
I need to know how to remove Guardian Inc. because there is an evil Guardian who has been lying and manipulating. She is involved in a scam against me. I need to have her removed from my life. I need to find an entity who is real to help manage my SSI DISABILITY PAYMENTS and to help me to have a secluded place to live. I am Autistic and Orthodox. I am not interested in being railroaded into another evil situation.

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There is a difference between a guardian and a payee. Guardians are court appointed. A Payee is assigned by the SSI.Call the Sicial Services where you filed for SSI. Tell them your problem. Maybe they can start an investigation.

Are you signed up with any autistic and/or independent living help? If so call them. They maybe able to help. Adult protective services for your county can investigate.
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I don't want Adult Protective Services. This is something involving more than a Guardian. I didn't know it was separate, because it's not separate. This place is called Guardian Inc. It's not just a Guardian. They have my funds and they are supposed to help me find a place to live that meets my Disability requirements. They did not do that, and they are acting like my concerns are not real here. I am concerned that it is what a lot of people have been trying to do. I am interested in having a secluded house / mobile home / cabin where I can live a real life concerning my Autistic Disability. I am wondering why they keep acting like I need some kind of garbage put on me instead. People have been acting manipulating and threatening towards me and about me. It's not a hallucination like some people want to propagandize. Thank You for Your Time.
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Francisca, I just googled Guardian, Inc., but none of the hits match anything you describe. You wrote that they're supposed to help you find somewhere to live. Is that their primary business? Can you tell us anything more about this company?

How did you learn about this company?
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Let me see if my Nephew is on something similar. He is signed up with DDD (Dept of Disabilities). He will receive a budget. Out of this budget he will be able to get a place to live and maybe other services. DDD hands this responsibility over to a Support Coorinator. These people are who I contact. Is this similar to what you are talking about. They aren't holding your SSI money? I too looked them up and find no info. Can you give me an address on them. Will be easier to look up.
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Francisca, I can't help unless you give more info.
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Francisca says she's Orthodox. If she means that in the sense of " Orthodox Jew" then she won't be back online until 18 minutes past sundown. It's still Shabbat ( the sabbath) in all of North America right now, except for the easternmost provinces of Canada.
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Wow, Barb, you know about that, don't you? That's nice. I'm kind of a guy's interest that is learning from him as someone who is trying to live a Real Religious Life, and it has been difficult for me. I am trying to find a way to get a new place to live without Guardian involved in it. I am concerned that the way of life I have been put in is very dangerous for me concerning my Disability and Orthodox interest. I am still in a threatening entrapment where people have been targeting me and attacking me in my life. Guardian is trying to manipulate things to seem like I need some kind of Psychiatric Garbage put on me that I don't need. I am not interested in their Propaganda. I am interested in being treated as a real individual. They are disregarding my request for a specific doctor IN CASE I need one, and are trying to set me up with a fake doctor to try to screw around with me some more like they always have. They want to try to act like I have other mental illness that I do not have. Autism like mine can turn into symptoms of other mental disorders if I am not in a way of life that is right for me. This concern has been transpiring for a long time where they are not even concerned about my specific requirements, and are trying to run a scam on me. They have been making me ill and it is very threatening. People need to stop doing what they are doing involving targeting me and attacking me, and I need to be able to live a real life that is productive. In order to do that, I need a simple place to live that is secluded. I need real religious entities in my life who have a genuine interest in me. I am not interested in creeps acting like I need to be treated like some kind of trash in a scheme to remove me from my life. You seem like you know your Orthodox Jewish codes. I am interested in Orthodoxy. I would not even be involved in the internet perchance I could be living out in the country growing crops like I am interested in doing. I would also be involved in caring for my cat, and doing other things pertaining to Religious interest. I would need someone trustworthy to help me get some needed supplies once a month from a store. They have been acting like that sort of thing is not an option for me while allowing me to be harassed, threatened, manipulated, lied to, attacked, and falsely labeled with Schizophrenia and they have also been acting like I am a No Good Nobody with no ability to even have any kind of life that I am interested in having. They have been trying to make a mockery out of me because of my Autism and Orthodox interests. Thank You for your knowing response. I was not even aware of it myself because of my Autism and am still learning what codes to adhere to involving Orthodox Religion since I have not had any real guidance involving it in this physical realm. I look to God for help and Spiritual Guidance. People here have often been trying to remove my interests and replace them with some kind of perverted scam run on me. They have also been trying to remove me from my life using various methods. I am not interested in their evil scams. I hope you have a Nice Day and Night.
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Francisa, I have been dealing with my nephews care for 10 yrs and I am still learning. I explained earlier that I have found a government agency that will help coordinate resources for him. It would help to know how you got involved with Guardian Inc. Please bear with me, just trying to help.

Is this organization your legal guardian? If not, do you have one? If not, does someone have POA for you?

Family members?

Are you involved with any Autistic organization?

What state do you live in. Where are you living now?

Are you on SSD, Medicare or Medicaid?

Hold down a job?

What is Guardian Inc and how did you get involved with them. Court ordered?

I really need these answered so that I or someone else can help you. But you need to understand...we are not professionals. We are everyday people sharing our experiences in caring for loved ones. We are from different states and different countries. Until we understand your situation we cannot help you find an answer to your problem. Please help us.
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JoAnn, Thank You for Your Time for responding. I will have to answer later, as I am not feeling well right now. I really appreciate your concerning message. I hope things are going well for you. I will respond when I am feeling able to properly process the response and reciprocate with an answer. It is nice to have a good response that is making sense. Your Friend, Francisca.
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GardenArtist, thank you for responding. I will reply later. I haven't been feeling well pertaining to my Autism and the way people have been acting. I appreciate your response and concern. Francisca.
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I talked about the answer with Barb Brooklyn. Thank You for Your Time. Francisca.
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Your welcome. Hope you are feeling well.
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I don't have a job in Society because I have Autism. I am a dirt farmer though. I just don't have the dirt farm. I can't be in Society.
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They have been keeping me in Society though in sort of a freak show terrarium setting, and it's not healthy for me. People are not acting right about me. I don't want Social Workers. They have been screwing around with me. I don't have Family that I can trust. I am trying to find real Friends or real Family that I can call real Family.
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Francisca, did something happen recently that forced you to move home? Where were you living before?
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No. I'm at a place where they want to remove me by CIA. The place I was at before was an apartment complex in Galesburg and it was a very threatening entrapment situation. I do not feel at home. I want to move to a real home in a secluded place out in the country. Thank You.
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Hello Francisca, I'm sorry you are going through all this alone. But I'm glad you reached out here. Lots of sincere people here.

Could you tell me what CIA means?
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Would it be Community Impact Assessment?

And what about FIA? - Francisca Impact Assessment :(

Francisca, I am so out of my depth with what I guess you must be going through that I can't offer you anything helpful. But Pepsee is absolutely right - we're here and willing to listen to anything you want to share. Please keep in touch with us.
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Pepsee, I'm talking about the Central Intelligence Agency. The concern is that they have been trying to remove me from my life because I am Autistic Disabled and Orthodox. They have been acting like I am some kind of not good interest while they are acting evil targeting me and doing things to try to remove me. I am trying to figure out what I'm doing. I'm ill from people not acting right.
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Countrymouse, it's the CIA as in Central Intelligence Agency. I don't know what you mean by FIA.
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Francisca, what happened that made you stop taking your meds.?
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Francisca, again I'm sorry for what you're going through.

Would a rabbi be able to help you? Perhaps if one could just come and spend a little time with you you might find that a comfort. Wherever you are, there must be some kind of chaplaincy you can access. Just an idea.
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Pepsee, I don't need meds. I have AUTISM. I never needed meds. I have AUTISM. I am not the same kind of AUTISTIC as anyone who needs meds. I am a different kind of AUTISM. It is a RARE form of AUTISM. I am not "hallucinating" about the CIA targeting me and attacking me. Please stay out of my life here.
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tacy022, Thank You, I have tried to find Legal Representation but it is difficult to get through to someone concerning my Autism. I can't talk on the phone, I can only text. I sent some emails out to Lawyers but none were interested in taking my case. Thank You for Your Time.
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Countrymouse, thank you, I am trying to find a way to get a pole barn in a secluded place. I am trying to find someone to be my SSI DISABILITY PAYEE and REPRESENTATIVE. I am trying to find someone who is Honest and Straight, and who acts right with me. I don't need their psychiatric garbage put on me. I don't need this "meds" trip people want to put on me. I'm not interested in it. I am interested in living a real way of life out in the country in a secluded place, having an old fashioned stove, no internet, electricity but not too much usage of it, and plumbing. I need a pole barn with amenities. I want to grow crops out there and share them with people and animals. Thank You for your suggestion. I am in Battle Creek and I don't know where there is a rabbi around here. I can't use the telephone and I am awkward socially. I don't want to have a stressful time with it. I would be interested in talking to a real rabbi perhaps, or even a priest who is real, but I'm not sure where there is one who is genuine around. I wonder if you know one. Thank You for Your Time.
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tacy022, how did you know I'm near West Michigan?
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You posted that you are in Battle Creek.
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Francisca, your photo is lovely, you are a very pretty lady.

I did not mean to offend you about meds. You did mention earlier that you receive SSI. So I believed your autism comes with challenges for you.  My nephew is also autistic, and he is on meds. That's the only reason I asked you.
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I did a search there is an Autism organization in the Kalamazoo/Battle creek area. Maybe they can help you reach your goal. They will understand you better than a Social Worker.
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Here is the info
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