
Mom was diagnosed with memory loss in 2016. Now she is in Hospice bed ridden not eating doesn’t say one thing that makes sense. Anxiety is really bad. It's like how can she have gone from walking with walker to this. Was putting her in hospice made this illness worse? I’m so confused???

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I wondered the same thing with my Dad, and then I realized it doesn't really matter. Sometimes it can go quickly naturally, or perhaps there are other factors that can affect the progression, such as meds. Some anti-anxiety meds may help.
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CloudyRita64 Feb 2020
Hello,and thank you for your advice.Still Im questioning Hospice my mom is on lots of medicine Seroquel,xanax,memantine,Zoloft doctor recommend CBD and THC .She still very anxious and restless and doesn’t sleep.I feel so helpless.Doctor in Hospice says it’s trial and error.
Thank you for replying my mom is currently on Zoloft ,memantine,Seroquel and Xanax and doctor in Hospice recommended CBD and THC.None of this has helped her anxiety and hallucinations.They are saying it’s trial and error .Im like very upset nothing seems to help mom sleep or take away the agitation.
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The internet is just packed with good information on dementia. Alzheimer's is a specific kind of dementia, as is Lewy's, Frontal Lobe dementia, and etc. Start with the diagnosis as given by the doctors; only some dementias are identifiable prior to autopsy after death. All dementias have particular things that are unique to them, but the basics are the same for impairment and inability to handle activities of daily life, forgetfulness and etc. Progression of disease in terms of timelines vary patient to patient and are not predictible. Some dementias, such as Alzheimer's progress surely on a downward glide while Lewy's can be up, down and all over the place. Some dementias are more known for agitation and acting out. You will have to research. There are good books out there, as well, so go to Amazon and type in "age related dementia".
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ALZ is considered a type of Dementia but effects the brain differently then the others. Its hard to really pinpoint it. The diagnosis is usually asking certain questions and getting a response. It takes an autopsy of the brain to really diagnose it. I think your Mom has progressed a little fast for ALZ. My Aunt lived 12 yrs after she was diagnosed and there were signs before. Those suffering from ALZ, unless other health issues, can live a while with it. I read though, not so with a Dementia, 5 to 7 years. My Mom was showing signs before her head injury but from 2011 when it occurred to 2017 when she died her decline was monthly.

I worked to a nurse facility. They always talked about "episodes". A Dementia client was good one day and overnight went down hill so yes your Moms sudden decline can happen. I would wonder, though, if she is taking too many meds. My RN daughter says medications don't leave the body as quickly in the elderly as they do in younger people. So there becomes a build up.

I just looked up the meds Mom is on. I question the Memantine, its for cognitive. There comes a time Meds like this don't make a difference when you enter the later stages. I may question the use. Zoloft is for depression. Seoquel is for depression. Xanax is for anxiety as is the CBD and THC is sleep. I didn't look up the side effects but there is a lot of meds that do the same thing. I can see the anxiety meds but does she really need the depression at this point. I would question the use of so many meds. They could be integrating with each other.
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JoAnn29 Feb 2020
Thats interfer with each other
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