
Eye Dr. told my father that his vision is poor and that he should not drive at all. But he said that he will do what ever he wants. My mother passed away 6 months ago and he visits her twice a day. He has told me already that he has had near misses in car accidents. And of course it was the other driver's and not him. I have talked to him about selling his car. No way! He said. Any suggestions on how I can talk to my father about giving up driving?

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Giving up driving is hard, but killing someone is worse.

There are many posts here talking about the different ways families approach this issue.

Ask the eye doctor to send a report to the DMV and his GP.

Disable his car, there are various ways to do this.

Remove the car from his property.

Contact the local police department and tell them.

But while doing the above, you need to arrange for transportation for him. Handidart, taxi, Uber etc. Arrange for grocery and Rx delivery.
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To a Senior Citizen, driving is often the last vestige of independence they have. When someone is determined to drive even though it’s clear they are a danger to themselves and others on the road, their first reaction to being told “You can’t!” Is “Watch me!”

You can bargain on some things. Maybe they don’t need to shower or change their trousers every day. Maybe they can have that extra piece of cake. However, I have precious children and grandchildren out there on the roads and it makes me cringe when I think of what could happen.

It's been said on this site before that a doctor can write a letter to the DMV that “Mr. Smith is no longer capable of driving”. But, if Mr. Smith really wants to, he’s going to get behind that wheel and everyone be damned.

Unfortunately, you’re going to have to give Dad a reality check. It’s a given that sooner or later, something will happen. If you and he are “lucky”, it may only be a fender bender. But it could be much worse, and all of you could face a future of lawsuits and guilt.

if his car is within sight, move it. I don’t believe you can sell it without his permission. You can also take his keys, but if the car is there, that’s cruel to him. And, don’t leave him hanging when you take the car. Make sure someone is available for shopping trips and whatever else he needs or wants within reason, or investigate community transport. Lots of cities have community transport that has door to door service especially for seniors.

Good luck. I know how hard this is. Hubby is bedridden but still believes he can drive.
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Where I live the doctor is mandated to inform the MTO (DMV), any idea why that wasn't done? I've read that some people have informed the DMV themselves and asked for testing, that should get his license revoked.
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His Eye doctor needs to tell DMV. But it took 3 months for DMV to ask for Gson's license. You may want to have him "lose" his keys. I agree with parking the car out of site.
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