
Been married 25 years (same sex partner), we moved to our current city 20 years ago to be closer to her aging parents. I’ve always wanted to move but she would not leave her now 92 ur old mother. Her mom moved into a retirement high rise and made friends there, now she’s not leaving her mother or moving her from her friends and the city she “knows” ok fine. Now her mom has had a massive stroke and we’ve spent the last month in the hospital - she’s FINALLY in rehab, basically across the street from us. I and our marriage have been on the back burner for a month,!even though I expressed concern after the 1st week that our marriage would suffer. It was met with , how dare I think of myself or our marriage at a time like this!! 2 days in rehab and she went directly there this morning in case she was having anxiety again. Her minds not quite right. Sigh.... am I just being unsupportive and selfish? I don’t know what to do, I’m so lonely and miserable but as far as she’s concerned, her moms comfort and happiness comes first. Yes, I’ve tried to talk to her about it, she’s always tired or “it’s not a good time. I just want to relax”. She’s yet to talk with me about US and spends so much time with her mother even though she’s in a nursing home/rehab facility. Same thing when she was in the hospital, someone had to be there with her, she can’t see well she can’t do anything so we need to entertain her and be her companion. Please help seems I’ve been 2nd our entire relationship.

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Well, after 25 years of the same behavior, you shouldn't be surprised that MIL comes first.

I'm into the same mess and it's been 45 years. And I, too, had PLENTY of warning signs that this woman was not going to ever be in my corner. Being all of 20 yo, I KNEW I could make her love me.

Guess what? Never happened, never will. My DH is mildly angry with me for stepping out of MIL's life, 99.9%. Meaning, if I saw her bleeding in the street, I'd call an ambulance, but probably wouldn't stick around to see if she was OK. 44 years of being the literal backseat to his mom---I'm done.

Now that's obviously an overstatement, but I dealt with her anger, traumas, hissy fits, nasty back talk for sooooo long and was made to feel that this was not just 'normal' it was my DUTY to put up with her.

Your MIL is 92, Mine is 91 and I expect will live to 100. She is not my friend, my anything. I don't think about her. DH brings her up and sighs and says he can't go visit her w/o me (really stupid thinking process going on here)..he just wants me there for a buffer, and I am not that anymore.

I wouldn't say your marriage can't last until your MIL passes. Seems like it, doesn't it?

Can you step back--big time, and tell DH you are done. That you'll be supportive of her care for her, but that it's getting to be too much for you. What would happen?

And guess what? NOBODY is going to tell you that MIL's happiness and comfort come first. Your marriage does. If, after 25 years, it doesn't, that's cause for marriage counseling.

Sounds like you have been very kind and VERY supportive over the years. It's perfectly OK to step out, you really don't even owe anyone an explanation.

For the record, in the 22 years my mother has lived 5 minutes away from us, my DH has visited her 0 times. He has gone WITH me to a family party on a few occasions, but he has NEVER seen her without me by his side. THAT made it a lot easier to tell him I couldn't deal with his mom anymore.

Have you spoken directly to your wife? You might be surprised to find she has no clue as to how you feel.

I wish you luck...and courage.
Helpful Answer (3)
Chickapee1 Aug 2021
Oh, she knows how I feel. I talked to her after the first week- she couldn’t believe I was thinking of myself or our marriage during this crisis! I’ve since written my feelings and sent them, she said “I’m sorry you feel that way” and since hasn’t brought it up. If I do she’s too tired or it’s not a good time. She just doesn’t want more stress. Only MIL is allowed to give her that, I guess.

thank you so much for your reply. You’re right, after 25 years I should know where I stand and who I’m standing behind. Ugh. This is a painful realization.ouch
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"thank you for your non judge mental advice.
I clearly see this is not a safe place to ask for help."

Maybe the problem here that you are asking a bunch of women. Maybe you need to talk to another male. I get the impression you have never had to care for a parent and you have no children. People that have raised kids and cared for LOs will look at you as being selfish.
Helpful Answer (3)
LoopyLoo Aug 2021
OP is female. It’s a same-sex partnership.
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My grandmother's friend once gave me great relationship advice:

"The spouse/partner should ALWAYS be #1." And you know what? She's right!

This means that your spouse should put you in second place, and vice versa. You take care of each other. The saying "happy wife, happy life" is not just a platitude, it is the simple truth and it goes for anybody- male, female or they. If you take care of your significant other, then the rest will take care of itself.

From an outsider's POV, I've seen it happen with other couples: the wife puts the children first and totally neglects the husband, and then she wonders why the husband cheats on her! Well DUH! That's what happens when you don't take care of your spouse! John Lennon once compared love to a flower- you have to water it in order for its survival.
Helpful Answer (2)

IMO, you're right, and you're wrong here.

Yes, you should expect your marriage to be a priority in your partner's life.

No, now that her mother's health is at a crisis point, expecting to be the priority is selfish and immature. It makes me wonder if the two of you ever had children, because caregiving an elderly parent is similar to raising small children.

However, since this has been going on for 20 of your 25-year union, to expect anything to change now isn't realistic. Even once her folks are gone, if you think you'll move into #1 position, guess again.

I'd say the two of you aren't a good match. It doesn't make either of you bad people, but I think your priorities are different and your views of marriage are different.
Helpful Answer (2)

Maybe you need to start at the "end" and work your way backwards.

Your MIL had a massive stroke. Have you and your spouse discussed what happens when she gets out of rehab? Will she be returning to to her former home, or will she now require a higher level of care? What is her (MIL's) long term outlook?

When you moved 20 years ago to be closer to spouse's parents, were you in agreement with that? Did the two of you ever discuss it? Or was it just sort of "understood" that wherever spouse went, you'd follow? Did you ever have any sort of understanding of what the plan would be when (if) your in-laws became incapacitated (much like your MIL now)? Was there ever a point in your relationship that YOU had a family member that needed assistance, and your spouse supported your decision, or has this pretty much been a one-way deal?

I ask all of this because, from the little you've posted here, I don't think that moving to be closer to someone's aging parents is NECESSARILY putting a spouse into a "2nd place" position, if the *only* thing it did was to move closer for convenience sake, if you know what I mean - you know, you were closer in distance, but the in-laws didn't take up all of spouse's free time. And I would expect your spouse to be concerned with your MIL, especially if it's going to mean a major upheaval with MIL about where she will live once she's out of rehab. But if the past 20 years has been an ongoing process of you consistently being thought of second, that's an entirely different story.

I am loathe to ever tell someone on a message board to leave a spouse or to stay with a spouse (short of being abused, for which I believe there should never be a consideration to stay!!) because there are so many facets to making that decision - financial, social, emotional, etc. Facets that we're just not privy to. And only YOU know what your breaking point is. But clearly, the conversations you've had to date have, so far, fallen on deaf ears. So I really think you need to rethink your communication strategy.

Perhaps start off asking spouse what your MIL's outlook is; where will she be living once she's out of rehab, what will that look like, who is going to fill in the gaps in MIL's care? Questions of this nature. Not accusatory or aggressively, but truly trying to gather information to formulate a doable plan going forward - one that works for both of you (and your marriage) AND your MIL. You can certainly express your concern of distancing happening in your marriage, but try not to do it in such a way that makes spouse the "bad" guy and you the "good" guy. You should both be partners in solving this problem, not combatants. It could very well be that your spouse doesn't yet know where this is going with MIL, and is therefore scared to death, and might not be able to verbalize that to you.

If you can't come to some sort of reasonable solution, then if you want to save the marriage, by all means, seek marriage counseling. You're the only one who can decide if it's worth it at that point.

Good luck and (((hugs)))
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That’s hard, no doubt about it.

My husband’s mother was insanely needy when I first met him, to the point where I almost ended the relationship because I didn’t want to come second. He said I came first, and I quickly realized my mistake. She was desperately trying to hold on as though her life depended on it, and he was just as desperate to escape. I provided the escape.

We now put ourselves second because we have very young children, and that’s just what parents do, and we recognize that it’s not for forever.

If I were you, I would insist on a conversation. Grownups can have grownup conversations and it’s not unreasonable for you to want to share your concerns and that your partner should want to listen to make you feel better. That’s what being a partner is and does.

Right now you’re put in a position where you don’t feel valued. You don’t feel heard. That’s not how anyone should feel in a loving relationship.

Two things: know that it’s not for forever because her mother can’t LIVE for forever. In the meantime, a storm is brewing, and it will only grow bigger, and your feelings will only grow more hurt the longer you both ignore it. That is where irreversible damage can occur.

Have it out, and don’t put it off. Listen to her side, respect her feelings, but relationships are all about give and take. Keep bringing the “us” back into the conversation.

Wishing you the best of luck in clearing the air.

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So after a 25 year became distraught in one week? And your trouble is due to your wife's devotion to her old mom? And you knew & loved her mom for 22ish years? (I'm guessing) And you're complaining because your wife's mom has become a burden? And you're complaining thru the whole thing? I'm just reading your story......
Helpful Answer (2)

I'm so sorry to read about your distress. You did try to bring it up to her but IMO 1 week into it is a little to soon after her mother had such a profound medical problem. That being said, it seems you've since tried to bring it up (please correct me if this is wrong) and she is just putting off dealing with it -- and IDK how much time passed in between.

If I were in your shoes I would wait for a calm moment and suggest to her that since you've tried unsuccessfully to voice your perspective and concerns over the change in your relationship, that you see a marriage counselor -- someone who will help you both to see things objectively and help you navigate through the coming challenges (because there will be more as her mother requires more care). A counselor will help you both to identify boundaries and give wise insight as to whether either of you are reacting at an appropriate level in your interactions.

I wish you all the best during a challenging time for anyone in your situation!
Helpful Answer (1)
Chickapee1 Aug 2021
Yes, it was soon- on purpose. I know how these things can strain a marriage and I brought it up to express concern for OUR marriage and I didn’t want that to happen, oops, didn’t work. Also to express my concern that she is wearing herself out trying to take care of her mother WHILE she has around the clock care in a hospital. I didn’t want her having a heart attack because of this, she’s no spring chicken herself (63). Anyway, my stupid attempt at preventing this fell on deaf ears. I was concerned our marriage would suffer and 4 weeks later, here we are!
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Yes. You are. If you want to move and can't wait for her mother to hurry up and die already -- MOVE. And you know that old saying about the door.
Helpful Answer (1)
Chickapee1 Aug 2021
You’re a real sweetheart. Who’s the lucky guy?
Maybe the part about putting your partner first would help? You sound terribly immature and needy -- and certainly not ready for 'marriage'.
Helpful Answer (1)
Chickapee1 Aug 2021
Thank you. I appreciate your compassion and empathy.
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