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Hello, Grace. You posted under Alzheimer’s and dementia, so I am going to assume that your husband’s disease has progressed to the point that it is becoming difficult for you to care for him. I’m sure you are aware that there is no “reverse gear” on this awful disease and it will only get worse.

Speak with his doctor and tell them that you need help. They will refer you to a home health agency, or a few for you to pick from. You can also contact your city’s department of health and Human Resources and they will assign you a case manager.

You indicate you are a Christian woman, so assuming (again) that you have a church family and religious leader. Some church members will volunteer their time to help.
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Your pastor or members of your church family may be able to recommend a home health agency, too. Someone may have had a good experience with one agency, versus another.

I hope you are able to take some time for your own self care. Know your limits. Ask a church member to sit with your husband while you take some time for yourself.
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