
My mom called tonight. My parents are 75, in good health, and still living independently. She said that my dad had a migraine headache, the worst he’s ever had, so she was taking him to the hospital. She called again upon arriving, saying that once outside, he threw up.

Count ‘em, people. That’s 2 covid symptoms.

I was just there yesterday with my 2 young kids. No, we weren’t wearing masks, because we’re never around unvaccinated people, and we never really go anywhere or see anyone.

We may have been exposed, and my mind is absolutely racing with worry - for my kids, for my elderly parents, for us…. We’re all vaccinated, but my kids are too little for the vaccine.

I’m just scared. I’m sure the hospital will rapid test, so hopefully we’ll know one way or another by morning.

Don’t know how I’m going to sleep tonight.

Anyone go through something similar? Trying very hard to not freak out.

Thanks, everyone. Stay safe out there.

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Please don't let your mind go there when you have no facts, therefore no reason yet to be upset.

My 11-yr old grandson just recently had covid (Delta) and it was no more than a cold. The vast majority of kids have very mild symptoms.

My 85 yr-old MIL had original covid in May 2020. She's in LTC and has a DNR. She was deathly ill for 4 wks, we called her sons up to say goodbye to her. She was so weak she couldn't even hold the phone to her ear so we could talk to her. All they could give her in the facility was Tylenol and 5 lt oxygen -- she didn't want much food or water. They put her on hospice and then after a week, she completely rebounded. She had no other underlying conditions. Today she is doing just fine, like her old self. Do your parents have health issues that create extra risk? The Delta variant is more contagious but less deadly. Being fully vaccinated, you still have some protection against Delta. My husband's 65 yr-old friend who was fully vaccinated just got covid D and he's doing fine. May you gain peace in your heart.
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Lizbitty - Statistics are on your side. Even for elderly people, the majority, 95%, will beat the virus and recover. You say they are in good health, so there's a very good chance that your dad will pull through with flying colors.

As for kids, they are young and their immune system is superior, and it will protect them.

Also, just heard on the news tonight about the latest study, people who contracted the virus have much better antibody protection compared to people who just received the vaccines and never contracted the virus.
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The medical personnel I know personally who are walking away aren't doing so because of vaccine mandates. They are walking, or contemplating doing that because of the overload at their hospitals due to folks not getting vaccinated.

I realize that we are going to have to agree to disagree on this, but I don't feel like I can not stand up and represent my doctor and nurse friends who are suffering.
Helpful Answer (5)
Isthisrealyreal Aug 2021
How many cases are honestly vaccinated individuals?

That's the whole issue. One person says unvaccinated another says vaccinated are filling hospitals. What is the truth? Nobody knows, I don't care what they say, to much BS propaganda for the reality to be known. It is all about what is happening at individual places that is the reality for people.

This is what happens when we are fed opinionated reporting and not objective reporting.
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So, not covid. It’s so much worse.

It’s looking like Dad suffered a hemorrhagic stroke, and had severe bleeding to his brain. Right now they’re planning on surgery tomorrow, and I’m off to visit him soon. It’s not looking good.

My MIL is having an off day because of it, probably sensing the anxiety in the air, and I’ve never seen her so listless or irritable, except during sundowning, but those don’t usually last. Her poor brain must be having trouble processing why everyone is so upset, and the calls to family and whatnot.

I’m not too proud to beg for all the prayers you all can muster today.

Peace and good health be with you all.
Helpful Answer (4)
polarbear Aug 2021
Lizbitty - praying for the best outcome for your dad and everyone in your family.
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The FDA Vaccines Advisory Committee had an 8 hour long meeting in October 2020 to discuss the COVID vaccines. This was before the vaccines were approved for emergency use. In their released video of the meeting, they had a page listing 22 very serious side effects of the vaccines including stroke, autoimmune disease, pregnancy and birth outcomes, multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, and death, just to name a few. The rest are too technical for me.

During the 8 hour long meeting, they talked a lot about everything, BUT when it came to the list of side effects, the presenter literally skipped over it, and did not spend even a second to view or discuss it, only to say they would talk about it at the end, but I scrolled through the end of the video and did not see any discussion. It's very possible that I missed it since I didn't spend 8 hours watching the whole meeting.

Every drug we take, even cough medicine, we are given a long sheet of all the possible side effects of the drug so we know what we are getting into and the risks. Not so for COVID vaccines, the only thing we ever hear from the news media, politicians, CDC, etc. is "the vaccines are safe and effective."

See the video for yourself. Watch from the 2:33:30, but don't blink because you will miss the page. If you want to see it, you will have to slow the speed way down, or pause just at the right moment in order to see the page with the list of side effects.

Here's the link. Scroll down the page to see the video.
Helpful Answer (4)
Isthisrealyreal Aug 2021
That is why so many medical personal are NOT getting the "vaccine".

It is pretty obvious that it was only approved so that it could be mandated.

We won't have medical care available if the idiots running the show aren't careful, because people will walk from their jobs before they bow down.
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Liz - when I read your post, I wasn't even thinking covid. I immediately thought neuro, but hoped it was neither one. I am so sorry you're facing this. I am in a waiting phase right now myself with a loved one so I will be thinking about you and your situation as I wait for what I fear is coming in my own situation. Whatever happens, you do have to take care of yourself as well in order to get through whatever is coming.
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Covid didn't even cross my mind, partly b/c the massive headache and vomiting along with a migraine brain usually means neuro.

I'm so sorry for your dad--Prayers coming your way.
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Migraines could be included with any number of things like perhaps stroke? Something to do with brain? Don’t think it’s something associated with Covid but they will test ..being vaccinated doesn’t keep virus away…you still have to be careful. Best defense is your own immune system. I hope everything turns out good
Hugs 🤗
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Prayers 🙏🏼 Keep us posted.

My moms stroke was severe headache so I’m glad your dad got to hospital quickly. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
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So sorry to hear about your dad. Hoping for his recovery. The vaccine may be the cause of his stroke. I only say this because my vaxxed uncle had multiple mini strokes after getting vaccinated. May want to have them do a
d - dimer test to check for more clots.
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