
My mom bought a double wide in a park in FLA. She paid cash for it, but the trailer park needed her credit score to be higher. So my mom added my sister to the deed. Now my mom wants to sell her house and my sister won’t let her. What can she do without taking her to court and dragging this out?

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Hmmmm. Why not let Sister Woman have her way, and be the one to deal with your mother? Why don’t you just back off and let that happen? You really don’t want your mom living with you, anyway. Read zillions of posts right here…baaaaad idea.
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No My sister doesn’t live with mom. She was added to the deed to help. Cuz mom’s credit wasn’t good enough to live in the park. Sister is very well off doesn’t need the money or house ..
But she was looking at buying a house in the same park just last year.. as a 2nd vacation home.
She is telling mom , she is keeping the house so mom will always have a home, paid for and secure.. if she was ever to change her mind , about living with me..
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pamzimmrrt Oct 7, 2023
well that really doesn't sound so terrible to me, mom will still have the house to return to if things don't work out, and alot of times they don't ! Then sis can take over the care. sounds like you need some help financially if mom moves in,, does she have any assets to help you out with her care? Maybe sis can assist with you taking care of mom for "a few months" as she is well off? Maybe look at it like a mini vacay for Mom? Many elders go back and forth between thier children?
Why do you need your mom to sell? Does your mom need that money? Will that be part of the arrangement? You take care of mom and in return she will pay you, but the only way she can pay is if she sells? Or were you thinking you could buy a house together with mom and you need the money to do that?

Your sister’s plan to hang onto the home until you see if the new situation works out makes a lot of sense to me. Why are you and your mom opposed to it?
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Mom is going to need to force the sale but...with sister being on the deed, sister maybe entitled to half the proceeds. Does Sis live with Mom, if not why does she care?
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Below in your responses you say that Sister was added to the deed. If they own as tenants in common on the deed then the property is half hers. If your Mom is competent she should see an attorney to force the sale of the home (which one owner can do) but she will end up with half the proceeds. ) It sounds to me as though your sister has a good point. Let Mom move by you. If she is happy and has stayed for 6 months, then she can force sale on the home.

If your Mom is no longer competent you have a real problem, but as she is living alone she likely IS competent, so you and Mom can see an attorney on Monday, and Mom can even use some of that time to make you her POA. Mom can get her questions answered about how to force the sale. If sister is honest she will keep the money in a separate account for Mom's future care, but the fact is she was put on the deed (ALWAYS A BAD IDEA) and the trailer is currently half hers.

BEst of luck. See that attorney with Mom for options on how to move forward. Mom can still live with you. Her SS will likely cover shared living expenses at your place.
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Im curious why sister doesn't want mom to sell the home. Will it somehow impact her negatively? Does she think a change of living arrangements for mom is a bad idea? Or, is sis somehow concerned it will impact her own finances negatively? I suggest trying to understand where sis is coming from first. Unfortunately, trying to game the system has had unintended consequences for mom.
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AlvaDeer Oct 7, 2023
I so agree that answers to these questions is crucial and would be so helpful for getting any meaningful response.
It's obviously a money grab by the sister. Living there mortgage free (if she's living with Mom), and positioned to inherit the full value of the home (depending on how the deed was written.)
If Mom will be safer, healthier, and happier with you then it's time to play hardball.
Since love, affection and caring for her Mom isn't the sister's primary consideration then it's time for a lawyer.
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MargaretMcKen Oct 7, 2023
It isn’t ‘obviously’ anything. There are no details to justify these comments.
Why is Mom planning to live with you ?
Can she take care of herself ?
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Why does Mom need to live with you? If she can still do for herself, I would allow her to be on her own. Moving her in may not be a good thing. I had a great relationship with my Mom growing up. Even after married with kids we did alot better. But the two weeks she was here after surgery, we both knew we could never live together. We were not the same people. I was no longer her little child and she was no longer my authority figure as such.

I saw your response and sister has a good reason why this would not be a good thing.
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