
My father's has an advance directive living will through the VA to be resuscitated, feeding tube etc. We were locked out of hospital account by the wife. We was his biology kids. She unplugged his fibulator without us knowing, put him on hospice and took him home without any kind of medical equipment and she was administering him the morphine her self. When he stopped breathing there wasn't even any equipment to take his heart beat or anything. Then she didn't call paramedics, she called the coronor. They asked her if he had a resuscitation order, she said no.

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Well when I put Luz into hospice I had to sign a DNR which would have over ridden any thing before that date.
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When he was accepted to hospice a new advance directive would have been prepared to remove extreme measures. So, yes, a new advance directive takes precedent over the old.
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Hospice is not handled this way. They evaluate and provide all equipment needed. An aide is provided and a nurse comes in every few days. Family members are taught to administer Morphine since Hospice is not there 24/7.

Hospice does not give extraordinary measures. Like said, a DNR is required. Your Dad needed to be considered terminal. That he was dying from what he had within at least six months. Hospice can go longer. What I am trying to say is that your Dad was probably dying. To resuscitate him or put a feeding tube would just have prolonged the inevitable. Feeding tubes are not all that great.

It may help you to talk to someone at the Hospice. They do help family after the fact.
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