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Wouldn't it be easier just to put him in LTC. Sounds like he would qualify for Medicaid for his care. I would think this is too much for you. I know I could not cars for a 355 lb man or would I. He is where he is because of how he lived.
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There is no assistance for this type of thing. Is brother disabled in some manner? You could use his funds but it will be questioned if he needs Medicaid in the next five years. Even though ur putting it in for him, Medicaid looks at it as an improvement for you making ur home worth more.

Call your County Office of Aging and see if there are any kind of Grants. Try ur County disabilities office too.
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Most Councils On Aging have info on loans that you can get - we considered it but there was so much paperwork to get together that we finally decided against it.
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Brother get SSI and has Medicaid ,Medicare and Humana and does not pay for any prescription if any maybe like $3.00 if that for all medicine he gets He has Congested Heart Failure ,Diabetic ,Hepatitis C ,can not make it to the restroom weighs 355LBS and i have a full time job i have to wash every day i am waiting to finish the paper work so that they pay me and he take like 25 pills a day . Plus he has COPD stop Heroin about 3 month  and just stays on the easy lift chair all day he is waiting for a electric bed said that was approve and has his legs dark swollen from the knees down. He huffs and grunts when he has to get up and use the restroom.
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