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Overused and misused term.

Old people become self-centered as their world gets smaller. It's normal.
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olddude Dec 16, 2023
Expecting daughters to leave their husbands and kids to wipe their butts for the rest of their lives is not normal.
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No offense MJ. But Narcissism encompasses a lot more than what you have stated.

There are a whole slew of people on here who could probably write a book on what and how they've been treated by the narcissists in their lives. Maybe it's an overused term cause there are so many out there who have been hurt by them.
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Beatty Dec 16, 2023
I do agree here too. If you meet someone who may classify as Nascisstic Personality Disorder. Yikes. The damage to other humans is frightening.

To me, like meeting a real life dinasaur. Cold eyed & ready to eat you if they want.
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A Midwife told me a pregnant women's world shrinks. From being a woman, interested in their job or study & world events, to their job/study/relationships to eventually, in the days before due date, just their own body. Their amazing body with this lifeforce being felt within.

I thought of this when I read MJ's reply.

Of course after childbirth, women start to slowly re-engage with the world again.

Infants start off very self-absorbed too don't they? Focused on their own needs.

I feel like the other end of life we come back to that (The Circle of Life). Survival. It can appear nascisstic.
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OP, what is your question?
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I am afraid that this word is tossed about frequently. Seems we are all armchair diagnosticians these days, willing to tack the latest in psychobabble onto any friend or family member currently being troublesome on our own opinion.

As your question is very general and not at all specific as to what exactly you are dealing with I am going to refer you to doctor GOOGLE or any search engine of your choice. Look up all the information you like and study on to your heart's content. There is a wealth of information there for you on all aspects of this syndrome.
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Am I missing something here. I see nothing where OP has stated anything. Their Profile justs says they r caring for a friend.

IMO, narcissists are born they way they are. Its a personality disorder. They never see where they are wrong and your the problem not them. Because of this, there is no cure.

Are you having problems with your friend? Do they expect more than u can give or want to give. If so, you need to set boundaries. You should not be doing 24/7 of the care. A little info will get you better answers.
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This word is very much overused, just like many other words and expressions are. So much so, that people don’t take the word or other expressions as seriously anymore.

Of course, there are genuine narcissists who have been diagnosed by mental health professionals.

Others have narcissistic tendencies or traits but haven’t been formally diagnosed as narcissists.

Do you feel that you are living with a narcissist?

Speak with a mental health professional if you are dealing with this type of person, so you can decide what to do for yourself.

Don’t even attempt to change someone who is a true narcissist. It won’t be worth your time and energy to do so.
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Karsten Dec 17, 2023
I agree with NHWM. It seems like narcissism is the diagnosis du jour, and it probably is accurate in many cases.

I think arrested development is also that way

That said, I maybe it doesnt matter what they call it if narcissistic type behavior is there and needs to be dealt with.
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There are many previous threads on this website that you can read with many of us discussing taking care of someone with traits of narcissism .
The summary is that many are in therapy and still recovering from taking care of someone like that .

Browse the site , look under caregiver burn out etc . Do come back if you have specific questions about your situation that you would like answered .
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0/10 do not recommend
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There is a special website about personality disorders, including narcisism. It’s call It’s often referred to on this site, but I read it only a day or two ago. I think you will find all the stuff you want on it – try it!
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I learned that if you are around them long enough, sometimes only for a brief time, that the reality comes out - they are exposed for what they are - and so are you. Often it's stunning. Like the person some years ago who purposely told me that they were spending the holiday's in Chicago and then asking me what I was doing thinking that I would be saying I wasn't going anywhere, staying home. The did this to make themselves feel more important than me and to make me feel inferior. Well, I told them the truth. I was going skiing in Austria! The look on their face!

That's why it's very important to always be honest, stay true to what you believe (which can be really hard and painful), work towards what you want and never look down on anyone.
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