
Other doctors want you in the office. It is pure torture to get him in a wheelchair and the ride service will sometime not pick you up for hours which again is torture if you are incontinent. I am realizing how hard it is to get good medical care for bedridden patients.

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Interesting that your profile says that you're caring for your 93 year old mother, but your question is about your brother.
When my late husband became completely bedridden he was under hospice care and I know longer had to worry about getting him out to go to doctors appointments, as their nurse came once a week to check on him to start.
Have you considered hospice for your brother, as again they will have a nurse to come check on him once a week, aides to come bathe him at least twice a week, and they will supply all needed equipment, supplies and medications? And it is all covered 100% under your brothers Medicare.
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Telehealth where possible.

Sometimes a receptionist books an in-person appointment without any clue how hard that is.

To discuss results, write a referral for other tests, redo prescriptions, none of that requires an actual body in person. Obviously physical treatments require in-person but some may be appropriate for a home visit nurse eg injection, stitch removal, wound management.

Hatethis, is your brother being bed-ridden a temporary situation?

Or are his medical conditions/disabilities a permanent situation?
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Hatethis Oct 23, 2023
Stroke and seizures along with some bad medical care have disabled him to the point of long term nursing home care, but I am there every day as aids do not have time to do things like brush teeth. I will continue to pursue telehealth as much as possible. Thank you!
I would cut back as much as possible on any appointments. Why is he bedridden? Any hope for improvement? If not possible to cut back on appointments, maybe he could benefit from being in a nursing home where they usually have a doctor on staff?
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I started on this site when my Mom was ill, then a few months later my brother had a stroke so was caring for both until my Mom passed away. He is only 61 and currently in a nursing home as he started to have seizures and some bad medical care disabled him more, but most of his specialists are not there at the nursing home. I will continue to try for the telehealth appointments. Thank you!
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