
I am at wit's end and need advice so bad. My Mom has had dementia for 3 1/2 yrs since she had brain bleeds and 2 brain surgeries. Last week we took her to the ER for what I knew was a bad, bad UTI. She is totally incontinent and this has been for about a week and a half now. So my thoughts, UTI, has to be. All her tests came back normal. Each day since we had her in the ER she has been more and more uncontrollable..........Today she is totally out of control! Roaming, wandering, pilfering, set her down and before I can turn around, she is back up and into something else, messing in my dirty dishes before I can get them washed, into my skillets on the stove and hunting me down when I go to the bathroom. Talking totally out of her head. I have picked her up off of the floor twice today and put her in her chair. I caught her taking off with my stack of bills, thank heavens I saw her. She is starting to get nasty and smart me off at everything. My daughter in her terrible 2's was never as bad as my Mom has been this one day!!.........For 3 1/2 yrs she has set in her chair and I have taken care of her and now, just one day, and she is totally nuts. Can anyone tell me what has happened to her and what I need to do??? Thanks so much! It is greatly appreciated. Oh, I am an only child and my husband works out of town. So it's just me!

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Wow Chloe! Is there a day program that she could attend? It sounds as if she enjoys doing something, anything. Do you have any activities that she could do to keep her out of the things you don't want her into? Try picture albums, old greeting cards, puzzles, anything. Just find something she will enjoy doing. Take her to the doctor to discuss these behaviors, there are medications that will relieve the symptoms.
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It could she progressed to another stage. Talking with a Dr...a geriatrian, would be needed. Some meds could given to help with her anxiety. I can see where you would frustrated as you can't get anything done.
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If your mom seems to have entered into another stage of dementia I would definitely talk to the Dr. about medication. Not medicating, just medication. But wait a few days and see if this will be the new normal before introducing any new meds. Maybe she was having a bad day, maybe something was irritating her, it may have been a one time thing.
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An update on my Mom, after all the wild and crazy things that went on from 8 a.m. yesterday morning until 3:30 a.m. this morning, it was a complete nightmare. I put her to bed at 11:30 and she was up and down every 15-20 minutes. So at 3:30 she finally went to sleep. I got up earlier than usual this morning, because I was getting prepared for another day like yesterday. The whole morning passes and Mom is just snoring away and she would cough every once in awhile, this went on all afternoon until 6:00 this evening. She got up and came in to her chair. I took her back to change her Depends and then got her something to eat and drink, and she couldn't hold her eyes open. She has said 2 ok's since she got up. I gave her a banana, she zonked out again. While she napped I took the garbage out for garbage day and drove down the road to get her a milkshake. I came back and she was still asleep. She woke up, drank her shake and she is back out of it again.........I am hoping it was just a bad day, but today certainly wasn't her normal dementia day either. Big changes that's for sure. Will keep in touch. Many thanks!
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I think you need to get Mom to her doc ASAP. These behaviors can be indicative of an uptick in the dementia due to some other infection. I know you said the ER ruled out a UTI, but I would tell her doc all of this and have him do more tests. Something is definitely wrong, possibly even another stoke.
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Call the MD in the AM and get her in, something more is going on.
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Usually my husband's first symptoms of any physical ailment were cognitive. His dementia (LBD) was up-and-down instead of constant, but I learned to recognize when the "downs" were unusual and a harbinger of illness. So I think DGinGA and Pam are on to something. Maybe it is not true for your mother, but if my husband had a bad day that was out of his usual pattern, followed by a sleepy day, I would definitely suspect some kind of illness.
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After her wild day, then her sleepy day and night, yesterday was a "normal" dementia day, of course there is NO normal with dementia. My husband came home after a week of working away and she had just got up at 1:30 in the afternoon and he walks in and she says "well hello". She dozed for awhile and then "bing" she was good to go. Couldn't get her to bed til midnight and we had to get up at 3:00 to get hubby off to work! She wasn't real pleased, but doggone, this is ridiculous..........Still waiting on a call from her doctor. From Friday on, you might as well forget about that.
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