
They won't cooperate. Do we report this to the DMV (we're in California) or call the cops? Mom is being held prisoner in her own home. We got the disabled placard so we could take her to her appointments, shopping, etc, and have always kept it in her home in a place where anyone that was driving mom could find it. BIL says it's his now because he started taking mom to appointments a few months ago. The jerk deserves more than just a fine and mom wants to get out of the house. When 2 of us are with mom, it's not a problem - one person gets out with her and waits while the other parks and catches up. No big deal. But it's rare mom has 2 people visiting at the same time. If we had POA, we'd just cancel it and get another.

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I would call the issuing authority and ask them what to do. They will probably mail you a new one. What a lowlife.
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Tee hee! Chuckle chuckle. I have to laugh. Reported mom's placard stolen last week. I asked a friend that works near BIL to keep an eye out to see if he's using the placard. Just got the phone call I waiting for: Yup, he used it and didn't have mom with him and had no idea about needing the additional paper document that must be carried in the vehicle. Friend called parking enforcement and had his $50k+ Mercedes towed away a few minutes ago. Not just the $700 ticket. He has to pay impound fees, too, and they didn't use a flatbed tow. BIL came out screaming and yelling at the parking officer. They're still out there right now, probably trying to decide if he should be arrested for having the stolen property. What an idiot! So that part of this has been taken care of. Now we just need to make sure he doesn't get his hands on the replacement.
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From what I read online about the CA DMV about the placard is that you can get a replacement placard for a lost or stolen one by doing the application process for one again. I didn't see anything about a duplicate. I'm not sure that you even need a POA to request a replacement card. Go online to the CA DMV and check out what the site says about getting a replacement card.

My wife had one for her car and we have another one for my car for when she is riding with me. The card comes with a registration card that shows it is for her in her name. We leave the registration card in the glove compartment and the placard in the car to be hung on the rear view mirror after the car is parked. It is not a good idea to drive with it hanging from the rear view mirror for it blocks the driver's view.

From what I read online, the paperwork about the handicapped parking placard is to go with the person for whom it is for along with the placard to whatever vehicle they are riding in. In other words, when mom rides with BIL, the registration card that came along with the placard needs to be in the vehicle.

It is ridiculous for BIL to hang on to the card because he started taking mom to appointments a few months ago. Has he taken her to any appointments lately? Is he using her card for his own benefit? Does he know that without the registration card saying who the placard is for it is not valid.
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I assume he's using it for himself, so the idea about staking him out to see if he's using it when mom isn't with him and calling parking enforcement for a bust, just may be the best advice. I believe the fine is over $700. He's called parking enforcement to have my trailer ticketed in the past, so turn-about is fair-play. In California, you DO need to keep the identification certificate that is issued with the placard in the vehicle and it cannot be used if the disabled person is not being transported. I am pretty sure he doesn't realize this, either. Mom used to keep a reduced copy of it in her wallet, but she doesn't always take it with her and the most recent version was not copied for her -- it was just filed away in a box in mom's garage! I just found it. I've had a copy in my car since I applied for the placard 15 years ago. Taking it to DMV to report the placard lost or stolen. Now how do I keep BIL from taking the new one when it arrives?
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Note that we did have to give Karma a wee bit of a nudge...
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Here in WA, if security officer or cop sees someone who doesn't look like they need it, they can ask for their placard ID card from the state. If you're not with that person they get a $250+ fine the card is confiscated and the person has to go to court to get it back. I'd report him. That's just rotten- Good luck.
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When my dad was issued a placard for mom, the placard had mom's name written on it. I guess the placard in CA is different? So, if my dad was driving without mom, he wouldn't be able to use it because mom's not there. He would be fined and/or his car towed. But, yes, I think you need to report it to DMV. Then it's their decision to allow it or not. If I was vengeful, I'd figure out where BIL goes and parks in the handicap, then call anonymously of his illegal parking. I think if he gets ticketed several times, the cops will catch on, and perhaps confiscate the placard? Or do you have a Disability senior citizen program/division there? You can give them a call and ask for their advice. Here on island, they have done some heavy ad campaign about illegally parking in the handicap parking. They're so successful, I don't see much abuses on it like before.
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Geez... My parents have 2 and I have 2, one in every car. When my daughter borrowed the parents sweet ride for 2 weeks she did not even think to use the one in the car.. And she lives in a handicapped Condo with a dedicated space! Your BIL is a piece of crap.. people need this for real problems. call the DMV and report him and his tag number as having taken it without permission., and he will not return it.
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If the person not on the tags does not park in a handicapped space I think you are OK Veronica!. daughter bought a handicapped condo so her grands could visit her, and it was available. She gets a handicapped spot because her Condo is handicapped,, she is not. And she NEVER parks in that spot. She leaves it for us or visitors, and parks in her other spot or the visitor area. Maybe I raised her right?
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NO, he is not kind to her; just the opposite: rude, abusive and mean -- exhibits absolutely no patience with her, screaming and yelling at her, etc. He is being forced by his wife (my sister) to take mom to medical appointments. Sister has POA but refuses to do anything with or for mom -- she dumps it all on her husband. His resentment shows in every interaction. Mom never liked him much; has a history of cocaine addiction. She is terrified of him and at this point no longer recognizes him as her son-in-law. Very sad.
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