
Can family members who have to quit their job or miss work get paid through Medicare?

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MediCARE pays for health related costs to hospitals, physicians, physical therapists, licenses health care providers etc. who have contracts with medicare and are on the approved state list as a vendor. Also Medicare pays for hospice from regulated & licenses providers as well as for prescriptions.

Medicare does not pay for family to care for grannie.

Grannie, however, can pay for family for their caregiving . Grannie probably gets SS or other retirement, and that income can be paid to you for caregiving. You need to get a "personal services contract" done and pay taxes on the income & Grannie does a W-2 and other tax compliance.
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Igloo572 got it right. If someone is a CNA or other certified home care asst., they could conceivably be assigned through an agency to care for Grannie, but only get paid for the number of hours that have been approved by Medicare.
This is one aspect of healthcare that needs to be addressed as more and more elderly are being kept at home instead of the traditional nursing home. It would be interesting to know the statistics of how many people each year have to quit working or start working part- time. The economic and societal impact is probably staggering. Talk about displaced workers! Anyone know of any study? Any researchers or grad students need a project? This website would be a good starting point for researchers.
I had to quit a job paying $22/hr. six years ago at age 59. I could still be working but had to take my small pension (at age 60)and SS (at age 62) early. Eventually, I'll return to work but not at my former job because openings for my previous position are rare and I would have go through a process to get re-certified in my field.
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Medicare is a government run program and do not think the government is going to provide for YOU to take care of your loved ones. The loved one is a loving responsibility and or can pay you out of their funds. DO NOT expect anything from anyone when it comes to your healthcare, unless you have served in the military, are disabled, mentally challenged, or destitute. Sorry, there are no free lunches unless you go to the Salvation Army or religious charities or ones supported by the state.
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Like I said twotonne, anyone can get a government pension if they are disabled. Oh, and if it is truly a disability (either mental or physical) don't hire an attorney who will take your money for those services. Just apply to social security yourself for FREE.
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I personally disagree with ferris1, and would tell you to go to an attorney. Those attorneys that handle disability are paid by the state or federal govt., you do not pay them and they are only paid when your case is settled. In California you can apply for disability 3 times, and everyone is denied the first time, the second time some are let through and the third time you have to go to a hearing in front of a judge who decides. This is what happened to me, the attorney is ABSOLUTELY needed if you get to the third application. It took me over 2 years to finally get disability but they will give you back pay from when you first applied. Shocker!

I am not kidding about everyone being turned down the first time either, I met with people with brain cancer, a man who lost the use of one side of his body and many other issues who had all been turned down. So many people apply that they figure they can weed out a lot of people by refusing. I knew I needed help and could not work and although my family said to forget it and just try to live off my daughters child support, I didn't. When I finally did get disability my family apologized and said they never would have gone through what I did, they would have given up.
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If your mother has no money to pay you and is Medicaid eligible, you can get paid a small amount through Medicaid. I was given paperwork to fill out when my Mom was last hospitalized but she did not qualify yet due to a small savings, but the amount they pay is like $7 an hour.
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Holycow, I applied ONCE in AZ, got my disability on the first try, did not use an attorney, and have been receiving benefits since 2001. I just got an $11 raise for 2014! I guess your application state and disability determines if you get disability.
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It sure does Ferris1, California is a very hard state to be accepted in. My cousin was also accepted first time around in Arizona which seemed like a miracle to me!
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If you do have to quit your job, to care for a Uncle with mental and physical disabilities, who is under a guardianship, how much can they pay you out of there personal estate for living and being cared for in your home in the state of Washington?
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I have been denied initially for my application for disabililty through Social Security. I have suffered with severe anxiety, panic attacks, and agorphobia for years and caring for my husband with Alzheimers makes it impossible for me to work. It's been in the appeal process for almost 5 months now and I was told it would probably be denied again simply because it is the way this works. I do have an attorney because caring for my husband takes so much out of me. I fully expect to have to wait two years for any benefits. The initial claim was started in June of 2014.
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