
My husband does not have any obvious ill effects from what happened but i still wonder if he didnt have a tia. He said he thinks it was a reaction to an ingredient in a restaurant meal he had. But it had been over an hour since he had eaten.

what was it like during the time the stroke was happening ?

My mom and I were sitting on the front porch chatting like we often did when suddenly all the words coming out of her mouth were gibberish. I turned to look at her and said Mom! and I went to her to check her face, raise her arms and look for any other signs of stroke. She was completely unaware of what had happened but did admit that she felt "queer". After a phone call to the nurse we opted to head to the ER for a check up because I was aware that a TIA could mean that a stroke was imminent.
Mom never had a full blown stroke but after that incident there were periods when she would stutter so I think she had several more smaller TIAs.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to cwillie

My first thought was that perhaps your husband was having a seizure, as they can be anywhere from just staring off into the distance and being unresponsive, to limbs trembling or shaking, or as in a gran mal seizure falling, grunting, severe body stiffness, wetting of one self, and sometimes vomiting after.
And after any and all seizures(especially the gran mal)the person will be extremely tired and sleep for many hours.

My late husband had a massive stroke at the age of 48 in our home while in bed. He had complained of a severe headache earlier in the evening, which I didn't think too much of as he suffered from headaches on a regular basis. I told him to eat a little something and take some ibuprofen and just go to bed.
When I went up that evening to get ready for bed myself, he was just laying there with his eyes open and staring at me. When I asked him how he was feeling, he didn't respond, but just kept staring. I initially thought that he was just messing with me, so I thought I would call his bluff and told him that if he didn't answer me that I was going to call 911 as I knew how much he hated anything to do with doctors or hospitals.
Well long story short, when he didn't respond again, I in fact did call 911 and he was taken to the ER where it was determined that indeed he had had a massive stroke that had left him unable to speak, walk, read, write and paralyzed on his right side.
And about a year later he also started having gran mal seizures, which while most were eventually controlled by medications, he did continue to have until his death at the age of 72.

It certainly wouldn't hurt to have your husbands doctor schedule him for an MRI to determine what if anything has gone on in his brain, as it's always better to be safe than sorry.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to funkygrandma59

I don't know if this post is still relevant but, I witnessed my grandmother having a stroke in front of me today. I watched her eyes drift apart as it had looked like she died for a moment, watching her struggle to fight for consciousness as I was frantically aiding her with my mom and constantly checking her pulse. It traumatized me, though I'm only 16 in that moment I only acted as quickly as I possible could. It felt as if I was numb to the world but could sense every detail of it at the same time. The even crazier part is that she doesn't even live at our house, we just had her staying over this week because she wasn't feeling the best.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Dddddd8
Anxietynacy Aug 14, 2024
Ddddd, I'm so sorry you had that happened to your grandma, I'm sure it must of been very hard, and scary.
OK, I am going on a limb this time.

First of all, whatEVER happened it is off to a doctor right away.
You don't tell us what happened, but you DO tell us there were no ill effects.
This does sound like a TIA. HowEVER it can be anything.
My brother's first symptoms of Lewy's dementia happened in the following way, and as an RN I will say it seemed almost TIA/stroke like.
He was out to eat. Suddenly went blank in face, and didn't respond. Began to try to swallow. Seemed to be choking and people were moving to help when he came out of it.
Later he said he felt like it was a hallucination.
This happened three times, always when out to eat.

As far as what you see in a stoke happening or a TIA is that usually there is some difficulty speaking, perhaps garbled, perhaps nothing. If asked to smile there may be a droop on one side. And there may be difficulty using one side of the other.
In the case of TIA medical cannot TELL YOU if this happened or not. No test. But by symptoms they will guess and they will check the carotids in the neck with ultrasound. If they are clogged time to get an endarterectomy which is usually a minimally invasive one day surgery.

You can look online for symptoms of a stoke and on youtube may even mimic them for you to see.

But out of everything here there is one thing I need to say to you and that is that THIS IS A MEDICAL ISSUE to be addressed RIGHT NOW. Urgent care type thing. For those having a TIA a great percentage will go on to a stroke in the next three months. Look it up.

Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer

I wasnt clear … what symptoms did your loved one display ?
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Reply to Betsysue2002

I was with people that may have had possibly TIAs, one lady I was with was on hospice and someone in the family asked me to stay with her mom for a little bit, I did. She was going to the bathroom and she just started shaking all over. I just helped her to her chair, and told her family when they got back. I'm not sure what that was.

My dad had what we presume was a tia didn't know where he was for a while , acted really strange couldn't really move. Then he was ok. Thought it was a blood sugar issue, because he was diabetic but we checked that and it was normal for him.

My neighbor called me from are local mall because he lost his car at the mall, by the time I got there he had called the police, they found his car, it was there the whole time. When he got home I asked him if I could take his BP. It was through the roof! I called 911 . He just wasn't right for a while , just off in his thinking, the doctors got his BP under control now he is fine.

From my very limited understanding medically , they can't tell if it's a tia after the fact. They can only suspect, but I'm not sure.

If it was one, I do suspect that he could just be in a daze after.

I do know if you are suspicious that someone is having a stroke, you ask them to put there hands in the air, and if one hand is a lot lower than the other, that's a sign, also ask them to smile, and make sure it's not crocked smile.

Also could he of just been dehydrated.

We really need more information

Hope that was a little helpful
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Reply to Anxietynacy

Both my parents had TIA’s. Dad never had a stroke, mom had several. The ones that were witnessed were honestly uneventful to watch. The damage afterwards was what made it clear. But the stroke itself wasn’t very pronounced or dramatic, for the worst one, my mom literally said “I don’t feel good” and that was it. Within hours the damage made itself known
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to Daughterof1930

"A brief stroke-like attack that, despite resolving within minutes to hours, still requires immediate medical attention to distinguish from an actual stroke.
A transient ischemic attack may be a warning sign of a future stroke.
Symptoms include weakness on one side of the body, vision problems, and slurred speech. These are transient and often resolve within 24 hrs.

"What is the main cause of a TIA?
A transient ischemic attack (TIA) is caused by a temporary state of reduced blood flow in a portion of the brain. This is most frequently caused by tiny blood clots that temporarily occlude a portion of the brain."

So has nothing to do with food.
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Reply to JoAnn29

I witnessed a stroke. Not sure if it was a TIA. We had dinner with another couple on Fridays. We met at the place and this time they were running really late. He had fallen asleep at a table and fell out of the chair. Heceascsoft spoken and a slow talker. So when his speech seemed a little slower I just chalked it up to thats him. At that point he did not show the signs of a stroke. The eye or mouth droop I just felt something was not right. Wife had gone to order their food we were leaving. I said to my DH that I thought G was having a stroke. When his wife got back to the table, it was very evident he was having one. Next time I will go with my gut.
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Reply to JoAnn29

It is best to consult a doctor for a professional assessment of the situation. During a TIA, symptoms may be temporary and vary depending on the area of the brain affected by the brief disruption. This may include weakness or numbness in one part of the body, loss of vision or double vision, difficulty speaking or understanding, dizziness or loss of balance. Only a doctor can accurately diagnose TIA and determine the cause of your symptoms.
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Reply to RigoboMaldo

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