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Tinyblu, a week will go by pretty quickly.

I know I would be upset if I had a parent in senior facility and the facility DIDN'T do a quarantine if there were residents who had the flu. Flu bug can hang on for quite some time, and infect others. I would say BRAVO to the facility for taking quick action.

Imagine all the outside people coming into a senior facility. Some of them could have the flu virus and not know it as the virus hadn't reared its ugly head yet. And there is now 2 strains of flu running amok. If someone had one strain already, they could still get the second strain, and to an elder that could mean major health issues including death.

Or if visitors were let in, they could become infected with the flu by a resident who hasn't shown the signs of the flu yet, then what? You would be home sick.

The senior facility should have tried to call the love ones on their list to say "sorry, we are closed due to the flu", but when you think how many seniors live in a facility, that could take hours, and some wouldn't have been notified until they were standing at the front door of the facility. The Staff probably was pretty busy with those residents who were quick sick with the flu.

Let's hope those residents with the flu recover safely.
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I understand your frustration. But, yes this flu season is serious business. Strain A made a round in December and January. Now in February Strain B is here. Even if you had your Flu shot ( I’m raising my hand here) you still will probably get the Flu if exposed. Again raising my hand.

Try to be understanding with the staff. You know they have their hands full with sick residents.
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I would be pleased they were being proactive. The decision to close the center for quarantine could have been made too quickly for all family to be notified. As for the cost of the Tamiflu, I wouldn’t have any qualms about paying for it. Dad has to meet his deductible and the medication was certainly warranted. What would you do if he got the flu and became really ill? You would be very upset.
I am all for preventative medicine.
Choose your battles. Could family have been notified better? Perhaps. But hopefully at the center’s next quality assurance meeting management can discuss this if need be. I personally think they did the best they could with this spike in the flu and the different strains this year. The flu vaccine we received this season is turning out to only have provided 30% immunity.
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How long had that sign been up? Maybe just an hour or so, to keep people from wandering is and bringing another cocktail of disease.

I imagine it us quite daunting to call the next of kin in a quick succession, and this way, you did have the knowledge up front. How are things like this usually handled?

Tamilflu is pricey, but a fairly good "antidote" to the flu, if caught soon enough. Just pay the bill and look to your alternate sources for payback. It just may be that's what it costs.
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I live in NC and 140 people have died this flu season, so I know it's serious, but imagine my surprise when I arrived at Dad's ALF only to be turned around. There was a sign on the door stating that it was under quarantine.

Furthermore, the only heads up I got was the sign on the door. Later this afternoon, I received a call from some pharmacy stating that I would receive $120 bill for the Tamiflu they administered (without my permission) because Dad's deductible had not been met.

I'm more than ticked off, and Dad is a basket case. They aren't letting residents out of their rooms and of course no visitors... for a WEEK!!!!

Yes, I sometimes wish for a break, but not like this. Another daughter arrived as I was being told to leave and said she was not informed. HUH?!?! Is it normal for a facility to make such major decisions without notifying family members. This ain't a paper cut.

While I can appreciate that they are trying to keep themselves free of lawsuits (I really don't think the residents' well being is the key factor here), I just don't feel good about the way that this was handled.

Has anyone else been through anything similar? Do I have recourse for the medication that I could have secured for free from Hospice or the VA? $120 is a lot.
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The day we were to drop dad at MC, the MC unit had an outbreak of something. They had to put dad in the AL part for a week. They did provide a companion 24 x 7 during that time at no extra cost to us.. but we still had to move his room twice. But I preferred that to him getting sick right off the bat. I think they do the best they can with short notice.
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Last night I received a call for the second time that AL was under quarantine. They have to be sickness free for 72 hours. They require the residents to remain in their rooms. It is for their safety. This is nothing unusual. However my facility will let people visit, but they insist that the visits are done in the residents room.
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I agreed to tamiflu if needed when we signed the admission papers at mom's nursing home. We've recently been through a flu outbreak but other than curtailing group activities and restricting visitors from lingering in common areas  things were pretty much as usual there. There was a time when facilities were "locked down" due to outbreaks but that often meant people who were ill or dying were not allowed the presence of their family, there was enough outrage that this barbaric practice has been discontinued.
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Thanks guys. I didn't say anything to the staff yesterday, but I did have some "hmmmm" moments.

It's been a nightmare for Dad (and me). Usually I have to ignore an average of 10 calls a day from Dad because he gets distracted by having breakfast or riding his scooter around the hall. The fact that they won't let him out of his room has increased the calls to 37 yesterday. My VM is full of frantic, heartbreaking messages. They just keep drugging him to keep him calm.

I guess the hard part is not knowing "the rules", and no one has gotten back to me about whether Dad can go to the Adult Day Center next week, if I will be able to bring him his Valentine's donuts next week, etc.

I talked to him this morning and he's high as a kite from all the meds. It just seems cruel to not provide companionship or something. He keeps asking what he did wrong. He thinks he's being punished.

...and isn't he because someone else is sick? I equate this to locking a child in the closet "for their own good". Doesn't compute with me... oh well.
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Thankfully i am getting a pitiful $105 ta refund (being single with two jobs and no kids makes tax time miserable)

To think, I was going to buy a pair of sneakers with it and attempt to start exercising again. Caregiving wins again. Thanks Tamiflu!!!!
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