
After careful consideration I decided to move ahead with my life and move to a different state. I am in California and everything is so expensive here. Which states are best and have low cost of living?

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Lowest cost of living states:
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Needhelp2021, I see from your profile that you have been caring for your Mom, who is only 75 years old but has major health issues. Question, will your Mom be coming along with you? If yes, wherever you decide to move, make sure there are excellent health care facilities nearby, and medical offices.

You could find a nice sweet inexpensive town like Mayberry, but one would need to drive several hours to get specialized health care. Another thing to consider, how good is the broadband internet/cellphones in those areas.
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Sign petition to recall Gavin Newsom throw him the hell out! Here in NY we have our own problems with Cuomo & DeBlasio..🤮
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I live in San Francisco. Don't come HERE, hee hee. We used to have a small cabin in the Country, Mariposa County very near to Yosemite. It SHOCKED us how much less the cost of living was in terms of everything from food to housing to help in building anything. In short, in EVERYTHING. For instance, dog teeth cleaning in SF, is 1,000. Vet in Mariposa was 125.00 with extractions. Vet said he would be FULL with city slickers if he accepted them. So it varies in the state. My bro paid 4,000 for two beautiful rooms in ALF in So. Cal Palm Springs. In my area such a place would be easily twice that.
Wishing you the greatest of good luck. Remember to look at taxes on everything, property especially. When I read the New York Times Sunday edition where they show homes across the country same price? The taxes can range from 2,000 a year to 10,000 a year. Also think of cost of heating in winter months. Can be VERY HIGH.
I hope you will let us know what your search shows. Good luck.
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You need to consider weather not just cost of living. Just FYI. Arizona, MI, OH, Florida, Idaho, Montana, North & South Dakota all have much lower costs living BUT the weather is very different there. If you go to Idaho or the dakotas or Ohio, you have to deal with snow. Arizona and Florida get much hotter than CA (and FL has humidity and tropical storms/hurricanes which we Californians are NOT used to). Oklahoma is pretty cheap but they get tornadoes. Don’t know about you but I would take earthquakes over tornados and hurricanes any day!
Helpful Answer (2)
FloridaDD Dec 2020
I live in Tampa, I don't think the temperatures have ever gone above 100.  Parts of CA do get hotter, and other parts have terrible fires (which according to the Wall Street Journal have driven up cost of homeowners insurance).   These are big states, and you really have to consider different parts.
I have relatives who have lived in Southeast FL for 3 generations. I lived in Miami for 2 years. My advice to anyone moving anywhere is to make sure that whatever county you consider, it offers good services for seniors. My 2 aunts live in a FL county with scant services. One mile away is a different county with much "richer" resources. Crime & safety, distance and availability to public transportation to resources, and access/availability of medical resources (most of FL has this in spades), etc. must be weighed. In FL the frequency of hurricanes needs to be considered, and how one would evacuate and to where. When needed, I can easily mobilize my ample number of willing cousins in FL to move and protect our 2 aunts in an evacuation. Not sure what I'd would do if I didn't have their willing help.
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A relative of mine used to live in Missouri, not exactly sure which part. She and her husband used to raise cattles there. Where they were at, land is plentiful and cheap, rent is super low, and life is slow and peaceful.
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Needhelp2021 Dec 2020
Except the raising cattle part, sound wonderful to me. Peaceful
Tennessee is relatively less expensive. Highest sales tax in the country... 9.25% -9.75%, depending on the city you live in. Food is 7%. But no state income tax.

Nashville has had a construction boom in the last few years, but it’s also inflated cost of living there.

Winters are relatively mild but summers can be brutal.
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Needhelp2021 Dec 2020
We pay 10.25 sales tax in Los Angels.
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I would also check out your health insurance options while doing research.
Main reason I wont move to texas to be near my daughter
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There is a co-op in Oregon, return to the basics, live in a close community.
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