
Doctor called yesterday that mom spiked a fever and they did a rapid test and she is positive for Covid. Her and dad share a room so dad almost certainly has it too. They both got tested the day before (not rapid test) so waiting on those results. I am so devastated. I was really hoping that we could make it to the vaccinations. So far Dad has no symptoms, Mom has fever and both lungs are clear and oxygen levels are good. What can I expect?

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Your dad needs to quarantine and watch for symptoms and seek treatment.

Your mother’s provider will treat her- I’m assuming her PCP ordered the test? Follow her PCP or whoever ordered the test’s treatment plan. She needs to isolate at home, gives easy to read guidelines for isolation/quarantine and treatment.

Are they able to monitor their temperatures and keep a log? Use the pulse ox & write the numbers down?

Someone may need to oversee/monitor them. Can you put a camera at their house for you to check mom’s O2 levels?
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Both parents live in a veterans' facility.

Somersaunt, has anyone explained how the facility is managing Covid+ people?
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VERY tough to predict because of the number of differing g symptoms, but treatment methods now are actually much better than they were in April, when my 92 year old LO SURVIVED after being sick for 3 weeks.

Don’t give up on them! If you can get them some scheduled medical care it may be helpful. It’s very important to keep an eye on changes happening over short periods of time.

Will you have a doctor coming in to assess their situations? Are they in your home right now or somewhere else.

Use every possible precaution to prevent spread to yourself and the rest of your immediate family. You need to stay strong too.
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Take heart. This is not automatically a death sentence. The survival rate for people 70+ years old is 94.6% (per CDC).
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I am so sorry this is happening, but the more we know, the more this little virus changes the more we know that we cannot know what to expect at all. Used to be we thought most cases were deadly to the elderly. We now know some have no symptoms to light symptoms and get through well. We used to think we could predict what side effects would happen; we understand now that they are variable. Used to be we thought a certain day was more dangerous than another. We now know to watch first of all for shortness of breath, measure the oximetry readings, and get drugs to help in hospital according to those readings.
This is something you must now just get through day by day. I hope you will be keeping us posted on your progress. So many will be right where you are. There are folks on the Forum who have had Elders with Covid. My own story involves my bro's ex, who got it soon after my brother's death of another problem. He had first a gallbladder problem; went to rehab after his surgery and got Covid, back to the hospital and in negative pressure room with bad cough for one half month. No ventilator. Recovered. Does have more mental deficits, but hard to know that is virus or life changes. Good luck.
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We've been so thoroughly indoctrinated to hear "COVID" and we go straight to panic mode.

In truth, we're learning more and more and covid, which not fun, is not the automatinc death sentence we once thought. (Don't watch the news. It is designed to keep you slightly anxious and upset. Sometimes, a little ignorance is bliss).

You are 'kind of' lucky. Both parents will have immunity and by Christmas. We are waiting for one of our kids' kids to GET IT ALREADY and be immune for Christmas. Thanksgiving was nice, but not the boisterous, all-in family celebration it usually is.

Medicine has learned to stay one or two steps ahead of the worst symptoms--praying for your folks that they can ride this out with relative ease.
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Mom passed away last Saturday from kidney failure and damage to her heart from COVID. Dad is doing good so far.
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AlvaDeer Dec 2020
I am so very sorry to hear this news. I am keeping your Dad in thoughts.
Sorry for your loss somersaunt.
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I am so sorry for your loss.

May God grant you grieving mercies and comfort during this difficult time.

May your dad be okay.

Great big warm hug.
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I am sorry for your loss. My father also passed from Covid due to the damage it did to his heart.
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I’m very sorry for the loss of your mother. Wishing you peace and comfort in the days ahead
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I am so sorry for the loss of your mother due to the virus; praying your father continues symptom free. I lost 2 elderly aunts to the virus, so it's no joke for many who get severe symptoms.

Sending you a hug and a prayer for peace.
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