
Adult Protective Services visited our house today to ask us questions about our mom and they mentioned getting "conservatorship."

What does that mean?

Is conservatorship the same thing as Power of Attorney (POA)?

Thanks in advance!

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Are you and brother on disability? If so, what for?

You should have asked the APS caseworker what Conservatorship means. Whats Cathy or an aide there while APS was there?

You have been asking for a while now how you could get help for Mom and now seems you have it. But you need someone on your side to make sure you too are taken care of. APS should be able to help you too. They need to know that you are on disability and why. They should help you to be able to be independent. They should make sure your OK too.

Someone has done you a favor calling in APS. They saw u needed help.
Helpful Answer (5)
Mikurotoro92 Mar 2023
Autism Spectrum Disorder
It usually is synonymous with guardianship. Meaning aps would basically take over all moms assets and care.

What were the circumstances of this visit?
Helpful Answer (4)
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 2023
Thanks, PeggySue

That is what I thought but I am puzzled by her post.

Can APS inquire about conservatorship randomly or would someone have to file a complaint or make some sort of accusation?

I had a neighbor once who would go for a daily bicycle ride and he got reported for leaving his elderly mother alone in the house.
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It sounds as though someone has noticed your mother's increasing difficulty living at home with just you two providing care.

If the state gains guardianship, your mom will almost certainly be moved to a facility where she can have full-time care.

Have you talked to your social worker/support person about this recent development? It seems like she might be needing to find you and your brother someplace to live.
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That cannot happen without a court hearing. Did you receive notification of one?

Conservatorship in my state is for finances, guardianship for medical issues.

It cannot happen without court order!!!!!
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I absolutely DO care about my mom it's just that we are adults and need to stop mooching off of her so we can develop our own lives

My boyfriend has NOTHING to do with this

I think Cathy, Glenn, Anita, Reina, Debra or Eva called APS
Helpful Answer (4)
Beatty Mar 2023
Are the people you mentioned care workers?

Just remember the person/people who notified APS probably did so because they were concerned - for you Mom, you & your brother.

This may help bring some changes. Hopefully positive changes for you all. I hope so!
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I always question you about Cathy, who is supposed to be supporting you and your brother in becoming independent, correct?

Am I also correct in that you and your brother both receive disability payments?
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Do you think someone is questioning your mom’s living situation?

I honestly don’t know what it could mean but others will give their opinion on this matter.

Best wishes to you and your mom.
Helpful Answer (2)

I know your recent post explained you were concerned as Mom was falling & it was hard to get her up.

Has that still been happening? Maybe other family, friends or neighbours have been concerned about your Mom too?

See what comes of the APS visit.

It is OK to ask the APS staff questions. Ask for matters to be explained so you understand their meaning. Where I live legal acts specify an advocate must be provided if needed & someone to provide supported decision making available if needed too.
Helpful Answer (2)

Did you tell the APS worker that you and brother are autistic? You should have someone advocating for you. Was Mom your SSD payee? If so, she is not going to be able to be payee anymore. My nephew has physical problems, a neurological problem, cerebral palsy on one side and is high on the autistic spectrum. He has a state housing voucher and state coordinators. There is a Independent Living agency in town that help autistic people to be able to live independently.

You need to get APS into finding you help. You will not be able to maneuver agencies on your own for now. Its a learning experience. Your 29 without the experiences of a 29 yr old. You and brother need to find someone who can help you mature and grow. My nephew has matured the last 5 yrs on his own. I am still there to oversee mainly to help him with his money but he is doing that pretty well now. I have tried to allow him grow, be as independent as possible. APS should be able to find you people who can help you.
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Hire a Lawyer to help you go down to court and ask for the Lawyer of the Day .
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