxiety would be normal, but it may be exacerbated into unrealistic fear and expectations by her underlying condition. I doubt she is alone in her worries. She will need reassurance by staff and by yourself that these things periodically happen in life, and they are fixed and then moved on from.

Good luck.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to AlvaDeer
Tajann May 13, 2024
She has not been diagnosed with dementia.
See 1 more reply
Sure, things happen in all buildings, houses, offices, ALs, you name it. Nothing is immune from weather or plumbing issues. My mother's apartment in AL had some flooding years ago from ice damning on the roof....when it got warm out, a lot of water leaked in thru the window and saturated quite a bit of her carpet. The ED suggested I take her to a hotel for " a nice long weekend, just the 2 of us" (!!!!) and I suggested to HIM I'd do nothing of the kind! What was HIS back-up plan for emergencies????? After stuttering for a while he said there was a vacant apartment she could use. I told him her bed, recliner, tv set, stand and night table THEY'D have to move into the vacant apartment, and I'd set up her bathroom and snacks in the fridge. That's what happened. Mom stayed in the vacant unit set up with her necessities for 3 days until the crew got her carpeting dried out and her apartment back in order. My mother was anxiety ridden too, so I brought her some pot edibles and sat with her and she was fine.

If your mom is having severe panic attacks and not sleeping because of this inconvenience, and is afraid to go back to her apartment, I'm not sure her depression and anxiety is being well managed. Can you put a call into her prescribing physician to discuss what's happening and how to best calm her down, med changes, etc?

I'm sorry you're both faced with this situation. I feel your pain because I spent decades talking my mother off of one ledge or another, constantly. I hope the doctor has a good solution for her.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to lealonnie1
Tajann May 15, 2024
The psych NP is making a visit to discuss. She is already on several psychiatric medications and was doing well and mentally stable since her last knee replacement. Until this flood happened. We live in the Midwest so flooding is not a typical occurrence and definitely shouldn’t be an occurrence at all in my opinion. As this is a senior living community and maintenance should be doing routine checks to prevent what happened.
My friend just built a 2 million dollar house last year and it flooded last week because a sheet rock nail pierced a plumbing pipe. When the house settled a bit, the nail fell out and the water poured out of the wall.

It happens.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Southernwaver
Tajann May 15, 2024
I am more concerned with sanitation due to the drain water soaking the carpets. I’ve asked them to replace the carpet in her apartment but they are choosing to clean it instead. It’s a one bedroom apartment so not very big.
I’ve had floods in a condo when water flooded in from the neighbor’s unit. Had backup from street sewage drainpipes in same place two times. Had floods in a house due to a hurricane. Had floods in two different houses in different states due to septic tank backup. So yeah, it can happen anywhere. If she moves elsewhere it could still happen again. Sorry your mom is having to endure it, but at least she doesn’t have to fix it, they do.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to Fawnby

what state are you in? I suppose this is possible, but not a good thing.
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Reply to strugglinson

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