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I found this website and reported the scammers various phone numbers, they blast the numbers and flood them out. Wish me luck.
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it worked! the scammers numbers have all been suspended!
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Well done!!!
I am so happy for you and your dad.
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jjwahl Feb 2020
thank you!
scammers are back up and running, I asked my father for money to send to Jamaica so I could collect my winnings. He told me that if I were in the same situation that he would tell me to lose contact with the scammer but he continues with his. I asked what it would take to believe it was a scam..he said either Jesus or the scammer himself to tell him. Any new suggestions...please?
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I’m so sorry you’re going through these extremes of trauma regarding your father! Shaking my head!!
Im relieved I intercepted ALL of my mother’s mail since last year in March. She was deleting her checking account by not paying just bills, but sending so much money to these idiots! Then, she’d pull money out of her savings because she’d run out of money! I gave some nun holy hell for taking part in this!
Just for the hell of it, I asked her for my mother’s money back. LOL! Like that was going to happen! Also she needs to go to confession!
Anyway, I got complete control of her finances! I’m executor if her trust/will.
Her Alzheimer’s is moderate, but does some pretty off the wall things. I’ve taken over everything else, even intercept calls. I took away her credit card, too. I think I may have convinced her that they were all after her money. Whether she remembers it or not, so far so good.
Thank God her only obsession is television!
She has all the other issues like not bathing regularly, her hair not groomed, loss of appetite, trying to launder adult pull-ups, spraying Pam in her coffee, things like that.
She will not have any stranger in the house! Been battling that one. I sometimes have to threaten her that if she doesn’t bathe daily, I’ll call someone in. Then she moves!
So, my dear lady. Do what it takes! If he hits rock bottom, so be it!
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Send your dad a certified letter on police department letterhead (just create something yourself online) saying that this Jamaican Lotto bunch is a scam and they've been arrested and are in jail. Further state in this letter that any more funds received for this scam will be held in an account, the senders will be identified and INVESTIGATED for contributing to FRAUD and that he could potentially face jail time himself if he sends one more dime. Make it sound good! My son is really good with computers so I'd ask for his help if I were in your you have someone who can help you concoct something very legal sounding?

Good luck!
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jjwahl Feb 2020
been there, done that...he is too smart to fall for anything but this one scammer. Thank you, very good idea.
You can’t get guardianship for someone who is competent. They have to be deemed incompetent. The OP said his father has been passing the competency tests. Lord knows I can’t get my mother to stop gambling or hoarding at age 95. She has her mind so there is nothing I can do about it. It’s the law. I tried telling doctors, the hospital, case managers, social workers and even APS. They all said the same thing. She is competent. Nothing can be done. My mother can live anyway she wants.
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